Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 71 The Mother and Daughter on the Deserted Island

Chapter 71 The Mother and Daughter on the Deserted Island
"Huh~, huh~." Long Yi lay on the ground panting heavily, his face full of lingering fear.

"Long Yi!" Mali ran over, tears streaming down his face, "It's great that you're fine...uh."

Long Yi didn't give her a chance to finish speaking at all, he threw her on the ground and kissed her deeply.

God is pitiful, at that moment just now, he really felt that he had walked through the gate of hell, and even the so-called carousel picture appeared in his mind!
No wonder it is said that a trainer is a high-risk occupation. It is really not just talk, no matter how well prepared you are and how strong you are, a small negligence may be fatal!

What's more, Long Yi's strength is far from that level.

The kissing dragon kissed for several minutes, and he didn't let go until Mali struggled out of breath.

If it wasn't for the unfavorable environment, Long Yi even wanted to execute Mali on the spot here.

Fortunately, he didn't completely lose his mind.

Standing up, several elves surrounded him, with obvious worried expressions on their faces.

Long Yi picked up Hui Yuan and rubbed it, took a deep breath, and barely suppressed his emotions.

"Okay, I'm fine."

Looking at the armor bird's body in the distance, Long Yi sighed.

Can't tell what it feels like.


Probably both.

This world is like this, it is impossible for everything to develop as you think. Long Yi knows that the armored bird is innocent, but he needs sweet peach fruit to save the lobster soldier. The personality and communication barriers between the two sides caused this tragedy. .

This time there is no winner.

Long Yi and Mali walked over to pick up the sweet peach fruit, the alarming Bobo in the sky ran away in fright when he saw the armor bird's defeat, and Long Yi didn't care about it.

"Let's go back, the battle just now was quite noisy, before the real king in the valley comes out, hurry up and slip away." Long Yi pulled La Mali, but did not pull.

"Look there."

Looking in the direction of Mali's finger, Long Yi was startled.

A black and green gnome watched them from the grass.

It is not tall, a little taller than Kola Kola, about half a meter.There is a straight horn on the head, which is not sharp.There are dark red scales on the abdomen, forming a rhombus.

On both sides of this diamond-shaped pattern, there is a black spot on each side, and there are also black spike-shaped patterns under the eyes, which makes its eyes look more fierce.

The tail of this elf is very strange, like a blooming plastic flower, with the main body of the tail in the middle, which is short and small.

"Yukira! And it still seems to be shining!"

Long Yi recognized this elf right away. It is a false god-level existence comparable to the dragon clan, and it is the strongest race under the legendary elves, dream elves and mythical elves!
And this one is still shining!
"If I can subdue it..." Greed instantly filled Long Yi's mind, but he soon woke up with a start, and a terrible guess came to his mind.

In the valley there is a mysterious elf that scares even the bears, and there is another Yukira in front of him. As far as he knows, Yukira will not leave his parents before he evolves into Shajira, that is, Say……

That mysterious King of the Valley could very well be a Benjila!Even two!

"Gulu." Long Yi swallowed, and quickly looked around.Fortunately, there is no sign of Bangira, which shows that they are still safe.

"Let's go lightly, let's go." Long said in a low voice.At this moment, he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​subduing Yukira, not only because of the possible existence of Bangira's parents, but also because he remembered that he didn't have an empty poke ball on him.

Without the Poké Ball, everything is useless!
Pulling Mari back carefully, so were the elves, and Yukira stood there looking at them with indifferent eyes, neither speaking nor acting.

Shasha~ Shasha~
Suddenly, there was a sound from the grass behind Yukira, and the grass trembled with each sound.

Long Yi's sweat broke out all of a sudden, and he didn't care about being cautious anymore.


He dragged Ma Li and ran away, but before he ran far, a childish voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Lara, where are you?"


This is an immature female voice!

As soon as Long stopped, he turned his head and saw a little loli wearing a deerskin skirt and a pair of ponytails coming out of the grass, and then hugged Yukira in his arms happily and rubbed it.

Yukira looked helpless.


There are people on this island!
Long Yi never thought that this adventure would have such a result, but he soon became happy.

That little girl speaks the official language of the Alliance, which shows that this island is not isolated from the rest of the world!

Of course it could be the children of other shipwrecks on deserted islands, but it couldn't be any worse, could it?
"Little sister..." Long Yi tried his best to show what he thought was the most kind smile, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Little Lori screamed in fright when she saw that there were other people here besides herself.


That brisk loli voice rushed into the sky like a sharp arrow.

"Stop! Don't hurt my daughter!"

The ground trembled, indicating that a huge monster was approaching rapidly.Long glanced at the direction inside the valley, and as expected, he spotted a menacing Bangira rushing towards him.

It was a behemoth over three meters tall and weighing over two tons!
The thick turquoise armor represents a strong defense force, and the ferocious head with fangs bared is like a monster in myths and legends.

The tail is more than 1.5 meters thick and powerful, and it can easily smash the iron plate as thick as the door.

This is Bangira, the sandstorm monster, the top existence among ordinary elves!
A woman also dressed in animal skins and with loose curly hair sat on Bangira's neck.

Her upper body is a bra-like slanted shoulder dress, her flat belly is strong and strong, and the fullness of her chest squeezes out a deep groove.The lower body is a leopard skin skirt, about the same length as a miniskirt, revealing wheat-colored thighs.

"We don't have any malicious intentions!" Long Yi quickly raised his hands to express his kindness, that Benjila knew at a glance that it was very powerful, if it really fought, it might not be an opponent at all.

Fortunately, the visitor is not the type who cannot communicate.

She jumped off Benjila's back vigorously, and hugged the little girl in distress, while Bangira stared at Long Yi and the two.

It was the first time that little Lolita was frightened and cried when she saw someone other than her parents. She stopped crying after being hugged and coaxed by a woman.

Only now did the woman have time to look at the two of them: "Can the current students be so weak that they can get here?"


Long Yi didn't understand what she was talking about: "We are passengers in distress, we were washed to the beach by the waves after jumping off the ship."

"Shipwreck." The woman nodded. "It seems that you are lucky. There are many stinging jellyfish living in that sea area. Most shipwrecks are swept down and drowned before returning to the shore."

She didn't seem to want to have too much contact with outsiders, and climbed up Bangira's neck again: "If you want to leave, go over that mountain. This is the island of trainers, on the other side of the mountain There is an alliance trainer academy, and the school will send you back."

Long Yi was stunned, turned his head and looked at Fujii Asa who was also stunned.

Am I hallucinating? I seem to have heard the words Trainer Island and Trainer Academy just now?

A flash of lightning flashed across Mari's mind, and she thought of someone: "Could it be that you are Ayumi-senpai!?"

"Huh?" The woman turned her head, Bangira suddenly emitted a destructive death beam, the beam of light hit the open space in front of Long Yi and Mari, causing an explosion.

"Who are you?" The woman's voice became cold.

 Don't ask me who Desert Island is, I don't know!I don't know!Don't tell you!
  In addition, the height, body shape, weight and illustrated book of some elves in the book have changed, and everything is subject to this book.

(End of this chapter)

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