Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 64 Binhai City 1-Day Tour

Chapter 64 A Day Trip to Binhai City
Chengdu area, Binhai City.

This is a coastal city in the southwest of the Chengdu area, and it is also the port city closest to the island of trainers.

Because of the Trainer Academy, the alliance has set up a logistics department here, sending a liaison ship to the trainer island every week to deliver food, goods and medicine, which is also the only way for teachers and students in the school to leave the island.

Recently, because the students have started to return to school one after another, there will be a fast boat to send the students to the island every afternoon, and the time is set at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Long Yi's airship landed in the early morning, he found a nearby hotel to rest for a while, and didn't get up until around ten o'clock.

Binhai City has a strong Chengdu style. Although it is one of the largest cities in the Chengdu area, some small ancient buildings can still be seen among the densely packed high-rise buildings, and there is even a hill in the southeast corner of the city.

These buildings are Buddhist temples and shrines.

Almost everyone in Chengdu believes in Buddhism, even young people who are more open-minded, have the most basic respect for gods and Buddhas in this general environment.

Because of this feature, some people also call the Chengdu area the Pure Land Continent.Another name is Kansai, which is equivalent to the name of the Kanto region separated by the Silver Mountain.

Long Yi was not in a hurry to go to the alliance to register and board the ship, he decided to spend two days in Binhai City before talking.

The last time I came, because the school start time was coming soon, and I had just crossed, my mind had not adjusted well, so Long Yi didn't go shopping in Binhai City, but boarded the liaison boat in a hurry.

This time he is going to make up for this regret.

When you come to a new place, the first thing you can't do without is eating. Long Yiyi lacks interest in those famous scenic spots, but he has a soft spot for the unique seafood dishes in Binhai City.

In fact, there are no famous scenic spots in Binhai City, it is a port city after all.

I found a well-known restaurant on the Internet, and Long ordered a large table of dishes.

In a port city, seafood is not expensive.

Delicious salmon will be grilled, grilled with crisply cut vegetables on a huge iron plate, and then grilled with salmon cut into large pieces.

For the seasoning, sweet miso sauce is used. Drizzle the sauce over the freshly baked ingredients, stir lightly with a spoon, and enjoy.Naturally melted cream and an indescribable aroma, it is really a very delicious dish!

The tender salmon sashimi does not require too much processing. The salmon slices cut by the chef's superb knife skills are so tender that it makes people drool.Dip a little special soy sauce, roll your tongue, it's so delicious that you can forget everything.

In addition, there are spicy grilled squid, fried clams, spicy crab and so on.

"Huiyuan, how does it taste?" Long Yi released Huiyuan, Bobo, Lalulas and Korakola, and fed Huiyuan a piece of salmon with chopsticks.


Haibara ate salmon, squinting his eyes in happiness.

It itself eats fish, but it used to eat small fish in the forest, and when it caught it, it was eaten raw.Sometimes Long Yi will help it to process, but because of cooking skills, it may not be delicious raw.

It was the first time he had eaten such a delicious fish, but unfortunately the portion was too small.

Huiyuan thought greedily.

Kolakola and Bobo are not too cold to fishy food. Kolakola mainly eats vegetables and fruits such as carrots, apples, and beans, and occasionally eats some nuts. Basically, they don’t eat meat.

Bobo’s staple food is bugs and grains. If he evolves into Bibi Bird’s menu, he may also add green caterpillars, unicorns and other bug Pokémon, but he is too small now.

The most special one is Lalulas.

Elves with super powers generally eat delicate food. They don’t drink anything other than sweet stream water, or delicious fruits. Even because of their innate ability to master space power, the main food of wild Lalulas is a variety of nutritious foods. Cherish tree fruits, mountain springs and snow water.

But Long Yi is different.

I saw it wearing a beige dress and a big hat, sitting quietly opposite Long Yi, like an ordinary human little girl.

Because his hands are too short, Lalulas uses his little super power to control the chopsticks to pick up vegetables. If Long Yi stares at it when eating, he will shyly cover his mouth with his hands.

In addition, it only eats cooked food now, and its three meals a day are basically whatever Long Yi eats, which is completely different from other elves. .

Long Yi even suspected that he had not raised an elf, but had an extra daughter.

"Is it delicious?" Long Yi asked.

Lalulas swallowed the salmon in his mouth, breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded vigorously.

It controls the chopsticks and points to the salmon. This dish is the most expensive, but it is also the favorite of all three people. The portion is small, and it is gone now.

Long Yi understood, and called the waiter: "Please bring me another plate... No, three plates of salmon sashimi!"

In the end, this lunch cost Long Yi a whole 2000 yuan!
"Are you really okay? Eating too much sashimi is not good for your health." Long Yi looked at Lalulas' stomach worriedly, most of the 2000 yuan lunch was eaten by Lalulas, Long Yi and Hui The original added up and only ate four or five hundred.

I don't know how its small stomach can hold so much food.

Lalulas, who was hugged by Long Yi, shook his head, and said via telepathy: "I'm full, I want to sleep."

The voice is that tender loli voice.

"Then you should have a good rest." Long Yi took it back into the poke ball.

Kola Kola and Bobo were taken back before, after all Korakola's legs are very short, it is very difficult to keep up with Long Yi.And's really strange to think about shopping with a Bobo on his head, right?

"Let's go, let's go to the Buddhist temple in Chengdu." Long Yi picked up his backpack and said to Hui Yuan who was lying on his shoulders.


Haibara let out an echoing cry.

Now that I have come to Chengdu, I really have to visit the temple.

The most famous Buddhist buildings in Chengdu are ten temples and three pagodas. Among them, there is the first pagoda in the Pure Land Continent, which enshrines the legendary fairy Fengwang, but now there is only a ruined Lingling pagoda; there is also the world dragon spirit The sacred place of the Dragon Emperor, the mysterious Dragon Temple guarded by the Dragon Messenger family.

There is the Sea God Temple with the legendary elf Lugia believed by everyone in the coastal area as the god, and there is also the Kaiwu Temple, which is famous all over the world for helping people to realize enlightenment; A Buddhist Pure Land Temple.

Generally speaking, legends of all sizes in the Chengdu area seem to be related to various Buddhist temples and shrines, but it is a pity that Binhai City is a newly developed city after the alliance was established, and its background in this area is weak. Nothing to rave about the Buddhist temple.

The only one with some history is the shrine on the mountain in the southeast corner of the city. I heard that one of the maidens inside was once a priest in the Sea God Temple. For some reason, she came to Binhai City alone and became a priestess in the shrine.

Long Yi did go there, the shrine enshrines a three-eyed toad-shaped deity, or a monster.

The incense is quite prosperous, but it's a pity that I didn't see the legendary priestess and witch of the Sea God Temple, so Long Yibai made a trip.

(End of this chapter)

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