Huang Zun II

Chapter 132 Falling in Love with Someone You Shouldn't Love

Chapter 132 Falling in Love with Someone You Shouldn't Love (1)

The City of Green Light, centered on the Tree of Life, radiates in all directions, and was constructed by combining the architectural techniques of the Orientals and the eternal elves.

This green country can be said to be the highest masterpiece of Eternal Elves and Orientals, and it is a perfect refuge that can be self-sufficient.

"Leon, it would be great if we could live here forever." Chen Yu looked at the surrounding green scenery and felt the strong natural atmosphere around him, and couldn't help expressing a burst of emotion.

Leon smiled softly, why didn't he think the same way, living a carefree life in such a sacred place.

However, he still has things he has to do, and it is impossible to calm down and enjoy it all.

Miller looked deeply at Chen Yu, different from Leon's thinking, but he could give up everything and live an ordinary life with his beloved.

Perhaps, Leon and Miller, the only thing that can't resonate between these two good brothers should be the differences in the value of feelings.

If Chen Yu fell in love with Miller, she might have lived a happy life, but she fell in love with Leon.

"There is a checkpoint ahead, just watch me come later." Walking, Lu Fu turned his head and reminded Yan Yan and his group.

Yan Yan nodded slightly, and then saw a checkpoint ahead, with an oriental man and an eternal elf standing guard inside.

"Hey, Luffy, why did you end your patrol so quickly?" At the checkpoint, an eternal elf yelled, and then frowned when he saw a few strangers behind Luffy.

"Jeff, I met a few survivors during this patrol, and brought them back." Lufu grinned and said naturally.

Jeff glanced at his companion next to him, and motioned him to check Yan Yan and the others.

This oriental man, named Lin Zong, looks boxy, but honest and honest.

"You line up and come here one by one." Lin Zong said lazily holding a strange thing.

At this time, Lu Fu approached Yan Yan's ear and whispered: "That is an inspection device, which can distinguish corpse puppets from corpse puppets who carry the virus."

Having said that, Luffy glanced at Mirell worriedly, after all, he is a real corpse puppet.

Although Kylia gave him a reassuring look, Luffy was still uneasy.

If Miller is found to be a corpse puppet, he will be accused of treason, and he will be shot to death.

However, what surprised him was that when he was with Yan Yan, his heart always gradually calmed down.

It seemed that this enchanting woman had a magical power that could calm his anxiety.

That's why he hasn't reported on Yan Yan until now, instead he has given some help.

Not only Yan Yan and the others killed all the corpse puppets, but also Yan Yan's charm that reassures him.

At this time, Lin Zong's inspection machine was finally about to scan Mirell, but under Luffy's nervous mood, Mirele passed the inspection safely.

"Okay, there is no problem, you can pass." Lin Zong put away the inspection device and said lightly.

Jeff nodded, then smiled and said to Lufu: "Lufu, this time we brought back five survivors, and there will be a reward. Don't forget brother when the time comes."

Listening to Jeff's flattery, Lu Fu responded with a smile on his face, "That's that, let's go in first, and we'll find our brothers later."

After that, Lu Fu took Yan Yan and his party through the checkpoint and walked towards the urban area of ​​the city of green light.

At this time, Yan Yan's arms were wriggling all the time, but a fiery little head popped out.

"That person seems to be wrong, it should be six survivors." Xiaohu pouted and said in a childlike voice, but it was this guy who hid in Yan Yan's arms and escaped the inspection.

After all, letting a monster enter the city would not have a good effect.

Yan Yan rolled his eyes, then grabbed Xiaohu and threw it back.

"Master, how bad are you!" Xiaohu exclaimed, and when he was about to fall to the ground, he twisted and jumped into Chen Yu's arms.

Seeing such a daring little tiger constantly rubbing against Chen Yu's chest, Miller felt his teeth itch, wishing to ravage him severely.

"Hey, Mirell, do you have a stomachache? Does your face look so bad?" Xiaohu said casually when he caught a glimpse of Mirele with black lines on his face.

Alright, circles are already drawn in Miller's heart!
(End of this chapter)

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