Huang Zun II

Chapter 35 The Madman and the Summoner

Chapter 35 The Madman and the Summoner
The test crystal ball is made of glass that can reflect attributes, plus special craftsmanship.

Therefore, it can not only reflect attributes, but also test the degree of strength of a person.

The primary test crystal ball corresponds to grades one to three, the intermediate test crystal ball corresponds to grades four to six, and the advanced test crystal ball corresponds to grades seven to nine.

If the primary test crystal ball emits a hum when it is clenched tightly, it means that its strength is only one level, two hums is a level two, and so on.

Judging from Yan Yan's situation, her strength is obviously close to eighth, but her elemental attributes are blank.

Generally speaking, no matter whether you are talented or mediocre, you should have your own attributes.

The fire attribute corresponds to red, the water attribute corresponds to blue, the earth attribute corresponds to brown, the wood attribute corresponds to green, the wind attribute corresponds to cyan, the dark attribute corresponds to gray, and the light attribute corresponds to yellow.

However, judging from the white color that Yan Yan returned, it shows that she has no attributes at all.

This is absolutely not normal!How could a person with the physical strength of an eighth-level fighter have no attributes! ?

"How?" Seeing Scott's tangled face, Yan Yan couldn't help asking.

Scott sighed deeply, and said helplessly: "You are such a pervert!"

Judging from the current situation, Scott is unable to arrange a career and a corresponding mentor for Yan Yan.

After all, each tutor has a corresponding attribute, and it is impossible to teach such a special Yan Yan. If he tries to teach him reluctantly, he will only mislead his students.

"So, it's meaningless for me to stay here?" Yan Yan frowned and said with some displeasure.

"Immediately, Yan Yan turned around without hesitation, and was about to leave this small dark room.

To be more precise, she was leaving St. Petersburg College.

A college that can't learn anything, no matter how shining it is, is just a waste of time for the proud Yan Yan.

"Wait! We can arrange courses for you to strengthen your physical strength first, and then slowly solve this problem." Seeing that Yan Yan was leaving, Scott couldn't help but persuade him.

Olido had told her that she must treat this woman well and not let her leave because of dissatisfaction, otherwise, he wouldn't have to stay any longer.

Yan Yan paused, glanced at Scott lightly, and then continued to walk out.

Scott was in a hurry, thinking about ways to keep Yan Yan in his mind.

Suddenly, Scott had a flash of inspiration, but struggled whether to use it to persuade Yan Yan.

After all, that person is also a freak, so Yan Yan might not be satisfied.

When Yan Yan was about to walk out of the small room, Scott gritted his teeth fiercely and said quickly, "There is someone who might be able to teach you."

Yan Yan stopped, looked back, and said lightly: "Who?"

"A lunatic!" Scott said helplessly: "He can make you a unique summoner!"

"Oh?" Yan Yan became a little curious. There were only a few professions she had heard of all along, but she had never heard of the profession of summoner.

"Do you know about the corpse puppet tide incident in Konglan City?" Sko swallowed, regardless of whether Yan Yan had heard of it, and said directly: "That lunatic blocked thousands of people with his own power. Corpse puppets."

Hearing what Scott said, Yan Yan talked a lot, but he was a little curious about this so-called lunatic.

(End of this chapter)

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