Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 73 Climb the Snow Mountain!

Chapter 73 Climb the Snow Mountain!

Ryuichi and Mari disturbed Ayumi Inoue's residence for two days, and prepared to leave after Lobster Bing and Bobo recovered from their injuries.

In the morning, four people sat around a stone table and had breakfast.

"Really, you guys are going to go." Ayumi Inoue carefully fed her daughter's soup. After two days of getting along, the little loli was finally not so shy, although every time she looked at Ryuichi and Mari, she would still grab her Mom's clothes were hidden behind her thighs.

Long nodded and said: "Well, after all, we drifted here after a shipwreck, and we didn't know how to leave before, but now that we know that the college is on the other side of the mountain, we naturally have to go back and report, and report to our family at the same time. Safety."

Long Yi could imagine how that cheap stepmother would cry when he learned of his accident. He felt that his affection for the current family was getting stronger and stronger.

"Since you are planning to leave, I won't hold back any more. Let me tell you some things to pay attention to."

Ayumi Inoue was able to appear here naturally from the other side of the mountain, and her advice was very useful.

"Sister, please tell me."

"The situation in the forest is not bad, similar to the forest near the grass-type dormitory, but there are not so many elves here, but a few powerful elves divide each territory, as long as you don't actively provoke them There is no danger."

"There are many ice elves living on the snow mountain. These elves have a strong awareness of air defense. Don't even think about flying over from the sky."

"When going up and down the mountain, be careful to avoid conflicts with the elves, otherwise the movement of the battle will easily trigger an avalanche, and it will be dangerous at that time."

"There is a group of Snow Hat Monster and Blizzard King on the mountain. They usually take root and pretend to be a tree. As long as you don't set fire or cut down the tree, it will be fine. But there is also a mutated ice crystal rock snake living on the mountain, which can use ice-type tricks , very irritable personality, and no fixed place to live, this can only depend on luck."

"After crossing the snow-capped mountains, there is a swamp. Be careful here. There are many vicious poisonous and water-type elves living there. The way we came here was also exposed a little bit. I'm afraid we can't do it right now."


Ayumi Inoue babbled a lot, all of which were very useful information, and Long Yi wrote them down one by one, for which he was sincerely grateful.

Although she didn't like Ayumi Inoue's handling of feelings, she had no ill intentions towards Long Yi and the others, and she also provided a lot of help.

"Aren't you going to take the child back?" Long Yi asked.

Xiaoshan Mayu, that is, the little loli is already five years old, and has reached the age of kindergarten.

Now that Kosugi Jiro is dead, the Kosugi family should not take action against the mother and daughter, and it is not a good thing to live in seclusion on the island. Mayu's future should not be here.

Ayumi Inoue shook her head, and looked towards the direction of the tomb of Kosanjiro outside the window: "Maybe I will go back in the future, but not now."

Long nodded and said no more.

Ayumi Inoue prepared some food, fresh water, tree fruits, and some furs to keep out the cold for Ryuichi and Mari.

Long Yi accepted, took Mali's hand out, turned around and bid farewell to the two.

"Uncle Long Yi, Aunt Mari, I will come to play with Mayu in the future!" Xiao Mayu ran out from behind her mother for the first time, and waved vigorously at the two.

"Understood, Xiao Mayu also listens to her mother!" Mari's voice was a little choked up.


Separated from Inoue Ayumi's mother and daughter, Ryuichi and Mari set off towards the snow mountain.

"Long Yi, why do you think Ayomi-senpai refuses to take Mayu back with her? It would be fine if Senior Xiaoshan was still around, but he's already..." Mari couldn't understand Ayomi Inoue's choice.

"Who knows." Long Yi said.

There is one thing he doesn't know whether he should remind Mari, that is...

Kosugijiro, how did he die!


The valley is not close to the snow mountain, but it is not too far away, and there are no powerful and vicious elves on the road.

After a day's driving, Long Yi and Ma Li arrived at the foot of the snow-capped mountain almost in the evening.

This is not the most majestic mountain range Long Yi has ever seen, but it is also very spectacular.According to Ayumi Inoue, this snow-capped mountain range isolates the southern corner of the entire trainer island from east to west, so there is no possibility of detours at all.

"This is the snow mountain." Long Yi raised his head, he couldn't see the top of the mountain, but he saw white snow as far as he could see, which was very strange.

The Trainer's Island is a magical island specially transformed by the Alliance for the academy. It contains a variety of terrains and is home to most types of Pokémon in several regions. The abnormal snow-capped mountains in front of you are obviously part of the environmental transformation project. one.

The purpose is to give the ice system and the elves living in the snow mountain environment a space to survive and multiply.

"It's getting late, let's spend the night at the foot of the mountain tonight, and start climbing tomorrow morning." Long Yi said.

Mari naturally had no objection.

There were no caves or other suitable places to spend the night nearby, so the two had no choice but to find a leeward depression and make do with it for the night.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, the two began to climb the mountain.

The snow-capped mountain in front of me is not the kind of scenic peak that I go to when I travel. It has no well-drilled steps and is completely primitive. Therefore, the speed of the two of them is not fast.

As the sun gradually rose, the altitude where Long Yi and the two were also slowly climbed.At about noon, sporadic snow had appeared in front of their eyes, and the temperature had dropped a lot.

But Long Yi reckoned that the two of them had climbed no more than 400 meters.

Snow accumulation at this height is obviously very abnormal, and I don’t know how the people in charge of the island’s transformation in the alliance made it.

"Take a break and eat something." Long Yi said.

"Okay." Mari breathed into the palm of his hand, and the breath he exhaled was white visible to the naked eye.

The temperature here is already equivalent to normal winter, almost a little above zero.

Both of them were wearing summer clothes, and they were so cold that they were shivering even with the fur presented by Ayumi Inoue.

Long Yi himself was a bit better, mainly because of Ma Li, who had to run to Long Yi's arms to keep warm every time he walked for a while.

Looking at the top, I can barely see the peak, which is almost three or four times the height before. Obviously, one day is definitely not enough, at least three to four days.

"Are you okay?" Long Yi asked, after activating his Qi, his body quickly warmed up, like a stove in winter.But the body of Mali who was being held by him was as cold as a human-shaped ice cube.

" problem." Mali's teeth were chattering, and she hugged Long Yi greedily.

The only way to get to the other side of the island is to climb over the snow mountain, but the situation in Mari is not optimistic.

"How about this, I will send you back to Ayumi-senpai, and then go over the mountain to the academy alone, and then lead the teachers of the academy to pick you up."

This was almost the best choice Long Yi could think of, but Mari shook his head firmly: "No, I want to be with you!"

She hugged Long Yi for a while, feeling her body temperature gradually rising, she took the initiative to let go of her hand: "Let's continue."

The wind began to pick up, mixed with a trace of fine snow.

Long Yi looked at the slender girl struggling forward against the wind, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Long Yi, hurry up!" Mali turned her head and greeted.

"Here we come!" Long Yi responded, quickly walked a few steps to catch up, and squeezed Mali's hand tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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