This uncle is a little cold

Chapter 673 Marriage

Chapter 673 Marriage (V)

Yun Li just glanced at it, and then closed her eyes. All this has nothing to do with her. Now she only wants her daughter to be fine, and the rest...

She has no time for the rest.

For Jun Jue, she felt tired after all.

Even if all the misunderstandings are cleared up, she will feel tired.

The hall worship began, and joy also rang out in the huge hall.

"Worship heaven and earth."

"Two thanks to the high hall."

Yun Li took a deep breath and closed her eyes. At this moment, someone came over from her side, and then whispered to her side: "A Li, if you still like Jun Jue, you will be married, so what? Don't Forget, there is such a word as divorce in this world."

A familiar voice sounded, and a helpless smile appeared on the corner of Yun Li's mouth, "Xi'er, I'm tired. Two people love each other, it's too tired, I can't hold it anymore."

Yun Xi was annoyed by her decadent tone, so he stretched out his hand and slapped her hard on the head, saying, "You useless bastard! Think about how chic you were back then!"

Yun Xi seemed to hit her hard this time, but when he was about to touch her head, he paused, so he didn't hit her head with much force, but Jun Jue, who had been paying attention to this side, felt distressed Incessantly, even his eyes turned to Yunxi in a dark way.

Suddenly being stared at sharply, Yun Xi returned a disdainful look.Then, she said to Yun Li again: "I think Jun Jue still cares about you, and has been investigating your news since your reincarnation. Although he did some wrong things to keep you by his side, he still cares about you. The attitude of admitting mistakes is okay. No matter how you say it, you can't take advantage of that demon girl!" Speaking of the demon king, Yun Xi's tone was bitter.

But Yun Li said: "I just want Yue'er to be safe now, other things..." At the end of the sentence, she shook her head, expressing that she didn't want to think too much.

Yun Xi was helpless, looking at the pale and pitiful little Yun Yue, she also felt distressed.

"Little Yunyue's poison, even with the blood of a witch, can only live for 49 days."

"I know. I'll go back to the Protoss later. I remember that the Protoss has a lot of secret books, and there may be records of this poison in it."

"Then I will accompany you."

"it is good."

Jun Jue kept looking at that place, unwilling to take his eyes back, and the demon king finally lost his patience, and couldn't help but say: "A Jue, what's the matter? We're still worshiping."

Hearing this, Jun Jue looked away reluctantly.

The master of ceremonies at the side paused, and then said loudly: "Husband and wife pay respects."

Following the emcee's high-pitched voice, everyone around them turned their attention to Jun Jue and the Demon King, and at this moment, there was suddenly one more person in the hall.

"Chi Yanshi, come on!" A clear and clear child's voice sounded, and then, in the astonishment of everyone, the demon king who was originally a phoenix crown and Xiapei burned all his clothes in an instant.

Before coming here, Chi Yanshi had been ordered by the little master not to hurt her life, so it could only burn all of her coat, including her hair.

The demon king, who was so beautiful one moment ago, became hairless and bald the next moment, without even the slightest covering on his body. All this happened so fast that no one could react until the demon king let out a shrill cry. shouted, "Ah!!"

Bu Hua was awakened by the cry, and immediately took off his coat, and then put it on her.

However, after all this happened, everyone saw the body of the demon king, and the jade body without any cover was slightly reddened by the burning of the red flame stone.

(End of this chapter)

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