Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 51 Training Programs and Food

Chapter 51 Training Programs and Food

Long Yi spent two days adjusting the state of himself and the elves, and then started formal training on the third day.

Strange to say, Long Yi in his previous life was a complete otaku who was addicted to two-dimensional worlds such as games, novels, and comics. , comics and the like lost interest.

Is it because of the influence of the previous life that you are full of curiosity about elves?Or is it because of the difference in the world that the games and comics here can't gat his G-spot?Or was it because he was on the island of trainers when he first came here, and his one-month trainer career has made him used to this kind of life?
Maybe there are.

In short, the dragon started training.

Although there is a yard at home, it is obviously not enough for a few elves to torment, and Long Yi does not want to add too much burden to Mieko, so the training location is on the outskirts of the town.

There are occasional wild elves in this kind of place. If you are unlucky, ordinary people will be attacked by the elves and cause injuries or even death. Therefore, no one usually comes.

Long Yi is naturally not afraid.

He first designed different training programs for his elves.

Huiyuan's body has fully recovered, so he continues to train according to the previous plan, training his speed, dodging ability and the variety of unique moves.

At the same time, Huiyuan also had to find a way to awaken his own qi.

Through learning from Shimada Ye, Long Yi knows that the most important hurdle for ordinary elves is to awaken their own Qi just like Korakola and himself. After awakening, the elf's strength will have a large leap period , is also very important for subsequent growth.

But Long Yi himself didn't know how to awaken Qi of the Snake Bear Clan. Because this kind of elves were not good at fighting, there were not many trainers who used them. Even if Long Yi wanted to ask someone for advice, he had nowhere to find them.

Therefore, it can only rely on Huiyuan's own comprehension, at most Long Yi and Korakola will tell it how it feels about qi, and then at the critical moment, instill some ordinary energy to give it a push.

Abo Snake is in charge of practicing against Huiyuan to exercise the strength of his unique moves.Before that, Long Yi infused it with 35 points of evil-type energy at one time, which caused the intensity of the evil-type energy of Arbor Snake to surpass the poison attribute and become its current strongest point.

But this is not good. Poison is the correct growth direction of the Arbor snake, and it is also the first condition for it to evolve into an Arbor monster in the future. Simply increasing the ability of the evil system will cause the abnormal development of the Arbor snake, which is not conducive to its future development.

The Arbor snake itself is non-poisonous, but this one of Long Yi has already learned the poisonous needle and the poisonous fang, so using these two tricks more, increasing the body's adaptability to poison is beneficial to its development.

In addition, improving the food will also help the growth of Arbor snake.

Then there's Kola Kola.

Kola Kola has entered a period of high-speed leap after learning to gather Qi. Both the physical value and the energy intensity of ordinary systems are rapidly increasing. Therefore, what it needs to do is to practice unique moves and increase its control over increasingly powerful forces. At the same time, Long Yi also had to ensure sufficient food supply for energy.

The most important thing about Geng Ghost is psychological problems, and it has not yet recognized Long Yi's identity as a trainer, so the training plan is ruled out. Long Yi is going to find an opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk with it and do psychological counseling, which also belongs to the trainer. Work.

The carp king's words have reached its limit in terms of energy intensity and physical fitness, so what it needs to do is to maintain its state through certain exercises, and then feel the opportunity of evolution.

As for what is the opportunity for evolution, it is beyond Long Yi's ability to know.Even the top elf doctor in the world hasn't studied the proposition of evolution thoroughly, and it's not something he, a second-rate trainer, can figure out.

Lobster soldier is a kind of elf with a bad personality, and few trainers will regard it as the main force of their water system. Long Yi considered the actual advantages and disadvantages of this elf, and decided to let it strengthen his melee attack ability.

The situation of Bobo is completely opposite to that of the lobster minions.Bobo has a very large population in the Kanto region and Chengdu region, and is the most numerous flying-type Pokémon, and the final evolved Bidiao is both handsome and powerful, and has good combat effectiveness. It is the first choice of many trainers for the main force of the flying type.

