The first assistant of the poor family

第575章 泰山封禅(1)【4000字2合1大章】

Chapter 575 Taishan Fengchan (4000) [[-] words two-in-one chapter]

Xie Shen's words really had an effect, Zhu Houzhao nodded and said: "I also know that some people are trying to make me happy. But don't pursue this kind of great joy, right?"

Xie Shen wondered why His Majesty the Emperor is in such a good mood recently, could it be...
"Haha, Concubine Liu has given birth to a royal son for me, and there will be a successor in Ming Dynasty."

That's it!

Looking at Zhu Houzhao, who was excited about being a father for the first time, Xie Shen suddenly realized.

Zhu Houzhao has been on the throne for seven or eight years, but he has no descendants.This is a hassle.

In history, because Zhu Houzhao had no heirs, he had to introduce Anlu King Zhu Houcong to succeed him after his death, which was tantamount to giving up the throne.

The king without an heir is definitely a sensitive topic, and most people dare not bring it up, lest it touch the emperor Nilin.

Even Xie Shen only mentioned a few words intentionally or unintentionally, urging the emperor to take care of his health.

Zhu Houzhao's promiscuous private life definitely has an impact on fertility. Xie Shen once thought about helping Zhu Houzhao give birth to a child, er, he asked a famous doctor to help Zhu Houzhao diagnose and treat him, so that Zhu Houzhao could give birth to a son.

Never thought that Zhu Houzhao would win a prince by himself.

In fact, Xie Shen had also heard about Concubine Liu's pregnancy, but it was pure luck, no one dared to guarantee that the concubine would be the prince.

It can only be said that Zhu Houzhao was lucky, and the first child was a boy.

"I am going to give the emperor's son the name Zhu Zaitang, and when the emperor's son is one year old, he will be crowned prince."

It can be seen that Zhu Houzhao loves and loves this son very much.

I have to say that reincarnation is a technical job, and it is so fucking cool to join the royal family, especially this kind of royal family that has no competitors.

Just like Zhu Houzhao, Emperor Xiaozong is his only son.It's not that holding it in the palm of your hand is afraid of melting.

Good reincarnation, less struggle for the rest of your life.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

"Congratulations to Your Majesty"

All the people congratulated the emperor together.

After the royal family, the country will be stable.

Otherwise, there may be some troubles in the later stage.

Zhu Houzhao coughed, waved his hands and said, "At this moment, I feel that I should go to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen. Thank God for protecting me."

The cheerful atmosphere froze instantly.

Taishan Fengchan
This is a big deal.

Counting the kings who conferred Zen on Mount Tai, which one is not the emperor of the ages, or thinks he is the emperor of the ages.

Could it be that His Majesty the Emperor is so confident that he is a sage monarch who has shaken the past and present?

Is this a bit of a joke?
In fact, Zhu Houzhao's talent is not bad, and it is not difficult to be a successful master with Xie Shen's guidance and assistance, but there is indeed a big gap between him and the emperor of the ages.So things like Fengchan Taishan do have the possibility of being a joke.

Of course, Zhu Houzhao doesn't think so, maybe in his opinion, he is already a wise king comparable to Yao and Shun.

The emperor of Ming Dynasty is so confident, the most typical example is Jiajing.

This gentleman also likes to seek Taoism and longevity, even more than Zhu Houzhao.

From this point of view, Zhu Houzhao is much cuter.

But cute is cute, if you really want to go crazy, you can't stop it.

The symbolic significance of Mount Tai's enshrining Zen is very great, at least it can declare to the world that there is peace under the rule.In addition, Zhu Houzhao has just won the prince, so it is understandable to want to show off.

The only problem is that it's a bit of a waste of money.

Like traveling to the south of the Yangtze River, the king also needs to spend a huge amount of money to enshrine Zen and Mount Tai.

Because Fengchan is a grand ceremony, it may cost more than a tour of the south of the Yangtze River.

Although the national treasury has been gradually enriched since the implementation of the New Deal, it cannot be prodigal.

If you are not at home, you do not know that diesel, rice, oil, and salt are expensive.

In order for a state machine to function normally, money has to be spent everywhere.Instead of spending money on Feng Chan Taishan, it is better to train the new army.

"Your Majesty, Mount Tai is not in a hurry to enshrine Zen. How about..."

"Hey, sir, don't try to persuade me. This time I have a strong feeling, so I should go to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen. If the date is changed, it won't work."

His Majesty the Emperor said so much, what else can Xie Shen say?He glanced at Gu Dingchen who was at the side, meaning, dude, why don't you stand up and say something?

Gu Dingchen is the second assistant and the minister of the household department.

The emperor is going to mount Taishan to enshrine Zen, so he must allocate money from the Ministry of Household Affairs.Gu Dingchen is sweating at the waterfall, His Majesty the Emperor Xindao is really not worrying, it is really heartbreaking to save a fortune after finally saving a fortune.

