This uncle is a little cold

Chapter 679 Wake Up

Chapter 679 Wake Up (Part [-])

After Xiao Yunyue repeatedly confirmed that he was really her father, the excitement on her face could no longer be hidden.

I haven't seen my father since I was born, so when I saw him at this moment, I was naturally full of curiosity.

"Daddy, why didn't you come to see me when I was born?" After getting along for a while, Xiao Yunyue became more courageous, and asked about the doubts in her heart, especially after seeing Jun Jue being so gentle to her. Boldly ask: "Does Daddy dislike Yue'er?"

Jun Jue immediately looked at her with distress, and said, "Why doesn't Daddy like Yue'er? It's just that Daddy was busy at the time." After speaking, he glanced at Yun Li and saw that she hadn't made a sound, so he hugged Xiao Yunyue into the arms, slowly said: "Didn't you see Dad fighting with the bad guys when you came to find Dad?"

Xiao Yunyue recalled some things about looking for him, and indeed heard everyone talking about fighting, but she didn't understand what fighting was.

"Daddy, what is fighting?"

"It's just beating the bad guy. The bad guy bullied your mother back then, so Dad wants to avenge your mother."

Jun Jue didn't have the slightest bit of water in what he said, it was indeed because he found out that the demon king had sent someone to assassinate Yun Li, which provoked him to start the war.

When Xiao Yunyue heard that there were bad guys bullying her mother, she immediately clenched her small fists angrily, and said, "Hey! There are bad guys bullying my mother, I'm tired of working! Yue'er wants to beat her too!"

Yun Li's worries for many days finally made her chuckle because of her heart-warming behavior, she said: "You, just don't cause trouble for me, and forget about the rest."

"No!" Xiao Yunyue said with a serious face, "Mother is mine, no one can beat mother!"

Seeing that she was so well-behaved, Yun Li managed to stop crying, but sourness appeared in her eyes again.

"Mother doesn't need your help. Mother just wants you to grow up safely and live happily. Mother is satisfied."

Xiao Yunyue still doesn't understand the meaning of her words at this time, but since she can make her mother happy, of course she must do it!

"Mother, don't worry, I will grow up well!" She said with a smile, waving her small fleshy arms.

Jun Jue hugged the little guy, feeling her vitality, Pluto, who was always icy, rarely smiled from the bottom of his heart.

On the other side, after resting for a while, Jun Yan finally regained his vitality, so the moment he woke up, he started running towards Yun Yue.As a result, as soon as he ran, he heard her joyful laughter, and suddenly, his heart relaxed a lot.

Originally, he was worried that the method mentioned in the cheat book would not work.

Xiao Yunyue has been playing with Jun Yan since she was a child, she felt his aura as soon as he came, and immediately swayed in Jun Jue's arms, and said cheerfully: "Brother, brother is here."

When Yun Li and Jun Jue heard this, they looked towards the door.

Jun Yan walked over under their eyes, then knelt down with a plop, and said, "Beautiful sister, even if you don't blame me, I still think it's my fault." He kowtowed three times and said: " I don't know if I can find the antidote, if I can't find it, once Yue'er is gone, I will sacrifice my life for her."

Xiao Yunyue was completely puzzled, why did her brother kneel down, why did her mother cry, finally she turned her gaze to Jun Jue, and said, "Daddy?"

Jun Yan hated his uselessness, but he couldn't hate Jun Yan anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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