Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 93 Betrayal?

Chapter 93 Betrayal?

"What the hell are you talking about..." A girl in a long skirt stood up from Long Yi and walked over.

It's Mari!
Long Yi froze in place, seeing Mali's slim figure in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

Standing still and turning around, her long air bangs covered her big beautiful eyes, making Long unable to see Mali's expression clearly.

"Mari... you,..."

"Don't you understand? This is my revenge on you." The middle man among the three men said.

Long Yi took a deep breath, and put his hands on Mo Yan's waist, as if this could calm him down.

Opening his eyes again, he forced himself not to look at Mari, and looked at the three of them again.

The one on the far left is short, fat, and sloppy, wearing a dirty old school uniform that hasn't been washed for an unknown amount of time, with a huge belly so tight that one of the buttons is blown off.

While picking his booger with his hands, he looked at the girls around him with lustful eyes, and even his eyes lingered on Mali.

He is Ichiro Yamamoto, synonymous with obscenity and obscenity.

The man on the right is the one who called Mari over just now.

This is the first time Long Yi has seen this man, he is neither tall nor short, with messy green curly hair that hasn't been done for a long time, black bags under the eyes, also wearing a school uniform, pale like a vampire.

"I'm Satoshi Asaoka, meeting you for the first time." Facing Long Yi's sizing up, he introduced himself with a hoarse and dry voice.

"You are Asaoka Satoshi?" Long Yi once again looked carefully at the most feared school bully in the legend, and he was also the only school bully who did not participate in the Academy Cup competition.

Finally, Long Yi set his eyes on the boy in the center.

He has short blond hair, a cold and strong face, thin and long lips, wearing a high-end shirt and trousers, the second button of the shirt is not fastened, revealing a strong chest.

Unlike Ichiro Yamamoto's wretchedness, and Satoshi Asaoka's coldness, this is a handsome guy who is downright sunny. No matter who first sees him, he can't connect him with the school bully who bullies the students.

But he is indeed one of them, and he is recognized as the number one school bully—ruthless and righteous, Akasaka sword!
Long Yi knew Akasaka Rei, because Akasaka Rei was entangled with Misha, so Long Yi, who was pursuing Misa, investigated her, and naturally knew that she had an older brother.

"You just said... revenge?" Long Yi chewed the word.

Akasaka Ken nodded indifferently. In fact, he is a little dissatisfied with Asaoka Satoshi now. His plan this time did not have as great an effect as he imagined. The reaction of that Miyazaki Ryuichi was too flat: "That's right, because Li things, revenge against you."

"Her approaching you was part of the plan from the very beginning, otherwise do you really think that you can win the favor of the most beautiful girl in the second grade with your ability?" Jian Akasaka said coldly.

Get close to Long Yi, seduce Long Yi, make Long Yi fall in love with Mali, and then when he is addicted to it...leave him!
This is Asaoka Satoshi's plan.

"Mari, tell me, is what he said true?" Long Yi asked, looking at Mari again.

Mary finally raised her head.

Her eyes, as beautiful as the sea, are a little dark today, as deep as the sea before the storm.

Mali's eyes reflected Long Yi's appearance, he seemed to be pretending to be calm, his face was paler than Tomoka Asaoka's next to him, and even Mo Yan's hands holding the demon sword were bulging with blue veins due to excessive force. Know.

Mali's eyes fluctuated for a moment, then he nodded amid Long's ashen expression, and said coldly: "It's all true."

Akasaka Ken was much more satisfied this time: "This time is just a small lesson for you, if you let me know that there will be a next time, then it will not be so comfortable."

"let's go!"

"Boy, I will pay you back for the last time's hatred tomorrow!" Ichiro Yamamoto said harshly, and when he left, he touched a girl's buttocks, and the girl dared not speak out. .

"Damn Yamamoto, sooner or later he will be struck to death by lightning."

"Ken Akasaka and Satoshi Asaoka have gone too far recently, and now they are even playing with other people's feelings."

"Miyazaki-san is so pitiful."

"But I heard that this junior used to have a girlfriend, and later dumped her for Fujii."

"It turns out that he is an emotional liar who loves the new and dislikes the old, so he is not worthy of sympathy."

As Akasaka Ken and others left, the surrounding students who witnessed this scene started whispering, some of them were loud enough for Long Yi to hear them on purpose.

Long Yi didn't care about the people around him, he stayed in place for a long time, until all the people in the arena had dispersed and the willows were on the moon, he raised his head to look at the sky, and walked out like a walking dead.

Silently came to the supermarket, silently bought some beer, silently walked casually.

I don't know where I went, it was an exquisite wooden bridge, the stream below was gurgling, and there were frogs and insects.

Opening a can of beer, Long Yi drank it in silence, obviously did not shed tears, but the beer had a salty taste.

Really no tears?
His expression could not be reflected on the surface of the water, because there were drops of water falling continuously.

It should be the beer that flows out while drinking, right?I didn't cry after all.

Long Yi thought.

His alcohol capacity is not good, but it is no problem to drink more than a dozen cans of this kind of low-alcohol beer, but today he only drank two cans, and his mind is not very clear.

Five cans, six cans...

"Enough! Don't drink!" A hand suddenly reached out and snatched his beer.

Long Yi was already drunk, it took him two seconds to react, he couldn't see who was coming.

Get closer, a little familiar, think about it carefully, and remember it.

It's Misha!
"Are you even here to laugh at me?" Long Yi showed a hint of self-mockery on his face, and stretched out his hand to the bag hanging on the bridge railing.

"I've said enough!" Mesha snatched the bag, with an angry expression on her face, "Isn't she just a woman! As for the one who is so reluctant to part? She never loved you from the beginning to the end. What is there for such a woman to make you feel sad for her? of!"

"But I love her!!!" Long Yi roared.

The four eyes met, and the eyes of both of them were a little red.

"Drink to death, forget it!" Meisha threw the beer into Long Yi's arms, turned and ran away.


Long Yi staggered to pick up the beer, he simply sat on the bridge, the half-drinked can had been overturned, so he re-opened a can and drank silently.

Seven cans, eight cans, nine cans...

Long Yi fell drunk on the wooden bridge, the wine wet his clothes.

Meisha came out from behind a tree, looked at Long Yi, turned to leave intentionally, but gritted her teeth and did not move.

After a while, she finally came over and carried Long Yi on her back with great difficulty.

"Good weight……"

"Really, it should be the other way around. Why are you sad and I will take care of you."

"I would die for a woman who doesn't love you. You dumped me so simply."

"Without her...don't you still have me..."

"But I'm not good enough for you." Sleeping Long Yi said in a daze.

Meisha's body froze, and she was relieved only when she found out that Long Yi was talking in sleep.

"I don't mind..."

"Bored manly pride."

Under the moonlight, a young girl strenuously walks towards the forest with a boy on her back...

(End of this chapter)

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