Huang Zun II

Chapter 10 One Bitter Word

Chapter 10

The beauties drink lightly, blurred and dreamy, making people mesmerized.

However, for a beautiful woman like Yan Yan to drink so boldly, she is astonishing as well as shocking!
"Bang!" With a crisp shattering sound, everyone's souls were pulled back, and they all swallowed their saliva.

All the men present may not have such arrogance and endurance as Yan Yan!

It is okay to drink a jar of wine, but it is extremely difficult to drink such a bad wine and drink it so pleasantly.

"Master Yan Yan, are you okay?" Leon licked his lips and asked gruffly.

Once, he tasted this wine curiously, but it was also difficult to swallow.

Now, Yan Yan drank a whole jar with a happy expression on his face, which is simply unbelievable!
Yan Yan ignored Leon's question, walked slowly to the old man, and said lightly: "Good wine! Too bad, too little!"

Hearing what Yan Yan said, the old man was taken aback for a moment, then curled the corners of his mouth and said, "I'll give you all these three!"

Immediately, the old man pushed the other three jars of wine on the stall to Yan Yan.

Yan Yan smiled slightly, grabbed a jar and poured it. This action hit Leon's little heart hard again!

God, is this still a woman?Or, is this simply a beautiful monster?

At this moment, the small vendors were surrounded by people, they were attracted by Yan Yan's beauty and the scene that was contrary to her beauty.

A beautiful woman who devours the old man's sour wine!Of course, this name is given by everyone, and it is not official.

The wine enters the mouth and slides down the throat, the bitter taste keeps impacting Yan Yan's senses.

However, this bitter feeling gave her a sense of comfort and made her feel at ease in this strange world.

Gently wiping the glistening liquid from the corner of his mouth, Yan Yan breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the bad old man calmly, and said, "Wine, what's its name?"


"Bitter?" Yan Yan murmured the name of the wine softly, a trace of inexplicable emotion slowly oozing from his heart.

It seems that once upon a time, she also tasted a similar bitter wine!

However, this bitter wine is only bitter, extremely bitter.

And this bitter feeling strangely evokes certain impressions in my heart, but I don't know what it is.

Although she couldn't remember what it was, this feeling made her feel at ease.

It seems that she has not lost all her memories, at least the feeling is still there.

"Leon, Yan Yan?" At this moment, Chen Yu walked up to Leon and asked in surprise and doubt.

Just now, she was shocked by Yan Yan's performance.

At this time, Yan Yan, who drank three jars of bitter wine in a row, looked like a person who had never drunk alcohol, which was amazing.

"Master Yan Yan, you really are an extraordinary person! This master, I have made a promise!" Leon said excitedly after he regained his composure.

Chen Yu looked at Leon who was so excited, but shook his head helplessly.

Although Yan Yan has some advantages, she still has a certain degree of wariness towards this woman of unknown origin.

She really wanted to persuade Leon to send Yan Yan to her place, but Leon disagreed and insisted on taking in this woman who was like a time bomb.

A woman's intuition is very sensitive, and Chen Yu can feel that there is a seemingly invisible killing intent on Yan Yan.

This aura full of killing and blood made her feel very uncomfortable, and she thought Yan Yan was an ominous person!
However, since Leon made such a choice, she could only admit it.

"I still have a lot of this bitter wine at the old man's house. From now on, you can come to me and ask for wine at any time! It's free!" the old man said with a smile.

Yan Yan twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled at the bad old man, knowing it in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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