Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 75 Climb the Snow Mountain!

Chapter 75 Climb the Snow Mountain!

The road up the mountain after the blizzard is gone is indeed much easier, but the closer to the peak of the snow mountain, the steeper the road and the deeper the snow.

Generally speaking, Long Yi and his two climbed the mountain at about the same speed as yesterday.

There are more trees on the mountain, and some of them can be clearly seen to be disguised by the Snow Hat Monster and Blizzard King.

Although their habits are similar, the camouflage skills of these two elves are not 01:30 worse than those of walking grass.

Long Yi and Mari didn't provoke the Snow Hat Monster and Blizzard Kings, they also saw a few long-haired pigs and boars planing food in the snow from a distance, and they went around without disturbing them.

Soon, the day is over again.

The top of the mountain is within easy reach, but the luck of Long Yi and the others today is not as good as yesterday, they didn't find any caves to live in, and they didn't see any other snow boys.

As a last resort, the two could only build a temporary residence.

"Little Lobster, use the foam light, be careful not to make any noise." Long Yi pointed to the snow-covered road in the distance.

The lobster minion launched a bubble light that controlled its power, and the water stains that fell after the bubble exploded gathered the fluffy snow into compact ice and snow.

Long Yi patted the ice and snow into a ring shape, and then said to Mari: "It's fine."

Mari nodded, and put down Yukidouji: "Yukidouzi, use the freezing wind there."

This snow boy is the one who has the worst mastery of ice-type tricks among the five. Basically, the freezing wind loses its power when it is about 5 meters away from itself.

But fortunately it is not used to fight now, Mari let Xuetong get closer, and then the icy blue cold wind froze the ring that Long Yi had just built into an ice ring.

"Yes, that's it."

The two elves cooperated with each other and used the nearby snow to build a round igloo little by little.

"OK, that's it." Long Yi looked at the last piece of the roof that was completely frozen, and nodded.

It was getting late, and the two entered the igloo through the reserved arch.

Because of the limited time, the house was not built very big, and it was made of ice, so it was not possible to burn a fire inside.

Naturally, it couldn't be compared with yesterday's environment, but it's pretty good to spend the night on this snow-capped mountain.

Because there was no way to make a fire, the two had to eat some fruits and nuts to satisfy their hunger, and took a few mouthfuls of snow to quench their thirst.

The space in the igloo is limited, Long Yi left Abo Snake and Geng Gui to watch the night, covered the entrance of the cave with some furs to prevent the wind, and fell asleep with Ma Li.

On the third day, they successfully climbed to the top of the mountain, from here they could see the other side of the mountain at the foot of the mountain was a large stretch of grassland, but Long Yi, who was reminded by Ayumi, knew that it was actually a big swamp.

Farther away from the swamp is a vast forest, and occasionally there are some peaks in the forest, among which there is a mountain that Long Yi is very familiar with.

That is Seven Wolf Peak!
"Huh~, this is really the island of trainers." Although the existence of Ayumi has indirectly proved this point, Long Yi was really relieved after seeing the Seven Wolf Peak.

Mari's face was flushed by the cold wind, she looked in the general direction of the Trainer Academy, and remained silent.

After a short rest, the two began to descend the mountain.

There are obviously more snow hat monsters and Blizzard Kings on this side of the mountain than on the other side. Large expanses of pine, cypress, and birch trees form a lush forest with snow-covered crowns.

As the saying goes, going up the mountain is easy and going down the mountain is difficult, especially on snow-capped mountains.In order to prevent slipping and slipping, the two deliberately slowed down the speed of going down the mountain, and wrapped the vines prepared at the time around their waists to avoid accidents.

There are many benefits of having more trees, at least the wind and snow are much smaller here.

On the third night, the two concocted according to the law and still slept in the igloo.

But on the morning of the fourth day, Long Yi encountered a problem—Mali had a fever.

Her clothes were too thin, the kind she would wear on the beach in summer, even if she was wrapped in several thick layers of fur, it would not be of much use. After sleeping on the snow-capped mountains for several consecutive nights, she finally caught a cold.

And it's a severe cold.

It is unrealistic to stop and wait for Mari to recover. The environment on the snow mountain is too harsh. The longer you stay, the more sick Mari will be.

