Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 86 VS8 God Excellent

Chapter 86 VS Yagami Yu ([-])
Long Yi walked out from the player's tunnel, climbed up the stairs to the blue player's position and stood up.

In front of him was a standard battle field, with Yu Yagami standing directly in front, and a referee arranged by the academy standing in the middle of the field on the right hand side.

"Is that Miyazaki-san, what a MAN!"

"The commentary means that his Geng Gui is very powerful, so he should win this time, right?"

"Anyway, just because he is so handsome, I support him to win." A second-grade girl covered her red face, stood up boldly under the instigation of her best friend, and shouted: "Cheer up, junior! Sister supports you!"

"Hmph, what's the use of being good-looking, the battle depends on strength, I think Yagami Yu will win." A boy said.

The battle dome built by the school can accommodate a full 5000 spectators. Because the school was temporarily closed due to the Academy Cup, almost all the students came to watch the game.

In addition to students, there are teachers, professors, faculty members of the college, and even store owners and waiters in the nearby shopping mall.

It didn't feel like watching on the big screen in the player's lounge, but when he actually stood on this platform and faced the eyes of thousands of spectators, even though Long Yi had experienced a lot of wind and waves during this period, he was still sweating from nervousness.

Compared to his nervousness, Yu Yagami's heart on the opposite side was obviously bigger, and he didn't feel much.

"Guess the first move." The referee said.

Long Yi's guess was wrong, so he started first, Yagamiyou later.

"Now start drawing the opposing battlefield!"

The big screen was divided into four evenly, a light frame began to move, and finally locked onto the field of grass.

The original standard battle field was disconnected from the middle in a violent shock, the left and right halves sank, and then shrunk inward.Immediately afterwards, a brand new field of grass rose slowly from below.

"Everyone, please see that this field replacement system uses the most advanced and top-notch equipment in the alliance. It only needs to press a few buttons to quickly change the field. This is also the most important part of the battle dome."

Kikuko Horita also entered the state of explaining, no longer blushing: "The field of grass is similar to the standard field, but the long grass can allow small Pokémon to hide themselves, and Yu Yagami's advantage over the eagle has been weakened."

"The blue side, please go first!"

Long Yi thought about it.

Yagamiyu's trump card is undoubtedly Bi Diao.To deal with flying-type Bi Diao, Huiyuan's [-] volts and blizzard can have miraculous effects, and Korakola's Lightning Bone Boomerang also has a certain effect, but the effect is not great.

Then the remaining one must be carefully considered.

Looking at the battle field, Long Yi gradually made up his mind and took off a poke ball from his waist: "Go, Abo Snake!"

A white light suddenly appeared, and the Arbo snake fell into the field.

"Contestant Long Yi's first elf chose Arbor Snake!"

With the voice of the commentary, the picture on one of the large screens solidified into the heads of the two sides in the battle, with three horizontal lines and three square boxes under each person.

At this time, the first column below Long Yi's portrait shows Arbor Snake.

"Abo Snake?" Yagami Yu didn't think too long, and released his elf.

A giant bee about one meter appeared above the field.

Insect-type and poison-type dual-type elf-Big Needle Bee!

It looks like a bee that has been magnified many times, but it only has 4 legs. The two backwards are responsible for maintaining balance, and the two front legs are like spears, responsible for attacking.

The speed of the wasp is very fast, its wings vibrate more than 300 times per second, and the tail needle on its abdomen is highly poisonous, which can cause severe pain, redness and swelling.

"Yakumi Yagami's first elf chose the big needle bee! This is a very common insect-type elf. It is said that his hometown, Vikipan City, is the largest habitat of the big needle bee in the world. I don't know that the big needle bee Were the bees harvested from the Viridian forest or from the forest near the academy."

It was the first time Long Yi met a trainer who used bug-type elves.

Because according to the knowledge taught by the academy, although elves like the big needle bee evolve quickly and have no obstacles in the process, their lifespan is also very short.

The normal lifespan of a large needle wasp is only a few years, at most in the early ten years, it will die of old age.

Anyone who aspires to become a trainer is prepared to do it as a career for the rest of his life. It is impossible for an elf trained through hard work to grow old after only a few years.

Moreover, the Zerg elves like the big needle bee are not strong, and even fewer people use them.

Even those who like bug-type Pokmon, their goals are Dajia, Heracross, Flying Mantis and other elves.

It should be the big needle bee that was directly subdued, and it should be used for excessive use.

Long Yi thought.

At this time, the information of the big needle bee also appeared under Yagamiyou's avatar, and then the referee raised the double flags and lowered them at the same time.

"Game start!"

"Big needle bee, use the double needle to attack!"

The big needle bee was very fast, it left a yellow trace in the air, and it only took about three seconds to fly over the Arbor snake, stabbing down with its long needle.

