Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 456 Killing

Chapter 456 Killing


As the direct descendant of the first Raykonza, the dark green Raykonza, the examiner (self-proclaimed) whether the other Raykonza are qualified to learn the finishing touch, naturally also has telepathy.

While exclaiming, seeing the mud shot approaching, he quickly twisted in the air, dodging Gulardo's attack from the gap between the attacks, and at the same time strengthened his speed and strength through the mysterious dance. attack.

Dragon Dance!
Without thinking about why Gulardo would appear from a human poke ball, the dark green Liekong sat like an enemy, with a strong green light on his body, the emperor's organs in his body immediately responded, and directly transformed into a super Liekong Sitting form.

Rayquaza's exclusive nirvana - the finishing touch!
I saw a flash of green light, the clouds in the sky swirled like a whirlpool, and a powerful aura locked onto Gulardo's body.

Gulardo laughed, raising one right paw.

The green light turned from extreme motion to extreme stillness in front of the red sharp claws. Six white claws were embedded in the floor. Gulardo used one of his hands to block the strongest Liekongzai at the cost of only three meters back. Big nirvana!

This is the gap between heaven and earth!

"Out of control."

"Weak strength, if it were your dad's use of this trick, it would be more or less the same." Gulardo taunted with disdain, his right hand clenched tightly around the dark green Liekong's skull, and then raised his left hand, a handle of magma and A sharp sword made of rubies emerged from its hand.

The sword of the cliff!


A sharp knife pierced the fleshy body.

The dark green Raykonza, the direct descendant of the first generation Raykonzao, one of the most powerful Raykonzao in the world suddenly shook his body, feeling like a balloon bursting a hole suddenly, energy and stamina poured out of the hole drain.

The originally strong struggle suddenly weakened, and soon red blood flowed all over the ground, and the emperor's organs and heart were pierced together. Within a few minutes, the dark green Rayquaza was like a snake whose bones were extracted, and it became limp. There was a pile of mud, and the luster that symbolized life in the eyes also lost.

Dark green Liekong sits and dies.

It turned out that Lie Kongzao's blood was also red.

Looking at this scene, Long Yi inexplicably flashed this idea in his mind.

Gulardo is worthy of being one of the most powerful three gods in the Fengyuan area. In Fengyuan, its combat effectiveness is very amazing. In front of it, ordinary element-level elves and beasts face element-level elves with ordinary elves. , as powerless as a beast.


The element-level elves will not strengthen themselves after they are enlightened. They rely on the use of energy between heaven and earth, so the power is 1*5*30=150.

If you count secret skills and ultimate skills, it is very easy to break the power of 300, so the combat power of ordinary elves is very different from that of ordinary elves.

And what about Gulardo, Kyoka, and the first generation Rayquaza?
They have mastered Fengyuan's natural power, and their strength lies in the fact that their bodies have been greatly strengthened. In terms of tricks and incremental increases, they are actually no different from ordinary element-level elves.

But the base number is strong, but the impact is that the combat power is multiplied.


This is the fundamental reason why their combat power far exceeds that of Tongji!
Of course, if they leave the land of Fengyuan, the fighting power of these three mythical beasts will inevitably decline significantly, just like the difference between the fighting power of the three Sinnohs in their own world and the outside world.

"Sky Pillar?"

Gulardo's voice awakened Long Yi, who was racing through thoughts.

I couldn't see its expression either, I just heard it say, "There is no need for this kind of building to exist.", and then stomped its feet.

A force of the earth washed away the mysterious power left by the Meteor People to maintain the Sky Pillar. The already dilapidated Sky Pillar suddenly let out an overwhelmed groan, the ground collapsed piece by piece, and the tower body tilted a little bit.

"Let's go, next stop." Gulardo said, and he returned to the elf ball on Long Yi's waist.

Long Yi shook his head, rode on the Jinpeng again, swaggered with him.

In less than 10 minutes, with a deafening roar, the entire Sky Pillar collapsed.