A cold can be fatal if it gets serious!
"Cough...cough cough...Long Yi, am I dying soon?" Ma Li's voice was weak, she was carried on Long Yi's back, cheek to cheek.

Since going up the mountain, hugging with Long Yi is Ma Li's favorite thing, because Long Yi's body is always warm, like a stove.

But today is different, Mari even felt that Long Yi's face was a bit cold.

This was because her face was burning hot with the fever.

"It's okay, you can recover after a good night's sleep when you get down the mountain." Long Yi comforted, stopped and adjusted the position of Mali so that his hands would not be so strenuous.

"Ahem... Is it true that it will be fine if you just sleep?"

"Yeah, have I ever lied to you?" Long Yi comforted him tirelessly.

But he didn't know that Mari's vision was actually a bit blurred.

"If you dare to lie to me, I'll... I won't kiss you." Mari pouted, but in fact her mind is in a state of chaos now, and all the communication is what she wants to say subconsciously.

While walking, Long Yi suddenly stopped.

An elf appeared on a rock ahead, looking at them indifferently.

It was a graceful elf with white hair, a blade-like tail, and gray-blue skin, claws, and tail.

It has a large shaggy mass of hair on its chest, and horns on its head shaped like a sickle.The pupils are deep red, and the hair on the head is soft and white, shaped like hook jade.

In fact, in Long Yi's view, this elf's head is more like an abstract Tai Chi pattern after adding horns.

"The Calamity Beast - Absol!" Long Yi exclaimed.

In terms of rarity, the elf in front of me is even rarer than the existence of false gods such as Kuailong, Bloodwing Wyvern, and Bangira. It is said that every time Absol appears, it will bring disaster, so it is feared and rejected by people. It is a disaster beast.

"Absolu!?" The name seemed to irritate Mali, she cheered up a bit, "Run, Long Yi, the appearance of Absolu must be accompanied by disaster, run!"

Absol seemed to understand Mari's words. It gave the two of them a cold look, then jumped off the rock and disappeared into the depths of the forest.

Long Yi took a deep breath: "No, you can't run, there is danger ahead."

The number of Absolu is too rare, so 9% of the trainers in this world have never seen this kind of elf, and their understanding of it is limited to those legends.

But Long Yi knew that this was a kind of spirit that was deeply misunderstood.

Absol does not bring disasters, it only perceives disasters and foretells disasters!
But alas, for the human beings who are victims of the disaster, there is no difference between the two.

They need someone to take responsibility for their suffering!
Long put Mali to a tree and sat down, and Xuetongzi poked his head out from the fur on Mali's back.

"No, Absolu will really bring disaster, Long Yi, listen to me!" Mali struggled, and Long Yi quickly hugged her in his arms.

"Believe me, staying here is the safest." Long Yi repeated several times before calming down the panicked Mali.

In illness, she lost her usual intelligence.

Then there is waiting.

Less than half an hour or so passed, and nothing happened.

But Long Yi is not in a hurry, and he is not in a hurry, he believes in Absolu.

Suddenly, a loud noise erupted from the foot of the mountain, and a large amount of snow flew into the air!
A crystal-clear, big rock snake whose whole body seemed to be composed of ice crystals rushed out of the ground. Its breath was ice blue symbolizing freezing, and it easily froze the surrounding trees into ice sculptures.

Mutated Elf - Ice Crystal Rock Snake!

This ice crystal rock snake unscrupulously destroyed everything around it, trees fell and rocks shattered.

Long Yi held his breath and embraced Mari, the destructive power of the big rock snake below seemed to be no less than that of Ayumi Inoue's Bangira.

A black spot moved quickly along the body of the ice crystal rock snake, and soon came to its head.

White light shone, and the Ice Crystal Rock Snake let out a painful roar, and flung the black spot away.

The direction of the black dot flying upside down happened to be around Long Yi's side, and he saw the true face of the black dot clearly.

The legendary extinct ancient elf - sickle helmet!
The sickle helmet stepped on a big tree and lost its strength, and then rushed up again with explosive force.

Two elves, rare in the world, fought on the snow mountain. They fought from east to west, from the ground to the ground, and then disappeared.

Long Yi turned his head abruptly, his face changed, he quickly picked up the Mali and ran down the mountain quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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