The giant needle wasp is weak, but its double-needle attack is powerful enough to leave a deep hole in a thick tree trunk, and it is also poisonous.

Long Yi who entered the battle quickly calmed down, no longer being influenced by the audience: "Dodge."

The Arbor snake lowered its head and burrowed into the grass. The attack of the needle bee only moved some grass blades, but did not hurt the Arbor snake.

"Yakumi Yagami took the lead to let the big needle bee attack, but the Abo snake escaped by relying on the terrain of the field!" Kamiya Hiroshi explained.

Yagami Yu ordered: "Fly up and use the Hida needle!"

The big needle bee raised its height, and the twin needles emitted a large amount of white needle-shaped energy.

Its missile needle density is much higher than Long Yi's Huiyuan, but Long Yi was unmoved and did not give the order.

This sporadic attack does not cause much damage to the scales of the Arbor snake.

Looking at the big needle bee, Long Yi silently counted the time.

The big needle bee is not a kind of elf that can fly at high altitude for a long time. Its normal flying height is between 1.5 meters and 2 meters. It can fly to about 4-5 meters with all its strength, but it can only last for a while.

Soon, the height of the needle bee began to decrease.

Long Yi waited for the opportunity to come: "Rush up, bite!"

Cha~ Arbor!

Arbo Snake jumped out from a piece of tall grass. At this time, the height of Big Needle Bee was less than two meters.

"Use high-speed movement!"

The Arbo Snake only bit the afterimage left by the Echidna wasp, and then burrowed into the grass again.

"Use the missile needle on that grass to narrow the range!"

Reducing the range can increase the number of missile needles per unit area, causing greater damage.

Long Yi didn't hurt Ah Bo Snake in vain this time: "Use a poisonous needle."

The purple poisonous needles and the white missile needles hit a large number of sparks in the air. Although there were more missile needles, all the poisonous needles on the front of the Arbor snake were blocked by the poisonous needles, and it was not injured.

"Use the destructive death light!" Yagami Yu suddenly shouted.


The big needle bee stopped the missile needle, a yellow energy ball appeared in the middle of the double needles, and then quickly formed a yellow energy column to launch out.

The attack speed of this destructive death light was very fast, just as Long Yi reacted, the big needle bee had already followed the trajectory of the poisonous needle and hit the Abo snake.

A small explosion, Arbor Snake was blown away.

"Beautiful plan! Yagami's first choice is to paralyze the opponent with the big needle bee, then use the missile needle to lure the Arbor snake to expose its position, and finally use the quick destruction and death light to make the final decision." Hiroshi Kamiya tapped his palm excitedly.

Kikuko Horita also nodded and said: "Although the power of the destructive death light launched hastily is much smaller, it still caused great damage to the Arbor snake. Moreover, the explosion also blasted the Arbor snake into the air. This is part of Yagami Yu's plan." extraneous, but more favorable to him."

"Move at high speed to catch up, and use the poisonous needle to attack!" Iori Yagami's eyes lit up, and he ordered immediately.

The blown Arbo snake is very easy to be backed by that force when attacked, so the usual double-needle continuous attack of the big needle bee is not applicable here, Yagamiyu chose the more toxic tail needle to stab.

The Big Needle Bee caught up to the upside-down Arbo Snake almost in the blink of an eye, its tail bowed back, and a trace of purple venom was secreted from the sharp needles.

Right now!

"Big snake stare!" Long Yi shouted fiercely.

Cha~ Arbor!

A terrifying giant snake phantom appeared behind the Arbor snake.

Seeing this scene suddenly, the big needle bee felt the horrible memory of being chased and killed by Bibi bird when he was a unicorn, his body froze, and he was slowed down for a moment.

When it came to its senses, the Arbo snake had fallen into the grass and disappeared.

Hiroshi Kamiya sighed and said: "It's a pity, player Long Yi's timing was very good, and he successfully used Abo Snake's racial skills to escape the catastrophe."

Kikuko Horita explained: "Some people have never heard of it. Orochi staring is a unique skill belonging to Abo snake, Abo monster and rice spoon snake. It can make the target recall the fear deep in the memory. Cowardly elves are more affected by this trick."

Rabbit ups and cuckoos down, fierce and colorful.

Knowing that Abo Snake had escaped, the two sides fell into a confrontation again, and the audience at the scene woke up from the fierce battle one after another. Many people subconsciously took a breath of air.

"It's obviously a first-year school, but the fight is more intense than our second-year students."

"You don't even look at how many juniors can enter the top 64, they are the best in this year."

"Don't you guys think that big needle bee is very strong, it can even destroy the death light, I feel that my main elves may not be able to beat it."

The audience chattered, Long Yi quietly wiped off his sweat.

It was really thrilling just now, and he didn't expect Yagamiyu's big needle bee to be so powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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