The smoke and dust that covered the sky filled the air, and the small deserted island trembled twice. The mysterious power that shielded electromagnetic waves also disappeared in this catastrophe.

From then on, there is no sky pillar in Fengyuan!

After leaving the Sky Pillar, Long Yi took out a palm-sized special instrument, which is a special locator researched according to the system's function of locating divine beasts, and its shape is somewhat similar to the Dragon Ball Radar in Dragon Ball.

According to the insertion of different magnetic cards, this instrument can locate elves of the same race nearby. After all, it can be used to capture ordinary elves together. It is also very useful for mythical beasts with a whole group like Sanshengniao and Liekongza.

At this time, what Long Yi inserted was Lie Kong Zuo magnetic card.

According to Jinpeng's speed, even if the entire Fengyuan area was screened once, it would take less than three days.

Even if some of them were lucky enough to escape, but according to Lie Kongzao's habit, most of them would be found by Long Yi.

And the facts were similar to Long Yi's expectation, with the help of the Raykonza radar, he easily found the second, third, and Nth Raykonzai.

The combat power of these Rayquazas varies from strong to weak.Strongly possesses the emperor's organ, can make the finishing touch and transform into a super Raykonza, which is not much different from the one on the Sky Pillar.

The weak one is comparable to when Long Yi first subdued the flame bird, except for one exclusive secret skill, the rest relied on ordinary tricks to support the situation.

Regardless of whether it is strong or weak, in front of Gulardo and Kyoka, they can't go through three rounds.

And with Jinpeng and Long Yi being harassed and restrained by the other elves, even if they wanted to rely on their flying advantage to escape, they would still be unable to do so.

And with the fall of Lie Kongzao heads, a strong cloud began to gradually spread over Long Yi's heart, and Liekongzuo in the exclusive space also became restless.

"Absolute zero!"

In the sea area near Green Ridge City, accompanied by Gaioka's heartfelt voice, the sea instantly condensed, and a young Lie Kongzao fell from the sky covered in ice and fell into three pieces on the sea.

"Kyoka! You are so brave!"

Thinking of a terrifying roar from a distance, Long Yi looked up, only to see a green light rushing from the distant sea at a speed no less than that of the golden lightning piercing the clouds. The boundless sea was divided into two halves in front of this green light. The huge clouds in the sky are surging, as if forming another sea composed of clouds.

The finishing touch!

The first generation Rayquaza!
Long Yi hurriedly directed Jin Peng to raise his status.

The finishing touch made a head-on hit, and Gaioka was blown away entirely, and the frozen sea was instantly torn apart.

Then the green light pulled straight up to the sky, showing the sound of Super Liekongzai. It was bigger than an airship, and it was hundreds of meters long.

The terrifying air flow surged, and the sky was instantly covered with clouds. Large swaths of white clouds swirled around Super Raykonza as the core, as if it was the master of the sky.

The real and only Sky Dragon, the original Super Raykuza!
Exclusive Domain Feature - Delta Airflow!

"Haha, Rayquaza, you're finally here!"

Without waiting for the dragon to move, Gulardo broke free from the poke ball and fell into the sea. Then, his body swelled up like a balloon, and soon exploded to the size of a mountain.

The original is back, the original Gulardo!

Lava fills the air, continents take shape, and the exclusive domain feature End Land activates!
Guioka was not to be outdone, a dazzling blue light erupted, and icicles rose into the sky one after another. While completing the original return, the characteristics of the Sea of ​​Origin occupied half of the country.

The original Kyoka occupies the eastern sea area, the original Gulardon occupies the western sea area, and the super Raykon occupies the sky. The two sides form a triangle.

The three gods of Fengyuan gathered together, and their combat power was fully activated. When Long Yi looked up, the scene in front of him was like the end of the world.

"Elves are the cancer of this world. Sooner or later, the world we live in will be destroyed because of elves."

Inexplicably, Long Yi heard a declaration issued by a well-known non-elfist group.

Indeed, in this world without nuclear bombs, the only ones who want to destroy are these terrifying first-level gods.

(End of this chapter)

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