Chapter 684 Escape ([-])

Xiao Yunyue's words made the originally warm atmosphere instantly cool down, Yun Li's eyes were full of sadness, and even Jun Jue slightly turned his head away, as if unwilling to face it.

"Mother, Dad, what's the matter with you?" She looked at her parents curiously, not understanding how they would show such an expression, which she had never seen before in her memory.Because I haven't seen it, I don't understand it.

Looking at the ignorant little guy, the two could only hide their grief.

"It's nothing, I just think that Yue'er will grow up in the blink of an eye, and I can't help being a little excited." Yun Li said
"Yes, Yue'er will always be a little princess in Daddy's heart." Junjue said, hugging her up, and said dotingly: "Even if you grow up, this kind of thing will still happen, Daddy will not dislike it at all." " After finishing speaking, he said with a straight face: "Whoever dares to despise you, Daddy will be the first to let him go!"

Xiao Yunyue giggled immediately when she was provoked, and finally left a mark of saliva on Jun Jue's face, "Daddy is so kind, Yue'er loves Daddy the most."

Yun Li on the side heard the words, and immediately said: "Tsk, you little heartless, you love him the most after he's only been with you for as long as you do, I think I brought you up so much in the first place, what happened? ..." As she spoke, she deliberately sighed.

When Xiao Yunyue heard this, she became anxious, and immediately opened her hands towards Yunli, saying: "Mother, mother, Yue'er loves you too!"

Junjue took her into Yunli's arms, and then saw his favorite girl kissing his favorite woman.

Yun Li did it on purpose, seeing the little guy looking so anxious, he was also happy, "Just now you kissed your father several times, and your mother only kissed one, you little guy, you still want to lie to me."

"No, no, Yue'er loves mother." After speaking, she leaned towards her face and smacked a few times, and then said: "Mother, you trust me."

Seeing the serious expression on her face, she said, "Okay, I'll just try to trust you once."

When Xiao Yunyue heard that her mother believed in her, she felt a big stone in her heart, but she still remembered what her father said to her before, so she said: "Mother, my illness has recovered, can I go out to play?"

"Where does Yue'er want to go?" Yun Li asked, hiding the worries in her heart.

"Where does Yue'er want to go to daddy!" She danced and said, "Brother Yan took me to that place, it's so beautiful!"

Yun Li guessed from her words that the little guy was clamoring to see Jun Jue, so Jun Yan took her to Shuiyue Palace, who knew he wasn't in the palace at all, so he followed the inquiry and found Yao All.

No one knows whether Xiao Yunyue's poison can be cured, within this limited time, Yun Li naturally satisfies her [-]%.

"Since you are going, then go."

Seeing her let go, Xiao Yunyue cheered immediately: "Then mother and Yue'er go together."

Shuiyue Palace is a very special place in her memory. When she lost her memory, she used it as her home. All her memories are happy, except for being watched occasionally.But now after recovering the memory, recalling that place again, it is like a golden cage, but it looks good on the surface, but it is actually imprisoning her there.

Seeing her frowning slightly and keeping silent, Xiao Yunyue blinked her eyes, and said pitifully: "Mother, why don't we go together, Daddy has lived here with us for so long, let's go with Daddy too."

(End of this chapter)

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