Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 47 The School's Response

Chapter 47 The School's Response

"Is this the power of the elements?" Long Yi couldn't help clenching the handle of the knife.

This is the first time he has seen the battle of element-level elves. In other words, he has just watched a contest between two king-level trainers, a battle between two master trainers, and a confrontation between two super-class trainers!
"Such a weird and terrifying ability..."

The battle of element-level elves is completely different from that of ordinary elves. If ordinary battles are elves using unique moves and skills to confront each other step by step, and rigidly use the experience summed up by the predecessors to fight, then element-level elves have An elf who thinks for himself and has set out on his own path.

These are two completely different concepts.

"I didn't expect to let him escape." Noriko Ando frowned, but she didn't expect that the newly promoted cadre of the Rockets had already realized the ability to transform the body into energy, and wanted to keep such a super trainer It was beyond her ability.

Even with the help of Miyamoto Mei.

"What do we do now?" Mei asked.

"Ask the principal first."

Noriko Ando contacted Sasaki Mingxi through a special communication channel, and then explained the current situation.

Not long after, there was a flash of light, and the headmaster returned to his office.

"Thank you, Ando." Mingxi Sasaki said, looking at the messy office.As the heir of the Sasaki family and an honorary member of the alliance, Sasaki Mingxi himself is not a trainer.

Although he has a huge international influence, here, at this moment, on this island of trainers, he is just an ordinary middle-aged man.

"Principal, before the cadre of the Rockets left, he said that he must either hand over the ancient sea chart, or start massacring students and teachers."

Noriko Ando didn't know what the so-called ancient sea chart was, but seeing that the Rockets attacked the Trainer's Island without hesitating public outrage, they knew that it must be a very important and precious treasure, and it was very important to some of their plans.

Everything the Rockets want to do, the league wants to destroy.

Sasaki Mingxi, who is a member of the alliance, is of course impossible to casually meet the demands of the Rockets, but the trainer academy is the foundation of his status. If students and teachers continue to suffer a large number of casualties, it is also not what he wants.

After pondering for a moment, Sasaki Mingxi made a decision: "You lead the teachers to protect the students first. I have already notified the alliance that reinforcements will arrive in a few days. The Rockets of the world don't count!"

After a pause, he seemed to take into account the emotions of Noriko Ando and the two students present, and then added: "Of course, if I can't stop it, I can only hand over the ancient sea chart. It's just that the sea chart is very important. If If it falls into the hands of the Rockets, it may cause another disaster."

Then Mingxi Sasaki returned to the principal's exclusive secret room alone, while Noriko Ando took Miyamoto Mei and Ryuichi to rescue other poisoned teachers and professors.

They first found Saori Kitami, the most outstanding female teacher in the health room in the college in pharmacy.

This is a tall beauty, about 27 or [-] years old, wearing a long white coat, high heels and black stockings.

Because of the Joy family, the status of other doctors and nurses in this world who are engaged in the medical profession is very embarrassing.The health room teacher is obviously responsible for treating sick or injured students and teachers among the students, but most of them habitually seek treatment from Joey in the medical department.

When Long Yi and others found her, Kitami Saori was hiding in her health room, holding a bottle of spray and staring at the door.

This is good news, at least it proves that she has the ability to detoxify the bones.

"Ms. Kitami, I'm glad you're fine, but I'll leave the other teachers' poison to you." Noriko Ando said.

Kitami Saori nodded. She had prepared the antidote to remove the poison gas before, and now she just needs to prepare some more.

As the largest official trainer academy in the league, the school has sufficient resources.

Next, while rescuing other teachers and professors who were poisoned, they contacted Da Yuanjin's team who had returned to the teaching building.

With the help of Da Yuanjin and his teaching assistants, all the scattered teachers were escorted to the air-raid shelter, where more people were poisoned, and the composition of the poison gas was different from that in the teaching building.

Fortunately, Saori Kitami is indeed a well-known master of pharmacy in the trainer academy. She quickly changed the formula of the antidote and successfully rescued hundreds of poisoned students and teachers.

The next thing has nothing to do with Long Yi, how to appease the students, how to arrange the defense, how to solve the problems of diet and medicine are decided by the high-level of the college. After finishing the guard work, Long Yi quickly returned to Mesa, Honda, etc. around people.

"How about Long Yi, are we safe?" Honda asked first.

Long Yi briefly described what happened just now, and explained the concept of elements by the way.

Most of the grass class students like Long Yi, Honda, and Meisha come from ordinary families, and they don't know much about trainers, let alone such high-end intelligence.

In Honda's view, the kings of the league and the famous master trainers are undoubtedly very strong, but how strong they are and how they are better than ordinary trainers is vague.

Many grassroots trainers have a wrong idea, thinking that as long as they subdue an elf with outstanding aptitude, train hard, and add a little bit of luck, they can become the next king-level existence.

But in fact, this is wrong, and precious knowledge at the strategic level is always in the hands of a few people.They don't understand that even the champion of the league competition is mostly an excellent second-rate trainer. Occasionally, there are very few first-rate trainers, but almost everyone has a decent background.

Ordinary trainers will not understand that if they are not cultivated to the limit at each stage, they will not be able to reach the limit of the race in the ultimate evolutionary form, and they will not know that they want to break through the element level. This is only a necessary prerequisite.

How to judge that the elves have been cultivated to the limit?What are the elements?How to go beyond the limit and break through to the element level?What is the way forward after the element level?Is there only one way for elves to become stronger?
This knowledge will never be spread out, even Long Yi doesn't know it now, his only advantage is that he has a system, he can clearly know the limit of his elf, and he can quickly strengthen it.

"Manipulate the sand to carry out various attacks? Can you also desertify yourself? Can the parasitic seeds of the Frog Flower grow a forest? Long Yi, are you kidding me?"

Several people were stunned. Is this really a battle between elves?
Long Yi hesitated for a while and still didn't mention the matter of racial limits. After all, this was the knowledge that Miyamoto Mei accidentally revealed to him. If it spreads randomly and causes any trouble, it is beyond the current Long Yi's ability to bear.

"I heard from the dean that this is the power of elements, anyway, it is a power that can only be mastered by very advanced trainers."

During their exchange, the school finally discussed a result: everyone continued to hide in the air-raid shelter and wait for the alliance support. The college teachers and teaching assistant team were responsible for the outermost guards, and then the third grade students, the second grade students, and the first grade students were in order. , Non-combatants.

The hole opened by Hill in the center will also be guarded by a small team of personnel, mainly Miyamoto Mei, Shimada Ye and some members of the student union.

 Ando Noriko's wonderful frog flower element is hair growth!Hair growth!The first sound is the sprouting and developing hair!Not the hair of the hair!

(End of this chapter)

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