Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 54 Villa Battle, VS Ecstasy Eye

Chapter 54 Villa Battle, VS Ecstasy Eye

"Long time no see, everyone."

Long Yi went up to say hello, except for Yosuke Zechuan, everyone here was familiar to him.

"I'm sorry, Long Yi, originally there are six people, two tables are just right." Asuka Toyama glanced at Yosuke Zegawa and said, and then asked the servant to add a chair over.

Needless to say, Long Yi also knows who the uninvited one is.

"Oda, Fukiishi, are you alright?"

"so far so good."

Yamamoto Oda looked a bit cautious, Long Yi knew that he had been secretly in love with Toyama Asuka, so he didn't make fun of him.

Compared with Yamamoto, Fukiishi Ichiro is much more unrestrained, even in such a wealthy family, he is still acting like usual.

"I can't compare to you. I heard what Yamamoto said, 35 consecutive victories, amazing!" Fukiishi Ichiro patted Ryuichi, then gave a surprised 'huh', and squeezed his arm: "Yes, more than a month I can't even see the muscles are trained."

"Haha, it's okay." Long Yi said with a smile.

Although Fukiishi Ichiro is tall and burly, he is actually a very innocent boy. Once he accidentally saw Long Yi being bullied by a senior school bully, so he stepped forward and rescued him.

Then Long Yi gave him a treasured 'Baby', and Fukiishi Ichiro was shocked immediately, and the two became good friends afterward.

On the other side, Toyama Asuka and Aoki Weiyang also had a few conversations with Long Yi. They are Aso Meiyi's friends, and they are not so familiar with Long Yi, but they are still friends.

The only exception present was Yosuke Zechuan.

For the mayor's son, only Asuka Toyama deserves his serious attention here, and everyone else is passers-by who are not worth mentioning.

When he was in Guchen Junior High, Yosuke Zegawa was the brightest focus among boys, similar to Asuka Toyama's status among girls.

When he was in Chenghua Senior High School, someone with a similar status or stronger than him appeared, and Yosuke Zegawa's limelight was overshadowed by others, but he was also a man of the school.

But this time when he returned to Guchen Town, he heard people talking about another person's name among his peers.

Ryuichi Miyazaki.

He remembered the name, he was lucky enough to get a place to study at the Trainer Academy a few months ago, and he was an unknown guy before that.

It is said that it is a homecoming house, and its hobbies are games and comics, as well as those fairy tales that deceive children.

He's back and seems to be a pretty good Trainer!
This made Zechuan Yosuke very upset.

He has always believed that the most outstanding person in Gu Chenzhen's generation is himself, and everyone else is a supporting role. Except for Toyama Asuka who can be married, the others are ordinary characters for a lifetime.

He, Yosuke Sawagawa, is destined to be the focus of this generation!The object of countless girls' crushes, the lover of the masses, will marry Toyama Asuka after a few years, and then take over his father's position and become the mayor of Guchen Town!

Yosuke Zechuan thought of this since he was a child, and he has been doing well until the appearance of Long Yi.

People in the streets and alleys were talking about this name, which made Yosuke Zechuan very upset, and there was a sense of crisis that was unclear.

So after he inquired about the meeting, he took the liberty of visiting without invitation.

Seeing those people chatting happily around Long Yi, Yosuke Zegawa maintained his demeanor for a few minutes, and finally couldn't help but answer: "Yeah, 35 consecutive victories, even I have heard about it, quite a strong record."

As soon as he spoke, the others stopped their voices.

Zechuan Yosuke looked at Long Yi with a smile and said: "Although I am not a trainer, my uncle gave me an elf before. Today is a rare opportunity, Miyazaki, why don't you come to a battle with me?"

Long Yi looked at him with a rather perfunctory smile, but his desire to challenge seemed genuine.

Before he could answer, Asuka Toyama spoke first: "You are wrong, Yosuke, I invited Long Yi, how could you be the first!"

As he spoke, he took out a Poké Ball from his pocket and placed it on the table.

She also wants to challenge?
If Yosuke Zegawa's challenge was somewhat prepared, Toyama Asuka was unexpected.

No matter how you look at her, she is not a person who likes to fight.

Yosuke Zegawa was also taken aback, but he quickly said: "I was wrong, but Miyazaki should have several elves, why don't I come first, and then you can fight with his other elf."

