Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 9 Super Powerful Geng Ghost, 1 Shame!

Chapter 9: Super Powerful Geng Gui, Shame on Me!
It was a gloomy Tuesday, with light rain falling early in the morning.

Long Yi sat up on the bed, stretched out his hand to hold his forehead, a hangover-like headache haunted him.

"Hiss... the sequelae of the mental attack haven't passed yet, but luckily I finally subdued you." Long Yi said.

He went to the elf cemetery alone at midnight last night, and as expected, he saw many rare ghost-type Pokémon, and one of them was even stronger and terrifying.

Huiyuan and Kola Kola were defeated one after another, and the remaining Abo Snake was already on the verge of collapse even if it had the evil-type ultimate move to restrain the ghost-type. In the end, it was Long Yi who blocked the crucial blow for it, and ushered in the battle. victory.

Several elves woke up one by one.

"Good morning, Huiyuan, Kola Kola, Abo Snake." Long greeted one by one, and then looked at the purple figure that appeared strangely in the void in front of him, "And you, Geng Gui."

Yes, what emerges from the void is the final evolution of the famous phantom elf Guisi in the Kanto area - Gengar!

And it is also Long Yi's harvest last night, the king elf in that cemetery!
Geng Gui raised his hand in greeting, with his usual sinister smile on his face.

Probably it was moved by Long Yi's action of defending Abo Snake's attack, this super powerful little elf didn't have any rebellious mentality, and readily admitted Long Yi's identity as a trainer.

"It's up to you today, Geng Gui." Long Yi gave it a high-five, and Geng Gui also patted his chest with an expression of 'Leave it to me'.

He got up and drank a glass of water, feeling that his headache was relieved a little, Long Yi got dressed and walked towards the door.

The moment he opened the door, Long Yi inadvertently found a piece of paper stuffed in the bottom crack of the door.

Kneeling down to pick it up, the paper was very ordinary, and it was folded in half. After unfolding, there was a line of beautiful characters on it, which said the words 'Don't go to the cemetery, it's dangerous', and several exclamation points were added.

"Boring." Long Yi crumpled up the paper and threw it into the trash can, opened the door and walked out.

As a trainer, how can you not encounter danger, if you are afraid of danger, don't be a trainer!
At this moment, Long Yi's heart was full of longing for revenge on Hayato Ueda, and he didn't even have the thought to find out who the person who issued the warning was.

After breakfast, he walked into the classroom with the bell ringing, Honda, who had already been sitting in his seat, cast a questioning look, Long Yi smiled and said 'OK'.

it is more than words.

The time of one class passed quickly, Long Yi walked to Honda and said: "Go, let's see how I can get revenge!"

"I'm very confident, it seems you've gained a lot." Honda said, also feeling happy for Long Yi.

"That's right, it's very strong!" Long Yi said.

The two went out together, and some other students asked curiously. Hearing that Ryuichi was going to challenge the school's school bully Hayato Ueda, those who knew were incredulous, while those who didn't know were surprised and angry after asking.

"How can there be such a hateful person in the training school!" Some girls were indignant and followed.

Coming to class B of the third grade, most of the students in class B were taking a short break in the classroom at this time, and the arrival of more than a dozen students in class C of the first grade immediately caught their attention.

"Hayato, I'm looking for you! Someone is coming for revenge!" Someone shouted.

Ueda Hayato was resting his eyes with his eyes closed, but when he heard this, he opened his eyes and immediately saw Long Yi at the door of the classroom.

Putting his feet down from the desk, he came out and took advantage of his height and said condescendingly: "Boy, it's only been two days, are you here to beat me up?"

Long Yi looked at him, "No, I'm here to get back what belongs to me."

Back then Long Yi said that he would definitely avenge the robbing of the elves, and today he came to fulfill this promise.

Long Yi's full confidence made Ueda Hayato feel something was wrong, the two looked at each other for a while, and the air seemed to freeze.

"Go to the third floor, a match will determine the outcome!"

Long Yi grinned and said, "It's exactly what I want."

So a group of people rushed to the battle room on the third floor, there were as many as 40 to [-] people.

More than a dozen of them are students in class C of the first grade, more than a dozen of them are in class B of the third grade, and some came to watch the fun after hearing the news, and there was even a teacher among them.