Because there are many trainers who subdue it, there are a lot of information about Bobo's training methods, cultivation directions, etc., but most of them tend to strengthen its speed and attack ability against flying energy, supplemented by a small amount of melee combat ability.

This kind of cultivation direction can give full play to its ultimate evolutionary Bi Diao's racial specialties, so Long Yi is not going to change it casually, but because his Bobo was just born, Long Yi lowered its training intensity, with a small amount of Exercise plus food cultivation.

The training dragons of the elves only need to formulate corresponding exercise plans, and then carry out certain supervision and supervision during the process.

Some trainers like to train with the elves from the beginning to the end, which really helps to enhance the relationship between the two parties and the motivation of the elves, but after all, there is only one trainer, and it is inevitable that other elves will be left out in the cold.

Long Yi has another choice - the configuration of elf food.

This is a skill that a qualified trainer must learn. Excellent and suitable food for elves can make them develop better, stronger and healthier, while junk food will make the training less effective and even cause damage to the elves' bodies. damage.

Some trainers would hire special breeders to take care of the diet and health of their elves, but Long Yi didn't have the financial means, so he had to do it himself.

In fact, there are also professors in the elf food configuration trainer academy, but because the school provides free food, if you want to be more advanced, you can find seniors, senior sisters, or even teachers and professors who are good at this to buy, so Long Yi excepted a few times Classroom operation, I have never done it myself.

Now that he doesn't need to spend a lot of time going to class every day, Long Yi can slowly hone his skills.

And he also has a master chef at home who can ask for advice at any time.

Gluttonous but not chewable, Long Yi first chose the food configuration of the two elves Huiyuan and Abo Snake.

Snake Bear is an omnivorous elf, Long Yi had always thought that its main food was tree fruit, but in fact Snake Bear's menu is very complicated.Their spring and early summer diet consists mostly of insects, worms, etc.In late summer, autumn and winter, they prefer to eat fruits and nuts, such as acorns, walnuts, and yellow apples.

Serpentines rarely eat active or large prey, such as birds and mammals, preferring easier prey, especially fish, amphibians, and bird eggs.

The food Long Yi prepared for it today was some finger-sized fish, some bird eggs and milk.

Compared with Huiyuan, the recipe of Arbor Snake is much simpler.Wild Arbor snakes are mainly made of eggs of various small elves and bird elves, such as the eggs of little Lada, Oli and Bobo, sparrows, etc. Of course, the main prey is non-elf animals. After all, even small It is also possible for Radha to defeat an Arbor snake.

Long Yi prepared a rabbit for it, the wild one.

As for the food of other elves, it is temporarily replaced by granular food, and at night, they will eat dinner prepared by Mieko.

At noon, the elves who had practiced all morning prepared to eat.

"Come, Huiyuan, Abo Snake, try the special lunch I prepared for you!" Long Yi came over with a plate, and there was still a lot of ashes on his face.

On the dinner plate was Huiyuan's food, small fish was made into fish soup, bird eggs were broken and stirred with milk, and some fruits and nuts were added.

After all, they are not wild elves, and they don't need to follow the four seasons. Food in any season can be bought in the store.

The preparation of primary elf food is still very simple. Although they can also eat cooked food, they don't need to pay attention to taste like humans. The focus of the trainer's control is to balance nutrition and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

Sufficient nutrition and energy food, scientific collocation, is the biggest difference between subdued elves and wild elves, which can make them stronger.

"Abo Snake, this is yours." Long Yi grabbed the rabbit he bought from the cage and threw it into the air.

The Abo snake bit the rabbit, and then wound up in circles, crushing its bones and internal organs, and began to devour it only after it lost its breath.

Wild Arbor snakes can last for 1-2 weeks after eating once, but Longyi's need more intensive training, so they need to eat once every 3-5 days.

The high cost of raising them is also one of the reasons why the number of elf trainers is scarce, and it is a very important point.

 This book has been signed, please rest assured to collect it!Also, by the way, ask for a wave of tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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