"Your Majesty, although there is still some money in the national treasury, I'm afraid it will bottom out after Mount Tai is enshrined in Zen."

Gu Dingchen said very sadly and indignantly.

Zhu Houzhao curled his lips and said: "I knew it was about money. I am a majestic son of heaven, and even a little money is enough. Forget it, the big deal is that I don't use the treasury this time, but use the money from the internal funds. Is this the head office? "

Hearing this, the eyes of Xie Shen, Gu Dingchen and other courtiers glistened with joy.

This is really a good monarch who is diligent in government and loves the people, and a good leader who is compassionate to his subordinates.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Since he doesn't spend money from the state treasury, Zhu Houzhao can do whatever he wants.

For this proposal, Xie Shen raised his hands and feet in favor.

and many more
how do you feel something is wrong
A tour of Mount Tai will cost at least 10,000+ taels. How much money do you have in your internal funds?
Being stared at by Xie Shen, Zhu Houzhao coughed and said, "What are you doing staring at me?"

"I'm just happy. I can spend so much money even from internal funds, which shows the strength of my Ming Dynasty."

Zhu Houzhao waved his hand proudly and said: "What is this? There are more than 200 million taels of silver in the internal funds, which is more than the national treasury."

After saying this, Zhu Houzhao regretted it.All the cabinet ministers, including Xie Shen, stared at him like a beast, salivating, as if he was like a piece of fat.

In fact, it is not surprising that there is so much money in the internal funds.

After all, the treasury needs to allocate various funds, and it would be nice to have a surplus.

As for the internal funds, except for the emperor rewarding his ministers and princes, there is almost no expenditure.

It is normal to accumulate one or two million taels of silver over time.

"Your Majesty, since there is so much silver in the internal treasury, why don't we build gardens, tour the south and the north, and allocate the clan's silver taels from the internal treasury?"

Gu Dingchen swallowed a mouthful of foam and said.

Zhu Houzhao was shocked when he heard the words.

This Gu Dingchen really grasped a word and didn't let go.

The first few are fine, but the last one is really fatal.

The princes and clans of the Ming Dynasty had a characteristic that they were particularly able to give birth.This is also something that can’t be helped, since he was raised in captivity in one place without any real power, what else can he do except marry more women to enjoy the joy of fish and water?
Because the children of the clan can receive silver taels from the imperial court on time, the burden on the imperial court is getting heavier and heavier.

If the money comes from internal funds, the pressure on the treasury will be much less.

But correspondingly, it is estimated that there will be no money left in the internal funds.

Zhu Houzhao really wanted to slap himself two big mouths hard, so what's the point of making a fuss?

Ok?What are you talking about?
This is really a question worth pondering
Zhu Houzhao looked at the cabinet ministers with resentment, like a wronged daughter-in-law.

It's not easy to be an emperor. After saving some money, he has to be remembered by his subordinates.

"Ahem, there is a custom in this dynasty, and the vassal kings and clans are all allocated money from the treasury. It may not be appropriate to allocate money from internal funds."

To solve the problem, we must distinguish between the primary and the secondary, and the money of the vassal king and clan is the big one.

As long as Zhu Houzhao can guarantee that this part of the money is still from the treasury, he will be satisfied.

As for the rest, it's just drizzle.

Gu Dingchen is in charge of the household department and knows the difficulties of the country. He can't help being very disappointed to see Zhu Houzhao playing tricks.

"If your Majesty is like this, I'm afraid I will go to the Shu to oppose your trip to Mount Tai."

"My minister agrees."

Wang Shouren nodded and said.

"The minister also seconded the proposal."

Tang Yin said respectfully.


Zhu Houzhao's face was black, and he was dumbfounded.

Well, why did it get involved with the trip to Mount Tai again?
Could it be that only if he agrees to these unreasonable demands can he tour Mount Tai?
The atmosphere was not very harmonious, Zhu Houzhao hated being threatened the most, even if these were the ministers he relied on as his arm.

It was Xie Shen who broke the silence after a long time.

"Your Majesty, you may wish to allocate part of the money from the internal funds for the expenses of the prince and county king. As for the other clans, the court and the local government are still in charge."

Ok?This proposal is much more reasonable.

Zhu Houzhao's eyes lit up and he thought to himself.It's still Mr. Xie who treats me well, look at the other white-eyed wolves who are not familiar with it!

The reason why Xie Shen proposed this is of course helpless.

The number of clans in the Ming Dynasty is really terrible.If all the money is allocated from internal funds, it is estimated that Zhu Houzhao will have to be turned into a beggar in one or two years.

Not to mention Zhu Houzhao, even ordinary people, you have to discuss it if you want to take money out of his pocket, right?
Otherwise, wouldn't it be a robbery?

"This will show His Majesty's great grace. The princes and kings will also be grateful to His Majesty."

What Xie Shen said was not unreasonable.There are also many kinds of clans, and the prince, county king and Zhu Houzhao are naturally the closest.These people seem to have high salaries but their numbers are small.In fact, the cost is not more than that of the middle and lower clans.

