Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 49 Family and Parents

Chapter 49 Home and Parents

Eight hours later, the airship landed at Chenghua Airport.

Long Yi first sent a message to his girlfriend who was far away in Kanto, then called a taxi and headed to the urban area of ​​Chenghua City.

As one of the few large cities in the southwestern part of the Fengyuan area, Chenghua City plays an important role in the entire Fengyuan continent.

Overpasses, highways, skyscrapers, TV towers.

This is a metropolis with a strong modern flavor, but because it is surrounded by the vast Chenghua Forest, the population density of Chenghua City and its nearby cities is not large, so some ancient two-story buildings are mixed in the strong modern style. storey houses, and the average height of the buildings is not high.

Because it was night, after entering the urban area, the neon lights were flickering, Long Yi saw the head portrait of a man with short black hair and serious expression printed on many buildings and billboards.

"Master Qianli, he is still so popular." Long Yi looked at the neon lights outside the window in a daze.

In my memory, this man is the gym owner of Chenghua Gymnasium. His name is Xiaoshan Qianli. He is known as the strongest gymnasium trainer in the world. He is the patron saint of Chenghua City and nearby towns.

"Little brother, do you know the owner of Qianli Hall? He is our star trainer." The talkative taxi driver started talking about Qianli's glorious deeds, and Long Yi just listened with a smile.

The closer he got to home, the more silent he became.

The taxi finally stopped in front of a 3-star hotel in the urban area, Long Yi paid the taxi fare, and then booked a room here.

The bus to Guchen Town is only available from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm. At this time, the time has passed, and he has to wait until tomorrow to get on the bus.

After putting away his luggage, Long Yi went to the night market to enjoy a unique dinner in Fengyuan area.

With the feeling of memory, it is completely different and more authentic than the meals provided by the trainer academy.

silent night...

The next day, Long Yi, who rarely slept late, boarded the bus to Guchen Town.

Guchen Town is located in the east of Chenghua City. It is a town under its jurisdiction. It is about an hour's drive away. It is a quite remote town.

Like all the towns in the southwestern part of the Fengyuan area, Guchen Township is also a type with a large area and few people. The entire town has only tens of thousands of permanent residents.Moreover, the town has no special products, and the geographical location is not superior, so the economy is very backward.

Because it was not a special day, there were not many people on the bus, only seven or eight people sat sparsely, and there was no communication between passengers.

As they moved away from Chenghua City, the originally smooth asphalt road began to become a little potholed.

Around ten o'clock in the morning, Guchen Town arrived.

Wearing a peaked cap and carrying a backpack, Long Yi returned to the small town where he grew up.

Looking around, the average height of the surrounding buildings is no more than three or four stories, and even in residential areas, most of them are only five or six stories high.

There are quite a lot of people on the station, but the main means of transportation are motorcycles and battery cars. Although there are cars, the number is not many, and trams and subways do not exist at all.

Long Yi followed his memory and walked towards a street.

His home is not bad in Guchen Town, owning a small three-story building with a yard, far away from the industrial park and commercial street, it is considered the cleanest and the best living conditions.

After walking through three streets, the number of pedestrians around began to decrease, the frequency of cars appeared increased, and many people on the road began to know Long Yi.

"Isn't this Long Yi? I heard that you went to the Trainer Academy, how did you come back?"

The neighbors and neighbors he knew frequently asked him this question, and Long Yi answered over and over again, "Something happened at school, so it's a temporary holiday." '

Although many of them comforted Long Yi not to take it to heart after hearing this, Long Yi could tell that some of them were secretly gloating.

Couldn't bear the pain and fled back?Or was he expelled because of poor grades?

Long Yi knew that such gossip would spread soon. After all, the trainer academy, a top-level academy that can be counted in the whole world, is far away in the hearts of the residents of Guchen Town. Suddenly, a student appeared beside him, Envy and jealousy can be imagined.

You must know that when Long Yi got the quota, it caused a sensation in the whole town.

Long Yi came back before the holiday time, and they are not qualified to know the specific situation, so it is not difficult for them to have some bad thoughts under the influence of jealousy.

Ignoring those irrelevant gossips, Long Yi returned home.

A fence of about 1.5 meters circles the yard, and next to the main entrance is a mailbox with the house number and the name of the owner written on it.

Pushing open the door, there is a yard inside, and a gravel road winds leading to the main entrance of the house.There are neatly trimmed lawns on both sides, with a few trees planted, and a drying rack is placed on the lawn on the left, with two quilts drying on it.

The house is three stories high, with a red roof and beige walls. There is a circle of protruding balconies on the second floor, which is very close to the house next door.

Long Yi opened the door with a key, and he saw a familiar entrance. The house was covered with light brown wooden floors, and there was the sound of chopping vegetables inside.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, a woman in her 30s came out wearing an apron.

She was wearing white home clothes, with shoulder-length brown-red curly hair, as if because of the sudden sound of the door opening, her face was full of vigilance, and she was holding a kitchen knife in her hand.

"I'm back." Long Yi said, changing his shoes.

"Long Yi! Why did you come back today and didn't call me in advance? I just received the notification from the Alliance yesterday..."

After Miyazaki Mieko saw that it was Long Yi, she quickly put down the kitchen knife, ran over and hugged him, and checked whether Long Yi's body was injured while asking for warmth.

After all, the news from the alliance is so scary, the trainer academy was attacked by the evil organization Team Rocket, and many students and teachers even died, so she couldn't help being nervous.

Long Yi broke free from her embrace unnaturally: "I'm fine."

Seeing Mieko's face froze, Long Yi turned his head slightly: "Where's Dad?"

This sentence was very light, if it wasn't for Mieko who was right in front of him, he wouldn't be able to hear what Long Yi said at all.

"You said Dad, he went to the Violet Desert for work reasons, and he might not be able to return until the Midsummer Festival."

Long nodded.

The father of this body, Miyazaki Takashi, was an archaeologist. Although he was not a famous person, he was considered a celebrity in Guchen Town.

And Mieko is not Long Yi's biological mother, but his stepmother, who married Miyazaki Takashi when Long Yi was 14 years old. When she married, she also had a daughter, which is Long Yi's nominal younger sister Miyazaki Really.

Because of this, the relationship between Long Yi and Mieko is not good, they haven't even called 'Mom' in two years together.

On the contrary, it was the younger sister, Mayu Miyazaki, who was very close to his brother, and because of the girl's youthful and beautiful body and the influence of Long Yi's adolescent hormones, the relationship between the two was much better.

Hearing that Miyazaki Takashi had gone on a business trip, Long Yi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, the one he was most afraid of seeing now was this biological father.After all, this Long Yi is not the other Long Yi. Although he has all the memories of the latter, there will always be some emotional changes when facing his closest relatives.

"Oh! By the way, you haven't eaten yet. I'm going to buy vegetables right away!" Mieko said suddenly, and then she took off her apron and hurried to get her wallet.

"There are drinks and fruits in the refrigerator, and there are some snacks in the cupboard. If you are hungry, Long Yi, you can eat some first. I will be right back."

Long Yi watched Mieko change her shoes and leave, and sat down on the sofa in the living room, allowing himself to sink into the soft sofa.

"Dad... Mom..."

Closing his eyes, two Chinese faces completely different from Miyazaki Takashi and Miyazaki Mieko came to mind, Long Yi couldn't help but shed tears.

Are you guys OK?I really miss you guys...

(End of this chapter)

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