Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 6 Thunder Stone Fragments, System Awakening!

Chapter 6 Thunder Stone Fragments, System Awakening!

Saying goodbye to Honda, Long Yi went to the cafeteria to have dinner, and took it to the medical department to eat with Meisha.

Cardi has woken up and is recovering well. According to Ms. Joy, she will be discharged from the hospital in one week. By then, besides not being able to fight violently, she can already do some restorative training.

"That Korakola really likes to start, so I fought with Honda." Long told the story of what happened today while eating.

Meisha ate quietly, occasionally agreeing, but also very polite, as if the events of that night had left no trace in her heart at all.

Long Yi felt a sense of loss in his heart.

After dinner, he didn't stay long and went back to his room early.

Naturally, night is not suitable for training, and several elves are very tired, so Long Yi let them out to rest.

Hui Yuan took up half of the bed, covered with the blanket bought for him; Ke La Ke pulled back into the corner holding the bone stick, and Long Yi covered him with a piece of clothing.

As for the Aber Snake, it was naturally locked in the Poké Ball honestly.

The life of the trainer academy is very boring, there is no internet, no news, all the students need to do on this isolated island is to learn and learn, to become stronger and stronger.

Long Yi sat on the bed and read the study materials borrowed from the library, and didn't wash up until late at night before going to bed.

Not long after, a slight snore sounded.

Suddenly there was a thin friction sound in the dark room, and then a black figure jumped onto the windowsill and opened the window.

It's Huiyuan!
It saw the location of the bed surreptitiously, and found that Long Yi hadn't been woken up by him, so he showed a smug smile, and then got out.

There's nothing more exciting for a snake bear than adventure!

No one knows what happened to Huiyuan that night, and what kind of adventures he experienced, only that it returned to Long Yi's room when it was daylight, with a green glazed stone in its mouth, and a yellow streak on it. slash.

Huiyuan wagged his tail happily, looked left and right for a while, tried his best to jump onto the wardrobe in the room, and then hid the stone there.

When it was all done, he yawned, jumped back into his little nest on the bed, and writhed in the blankets for a nap.

While dozing off, Haibara seemed to see a pair of familiar eyes by accident.


Looking again, Haibara was startled and jumped up abruptly.

light is on.

Long propped up his upper body on one side, let go of the other hand from the switch, and looked at Huiyuan expressionlessly.

"You can do it, you, another person sneaked out, you've got a lot of ability!"

Huiyuan immediately got down on the ground, with his head resting on his two forelimbs, his eyes opened upwards, showing a watery and pitiful expression.

Long Yi pretended not to be moved, and tried his best to hold back a smile: "He also knows how to hide things, if you pick something up, take it out and let me see."

Serpentine bears are always curious and often find various items in the wild.Long Yi remembered that when he used to play the three-color gem version, he liked to grab a few and bring them with him, one was as a tool pet, and the other was because of the things they picked up, there were many treasures of amazing value.

Huiyuan made a pleading gesture, Long Yi made a gesture of wanting to hit him, but for the sake of his own butt, the little guy could only reluctantly contribute his treasured treasures.

"It looks like a stone of thunder, but it seems incomplete." Long Yi picked up the stone, and his hands felt cool.

Either the evolution stone does not appear in the game or on TV, and when it appears, it must be a whole piece.But in reality, this is naturally not the case. Scattered evolutionary stones appear more often, and complete ones are very rare.

The Thunder Stone fragment that Huiyuan found was about one-third the size of a complete piece, the fracture was very rough, and the fracture section of the lightning symbol shimmered faintly.

Long Yi was so curious that he stretched out a finger to touch it, it felt numb, as if it had been lit by the lighter in a lighter.

At this moment, suddenly the entire piece of Thunder Stone shone brightly, and the lightning symbol inside melted and penetrated into Long Yi's fingers, then the remaining shell quickly weathered, and finally turned into a pile of dust.

[The energy is replenished, the system is starting...]

A line of simplified Chinese characters flashed before Long Yi's eyes, and then countless green 0s and 1s fell from his eyes like water, it was impossible to count how many there were, only tens of thousands of them, all green codes in the entire line of sight.

Among countless 0s and 1s, a percentage progress bar grows rapidly.


[System restart! 】

A burst of electronic start-up sound effects sounded, and then a character interface appeared.

Name: Ryuichi Miyazaki
Sex: Male
Age: 16 years old
Owning sprites:




"What is this? System?" Long Yi shouted.

Reaching out to touch it, the interface is not real, and the palm goes straight through it.

Long Yi closed his eyes and opened them again, the interface still appeared in front of his eyes.

After groping for a while, Long Yi discovered that only he could see this interface, not the substance, as long as he thought about it, he could appear and disappear.

It doesn't have any strange things like guiding elves in the protagonist system of the novel that I remember. It seems to be just a rigid program with few functions and no explanation.

"You don't have to worry about a mission suddenly appearing to be obliterated. I don't know what the use of this thing is." Long Yi's eyes fell on the only electric energy that has a unit in the stored energy.

There is no doubt that this was extracted from the fragment of the Thunder Stone just now, and it is also the unknown system activated by it.

[Do you want to instill electrical energy?whether】

A dialog popped up.

Long Yi chose yes, and then the system prompted to choose the value of instilled energy and the target elf. Long Yi thought for a while and chose 10 points of electrical energy, and the target was Huiyuan.

[Target confirmed, executing...]

[Progress 1%... 30%... 68%...]

Suddenly hearing Huiyuan's screams, Long Yi hurriedly went to look at it without bothering to study the system, and found that Huiyuan was rolling on the bed with a face full of pain, the hairs on his body were blown up, and there would be golden electric shocks from time to time. Sparks shine.

"How are you, Hui Yuan?" Long Yi stretched out his hand, but was shocked by the electric current from Hui Yuan's body.

[Progress 100%, energy infusion complete! 】


As the system prompt sounded, Huiyuan's screams also stopped, and it got up and looked around strangely, always feeling that there was an invisible thing around, and it felt creepy.

"Hui Yuan, how do you feel?" Long Yi asked.

Haibara thought for a while, jumped to the ground, held back for a while, and then suddenly let out a loud cry.


A golden electric current erupted from it, and then formed several golden lightning bolts that scattered in all directions, destroying the room into a mess.

"One hundred thousand volts!? You have learned this trick!" Long Yi was surprised and delighted, what a powerful system!
Looking at the panel, Huiyuan's evolution progress has already added an electric system energy, the quota is exactly 10%!

Sagu Sagu!

Hui Yuan, who had learned new skills, was also very happy, jumped up and threw himself into Long Yi's embrace, not even caring about the fragments of his treasure Thunder Stone being turned into ashes.

Long Yi stroked it and praised it, went to the window and pushed it away, just in time to witness a red sun jumping out of the forest, and felt that the future was bright.

With the help of the system, I will definitely become the most powerful trainer in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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