Ryuichi and Ueda Hayato stood on both sides of the battlefield in A1, and the teacher took the initiative to take over the task of refereeing: "Now we will start the battle between Miyazaki Ryuichi from class C of the first grade and Hayato Ueda from class B of the third grade, using spirits as wagers." , the number of spirits used is one, and the time is unlimited! The game, start!"

"I'll come first, so as not to make people laugh." Ueda Hayato took out the poke ball first, "Go, Dragon King Scorpion!"

A purple ferocious elf appeared on the field. It had a segmented body, and its hands and tail were in the shape of scissors.With four legs, exposed fangs, and ferocious eyes, she was born with a taste that no one should enter.


The elf landed on the ground and let out a roar, which was the first to catch everyone.

"Dragon King Scorpion, Scorpion Monster Pokémon, Sinnoh area elf, poisonous and evil dual attributes, with retractable pincers and tail." Long Yi, who has investigated the information of Ueda Hayato, is no stranger to this elf in front of him, "Look Come on, you are lucky, although this does not change the result."

Ueda Hayato looked impatient: "Don't talk nonsense, release your elf!"

"My elf?" Long Yi showed a strange smile, "It's already on the field."

Ueda Hayato was taken aback, and quickly realized: "Ghost Pokémon?"

It has been on the field for a long time but can't see it. Excluding some elves who can do this with the help of field factors, then only the ghost Pokmon that can be invisible are left.

Dragon King Scorpion, who had experienced many battles, seemed to suddenly sense something, and stared dangerously at an empty place on the field.

Hayato Ueda reacted quickly: "Dragon King Scorpion, use the Cross Poison Blade!"

A purple cross energy blade cut across the air, cutting a deep mark on the field.

Nothing came up.

"Damn it!" Ueda Hayato hated fighting against such a slippery opponent, "Boy, do you just hide, you are indeed a weak waste!"

"A clumsy aggressive method." Long Yi slightly lowered his eyes, seemingly unmoved.

Just when Ueda Hayato was gnashing his teeth and wanted to say something more, Long Yi suddenly shouted: "Geng Gui, use the shadow ball!"

Geng Gui suddenly appeared on the left side of the Dragon King Scorpion and launched an attack, but the tail of the latter was faster, and the pliers that replaced the pincers appeared in front of the shadow ball almost instantly, pinching the energy ball wrapped in black lightning. burst!

"Okay! Use Knock Down!"

The speed of this move was extremely fast, and before Geng Gui could react, Dragon King Scorpion's black-glowing right pincers had already hit it.


Geng Gui screamed and flew back a long way, his eyes turned cold, and he disappeared again.

"Slippery loach!" Ueda Hayato gritted his teeth.

Long Yi said: "Geng Gui, let's play the shadow ball again!"

This time Geng Gui appeared on the right side of Dragon King Scorpion, and it was the attack just now.

"What, it turned out to be a rookie."

"That's right, I wouldn't have come to see it if I knew it earlier. I thought it was some kind of master among the freshmen, but I didn't expect it to be a rookie."

Long Yi's actions caused the onlookers to murmur, but Ueda Hayato was overjoyed: "Dragon King Scorpion, knock it down again!"


The Dragon King Scorpion repeated its old trick to pinch Geng Gui's shadow ball, but just as it was about to use it to knock it down, it suddenly exploded.

The black energy exploded on the Dragon King Scorpion, although it wasn't serious, it interrupted its attack.

"How is it possible!" Everyone exclaimed.

Where did the attack come from?The shadow ball was obviously crushed by the Dragon King Scorpion!

Only the teacher who was the referee showed a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Hayato Ueda, are you ready to face despair?" Long Yi smiled, winning.

Dragon King Scorpion on the field suddenly shook his head and fell to the ground, snoring loudly.

The ultimate super power trick, hypnotism!
But when did it happen?Geng Gui is still far away!
"Geng Gui, Frozen Fist!"

Geng Gui punched the ground jokingly, but at the same time a burst of ice crystals erupted from the back of the sleeping Dragon King Scorpion, freezing the joints of its left and right pincers.

First the pincers, then the tail, and finally the beak.

The continuous attacks woke the Dragon King Scorpion from its deep sleep, but before it could understand what happened just now, it suddenly felt a pain in the back of its head and passed out completely.

"Dragon King Scorpion lost the ability to fight, and Geng Gui won! So the winner is Miyazaki Ryuichi from Class C of the first grade!"

All silent...

(End of this chapter)

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