On the other hand, there are tens of thousands of 10,000+ clans at the middle and lower levels, and each person who spits out will drown them.

In this way, the money that Zhu Houzhao needs to allocate from within is far less than the money needed by the imperial court, so he is naturally happy to accept it.

People have to learn to compromise, if you want to take first, you must give first.

The emperor is also a human being, and as a human being, he will have emotions. Only by taking good care of the emperor's emotions can we get twice the result with half the effort.

In the end, the emperor and the cabinet ministers reached a consensus, and finally they could justifiably visit Mount Tai.

As for the Great Court Conference, it is just a process, as long as the cabinet nods, no one will object.

But it is said that in June of the eighth year of Zhengde, the emperor set up a tour to visit Mount Tai.

Hundreds of concubines, princes and ministers accompanied him.With the protection of the forbidden army, it was so lively all the way.

The kings of all dynasties had to enshrine Zen in Mount Tai whenever they made some achievements, as if only in this way could they show their differences from other emperors.

Of course, not all emperors have this courage.If the meritorious deeds have not yet been achieved but forcibly elevating Fengchan, they will be drowned in the sea of ​​officials' spitting foam.
But Zhu Houzhao doesn't have to worry about this.

Since he succeeded to the throne, he attacked the Tartars in the north, wiped out the Japanese pirates in the south, and brought the west of Jiayuguan into the sphere of influence of the Ming Dynasty.In addition to training the new army and equipping them with flintlock guns, the combat effectiveness of the Ming army has been improved by more than one level.

From the point of view of martial arts, he is a well-deserved hero.

As for Wenzhi, Zhu Houzhao is not inferior at all.

Whether it is the epoch-making opening of the sea and the ban on five-port trade, or the nationwide clearing of land, changes in corvee taxes, and sharing of people into acres are all done by Mingjun.

In addition to promoting the status of craftsmen and merchants, rectifying the administration of officials, and promoting the cultivation of potatoes and sweet potatoes, Zhu Houzhao has completely won the hearts of the people.

Such a good emperor, which subjects and common people would not support him?

Such a good emperor wants to visit Mount Tai, why not?
Of course, behind this series of new policies is the hard work of the cabinet, especially the chief assistant Xie Shen.

Zhu Houzhao has merit, but the contribution of Xie Shen, the policy maker, cannot be ignored.

Zhu Houzhao naturally knew this well.

Therefore, among the escorts on the Taishan tour, only Xie Shen was able to share a carriage with the emperor.

This is a great grace, envied by countless courtiers.

But Xie Shen was already used to it.Whether it was a northern tour or a southern tour, he was not the person closest to the emperor.

Uh, except at night while sleeping.

Of course, Xie Shen didn't feel any swell, because he knew that countless pairs of eyes were staring at him, wanting to replace them.

Of course, as long as Zhu Houzhao is around, his position will be relatively stable.Now that Zhu Houzhao has another heir, it seems that history is about to change.At least for the time being, Xie Shen doesn't have to worry about a mean and ungrateful person like Jiajing coming to power.

From the capital to Shandong, the hardest thing along the way is the officials at the post station.

How can the emperor's reception specifications be comparable to ordinary officials.

The local government can't wait to scrape the ground, er, it doesn't mean it spends all the money in the treasury to repair and decorate it. It can't wait to wrap the trees by the roadside with colorful silk.

In fact, these officials are suffering in their hearts. The emperor's reception is a thankless thing.

It is right to serve well, and it is to fulfill one's duty as a minister.It is a serious crime if the waiter is not good.

If you want to blame, you can only blame His Majesty the Emperor for insisting on taking some land route on a whim.

Probably because I was tired of taking the Grand Canal by boat during the southern tour, and the emperor wanted to change it.

But the land route is indeed much harder than the water route, especially in June.

The scorching sun crackled the earth.Even though there was a whole box of ice cubes in the carriage to cool off, Zhu Houzhao still felt dizzy and wanted to fly to Mount Tai.

After walking for ten days in a row before reaching the border of Shandong, Zhu Houzhao was already on the verge of collapse, so he ordered to change the waterway.

Now the accompanying ministers exploded.They wondered what your old man was doing early?If you want to go by water, wouldn't it be better to get on a boat from Zhangjiawan Wharf, pass the canal all the way south and turn into Shandong than to suffer on land?
Now that we have reached the border of Shandong, what ship should we change to?The canal does not pass through Mount Tai, and the carriage will have to be changed at that time, which is not enough to toss.

But it is the emperor who gives the order, what else can the officials do except obey the order?I had to comfort myself in my heart, at least I don't have to worry about going overland when I return to Beijing.

It is a big event that the emperor wants to change the ship, and it cannot be taken lightly.

Xie Shen accompanies Zhu Houzhao, who can be said to be inseparable every step of the way.

There is no way, who told this Lord that in history, he fell ill and died after falling into the water?

(End of this chapter)

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