"Alright then." Asuka Toyama nodded.

The eyes of others fell on Long Yi, Mei Yi's eyes were a little worried.

Long Yi stood up indifferently: "Alright then."

Others might be worried for him, but Long Yi himself knew that the so-called 35-game winning streak was just a joke, he would never take this achievement to heart after seeing elemental trainers fight, so what if he lost?
As long as you are a trainer, there will inevitably be winners and losers.

The two stood on the lawn next to each other, with Toyama Asuka acting as the referee.

One of these two families is rich and the other has power, so it's not surprising that they own the Elf Long Yi.Moreover, their family's social status is relatively high, and they must be able to meet some formal trainers, whose level is not comparable to those of the previous challengers.

"Go, Korakola!" Long Yi released Korakola, Mei Yi and the others looked at each other, no one knew this elf.

"This is Korakola, an elf in the Kanto region, of the ground type." Long Yi introduced.

After all, among the people present, he was the only official elf trainer, and it was natural for others to win. If he didn't start and introduce his elf first, he would be suspected of bullying others.

Yosuke Zegawa's expression became serious: "It's my elf!"

A purple dwarf humanoid elf appeared on the field, it had a strange shape, two huge hexagonal diamonds acted as eyes, and a ruby ​​grew on its chest.

"So it's the soul-hooking eye." Long Yi frowned.

This is a rare and precious Pokémon that lives in dark underground caves and eats stones, gems and minerals for a living.

Moreover, its attributes are evil and ghost, and it is not restrained by any attributes at all.

It can be said to be the perfect elf!
Yosuke Zechuan's expression changed slightly, and he forced a smile and said, "That's right, it's the eye of the soul."

He originally wanted to rely on his elf's rare pit to make a wave of dragons, but he didn't expect to be called out by the other side after one bite.

Is this the trainer from the trainer academy?
Yosuke Zechuan suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"Game start!"

"Ecstasy Eye, use Night Shadow!"

Going first is the best way to go, and Hookhunyan let out a yell, revealing a mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth, making it look even more terrifying.And behind it appeared a blurry black shadow, which was the magnified Ecstasy Eye, making all kinds of terrifying movements.


Korakola scratched her chin, and looked back at her master in doubt.

"Useless?" Everyone was stunned.

Long Yi wanted to laugh a little, his Korakola likes to bully Abo Snake the most, he has long been used to being stared at by Abo Snake's big snake, and the ecstasy-eyed Night Phantom is nothing to it.

"Use scare!"


Hooking Eye suddenly let out a terrifying cry, this time Korakola was startled, but it also made him angry.


"Bone Boomerang!"

The rotating bone stick hit the eye of the soul in an instant, interrupting its night phantom and fright.

"So fast!"

This speed is not at the same level as the spirit attacks of other trainers in the town. Yosuke Zechuan was just about to dodge the ecstasy eye, but he was already hit.

"dash forward."

Korakola ran up, and the whirling bone stick hit the back of the head of the still dizzy Gohunyan again, and then fell into Korakola's hands.

The rhythm of the battle is completely in the hands of Long Yi: "Use a thick bone stick to attack!"

With a stick from top to bottom, the huge force smashed the whole of the soul-hunting eye into the ground.

Ecstasy Eye lost the ability to fight!
The battle was over, so quickly that no one expected it.

" strong?" Fukiishi Ichiro swallowed, and only then did these former friends of Long Yi feel the great change in him.

Long Yi shook his head and said: "It's not that I'm strong, it's that this soul-hunting eye is too weak."

Seeing that the others were still confused, he explained: "The food of the soul-hunting eye is composed of stones, ores and gems, but stones can only maintain its most basic vital signs, and ores and gems can make it stronger. I guess Zechuan, you must usually feed it stones, otherwise the physique of this soul-hunting eye cannot be so poor."

Although the ecstasy eye's attributes are excellent, its power is based on huge capital investment.Feeding ores can strengthen the body of the soul-hunting eye, and feeding gems can strengthen its energy strength, so ordinary trainers can't afford this kind of elf.

This knowledge is not clear to many regular trainers from grassroots background. The uncle who gave Yosuke Zechuan the soul-hooking eye just regarded it as a cherished elf, and didn't know the key to it.

This was not a gift from Qiang Qiang at all.

"I lost." Yosuke Zegawa sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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