Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 67 Miyazaki Dragon 1 Crusoe

Chapter 67 Miyazaki Ryuichi Crusoe ([-])

Evening, deserted island.

A itchy feeling came from his face.

"Mayu, don't make noise." Long Yi stretched out his hand impatiently to sweep his face, the itching feeling disappeared, then he turned on his side and prepared to continue sleeping.


Suddenly, Long Yi who reacted abruptly sat up.

In front of you is the sea, the setting sun and the burning clouds.

He found that he was sitting on a beach at this time. The yellow sand was larger in size, not as comfortable as the beach on the Trainer's Island, and it was quite painful.

But at this moment, Long Yi was extremely grateful for that slightly painful feeling.

Can feel the pain, it means he is still alive!

"I'm still alive, I'm not dead!" Long Yi pinched his arms and thighs, reconfirming the fact that he was still alive.

His memory was still at the time when he was attacked by an unknown elf and fell into the deep sea. He had no clue as to why he was saved or where he was now.

"By the way, where is Mari-senpai, and the lobster soldier!"

Long Yi turned his head and looked around, and soon saw Mari Fujii lying on the beach not far from him.

He quickly ran over to pick up Mali, stretched out his hand and sniffed.Fortunately, there is still breathing, and I am alive like myself.

As for the lobster soldier, Long Yi saw a section of red shrimp tail on the beach, walked over and grabbed the tail and lifted it up, he pulled the lobster soldier's head out of the sand.


The handstand made the lobster soldier wake up, and he blinked his eyes. With his limited IQ, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Then it saw Long Yi, its master.

"Welcome back, come back alive." Long Yi said with a smile.

The lobster soldier was also happy, and waved his pincers to say hello.

Not long after, Mari Fujii also woke up.

"Brother, where are we? Who saved us?" Mari-senpai's first words after waking up were this.

Long Yi shook his head: "I don't know, I was already here when I woke up."

In the depths of the deep ocean, who has the ability to save them and is willing to save them?
Always unlikely to be humans, then some powerful elves?
Wild elves are not all cruel, they will attack humans, but there are also docile elves who even have a good impression of humans.

A thought flashed across Fujii Mari's mind like lightning: "Could it be that Lord Sea God saved us!?"

"Sea God?" Long Yi was a little confused.

But he quickly remembered the identity of Mari Fujii—she was a girl from the Uzumaki Islands!
The Whirlpool Islands is the place where the largest number of fishermen live in the Chengdu area, and even in the world. Almost every household in that place has a common belief in a legendary Pokémon.

The God of the Sea - Lugia!

Lugia is an ancient elf as famous as Phoenix King. There are countless legends about it. The stone tablets thousands of years ago have recorded legends about Lugia.

It is said that this kind of elf has incredible power, and it can cause a storm that lasts for dozens of days with a wave of its wings. However, Rogia has a gentle personality and is friendly to humans, so he lives in the depths of the ocean all year round.

The only chance to see Logia is during a storm. Rogia, who dives deep into the sea, will surface at this time, and occasionally rescue humans who fall into the water.

Such incidents happened most frequently around the Whirlpool Islands. Gradually, the people there respected Lugia as the God of the Sea, hoping to bless them to go to sea safely.

The Sea God Temple, one of the ten temples and three towers in the Chengdu area, is a shrine established with the belief of Rogia, and its main sphere of influence is also near the Whirlpool Islands.

"You mean... Rogia saved us?"

Mari Fujii nodded: "Although I passed out at that time, but now looking back, there is a very comfortable and intimate feeling in my memory. It should be Lord Sea God who saved us."

This time she was definitely more than just now.

The people of the Whirlpool Islands believed in Rogia the earliest time, even dating back to before the establishment of the alliance.

Just like the Bell Tower that believes in the Phoenix King, a huge accident happened in the Sea God Temple that believes in Rogia. The direct consequence of that accident was that the priestesses of the Sea God Temple lost the ability to communicate with Rogia.

They have lost their grace!
Before that accident, the great witch of the Sea God Temple could communicate directly with Rogia, and there was even a group of humans blessed by Rogia in the Sea God Temple, and these people gained the ability to control the water flow.

Modern historians call those blessed by Rogia the People of Water.The descendants of the people of water, who have lost their ancestors' ability to control water, are called the people of water.

Forgotten legacy.

Fujii Mari's mother is an ordinary priestess in the Sea God Shrine, and also a survivor of water.

The blood of the people of water flows in her body, so even in a coma, she has a slight reaction with the power exuded by Rogia.

In fact, it was because she was a descendant of the people of water that Rogia noticed and saved her and Long Yi. This is the correct causal relationship.

"Unbelievable." Long Yi was dumbfounded by Fujii Mari's story, reality is often more exaggerated than fiction.

"However, although Lord Seagod saved us, we will have to rely on ourselves." Mari Fujii said.

It is their luck to escape from death, but it is not easy to live.

Their current location is likely to be an uninhabited island in the sea. It is impossible to judge the exact location, but judging from the calm sea, it may be quite far away from the accident site.

This is bad news, which means that even if the alliance sent a search and rescue team, they would basically not be able to find the surviving Long Yi and Mari.

"What's worse is that because I chose this suit, all the elves are in the suitcase, and I don't have any of them."

Long Yi frowned: "My knife is the same. Now apart from a set of clothes, there are only a few spirits left with me."

No food, no medicine, not even poke balls for them to tame new pokemon!

The only good news is that after all these twists and turns, Long Yi's elf balls are still firmly attached to the battle belt, not a single one is missing.

Their own conditions are poor, and the living environment is also very harsh.

This beach is very small, with cliffs on both sides and a forest behind it. From the movement, it can be seen that there are many elves living in it.

They don't know how big the island is, how many ferocious wild elves live on it, whether they can find enough food and fresh water, or even whether there will be merchant ships passing by nearby.

The last point is the deadliest!
Because that means that even if the two survive on the island through untold hardships, if there is no ship passing by, they are likely to be alone on the island!

More cruel than death is loneliness and loneliness!
A book title popped up in Long Yi's mind - "Robinson Crusoe".He shook his head hastily, shaking this terrible thought out of his mind.

"No matter what, we must survive on this island first, and then we are qualified to talk about other things." Long Yi said.

The sun is about to go down, don't look at it is the end of June, but the night is still very cold, especially at the seaside.

"We need a place to live first, but spending the night in the forest is stupid."

This is not a trainer academy. Any wild forest is much more dangerous and cruel than the forest near the academy.

The best idea is to live on the beach, but the sea breeze at night is not a cover, Long Yi may be able to carry it with his physique, Fujii Mari who only wears a bikini and a simple coat will definitely get sick and catch a cold.

Not to mention the dreaded horseflies at night.

"We need a house, even if it's simple." Long Yi said.

(End of this chapter)

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