Rebirth of the Daughter as King

Chapter 119 That kind of person should be eunuched

Chapter 119 That kind of person should be eunuched (2)
Jiang Shixiang stared at Mo Qinghan with lecherous eyes when he heard it.The pure white brocade robe carved with silk and embroidered cloud patterns is spotless, the unparalleled handsome face is white and smooth, with exquisite facial features, perfect lips slightly pursed, a pair of phoenix eyes with a hint of charm, and the cold eyes are like a glacier that stretches as far as the eye can see. , like a whirlpool sucking people in.In a daze, Jiang Shixiang looked at Mo Qinghan again with a look of aggression.

"I suddenly thought of a good idea! A way to prevent you from dying! I raped you first, then stripped you naked and hung you on the city gate for people to watch, so that everyone in the capital can see the prince of the Huguohou's mansion." Mo Qinghan, the emperor’s walk in front of the imperial court was actually defiled by a man! He even stripped her naked for everyone to see! I want to see how you survive! Aren’t you good at spreading rumors? I miss you! I want to see how the Huguohou Mansion can gain a foothold in the capital! How can it still have a face to gain a foothold in the world! Hahaha..."

Jiang Shixiang was proud of himself for having such a means of revenge, and he couldn't stop laughing loudly.

"If you don't want to die ugly, you'd better put away your thoughts! Put away your obscene eyes!" Mo Qinghan suddenly felt angry and fearful in her heart. If this is the case, don't say that she can survive in this world properly. , I'm afraid that my mother will not be able to survive!I am afraid that the Zhongyi Bofu will also disappear with it!
"What? I'm scared! And when you're afraid of me! Hahaha..." Jiang Shixiang said and went to pick off Mo Qinghan's clothes.Chen Shimei hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, "Second Young Master! With this, even if he refuses to obey, his body will not be able to stop wanting it!" Seeing Jiang Shixiang staring at her angrily, Chen Shimei hurriedly offered it with a flattering smile. On weekdays, he came to feed the love potion to those husbands.

"Hahaha... here's yours!" Jiang Shixiang took it with a smile, opened the porcelain bottle, and wanted to feed it to Mo Qinghan.

Mo Qinghan's pupils narrowed in, fear flashed away, and his heart sank slowly. Du Changsheng must have fallen into their tricks, and even if he came here now, he might not be able to save her!She was forced to take Hua Gong San, and she didn't have any strength in her body. If...a red light flashed in Mo Qinghan's mind suddenly, Sikong Jingyan...wouldn't come to save her by such a coincidence every time.

"Later, I will let you try the feeling of wanting to die! If you hit my child, I will take your innocence!" Jiang Shixiang squeezed Mo Qinghan's chin fiercely and put it into Mo Qinghan's mouth. Feed the medicine vigorously.

Mo Qinghan gritted her teeth tightly, her heart gradually despaired, and her face turned pale.

Pa - A slap was slapped on Mo Qinghan's face, and a red five-fingerprint suddenly appeared on his fair face.

"I tell you not to take it! You give it to me! If you don't want to now, you will beg me to take you later!" Jiang Shixiang viciously opened Mo Qinghan's mouth and poured a bottle of medicine powder into Mo Qing Han mouth.

Mo Qinghan stared at Jiang Shixiang full of killing intent, and spat out the powder in his mouth.

"If you dare to take another step, if I, Mo Qinghan, don't die in the future, I will cut you to pieces!"

"A thousand cuts to pieces! Hmph! I'll play you first if I die! Throw you back to the street and everyone will look at it!" Jiang Shixiang said, throwing down the dagger and stretching out his hand to tear Mo Qinghan's clothes.

Chen Shimei stood aside and watched Mo Qinghan's complexion getting redder and redder. Her unparalleled handsome face was like a delicate flower with infinite allure. There was a surge in her heart, and she leaned forward, "Second Young Master! Wait a minute!" When you're done using it up, reward the little one for fun!"

"Go away! Let me feel good first!" Jiang Shixiang slapped Chen Shimei away, and continued to tear Mo Qinghan's clothes.

Chill!Mo Qinghan's coat was torn into pieces, leaving only the middle coat and obscene clothes.

Mo Qinghan's face turned pale, the fear in his heart only increased, and the only thing in his mind was to kill the person in front of him!And that touch of red light.

"Hahaha... I just like the way you look scared and scared now!" Jiang Shixiang gave Mo Qinghan a lewd smile, and grabbed Mo Qinghan to kiss him.

Mo Qinghan quickly dodged in disgust, but was pulled back again, dodged and then pulled back.Seeing that disgusting mouth leaning against his face, Jiang Shixiang put his other hand on his buttocks, staring at Jiang Shixiang with scarlet eyes, full of murderous intent.Especially when she felt the inexplicable hotness in her body, knowing that it was the reaction of the medicine made her panic, and her eyes were watery.

"Drive! Drive!" On the road in the distance, a flaming figure came quickly, his face was full of sternness, and Tao Hua's eyes were full of worry, anxiety, anger, and murderous intent.The horse rolled up a burst of dust, bringing a burst of evil spirit.

Tao Huayan patrolled around anxiously, her eyes fell sharply on the grass leaves that had been stepped down on the ground, she turned her eyes, turned the rein of the horse, whipped the horse's back fiercely, and headed towards the woods in front of her.

Hiss——The horse stopped with a long hiss, and Tao Hua narrowed his eyes bloodthirstyly at the scene in front of him, and flew up without waiting for the other party's reaction. He was thrown out and hit a tree, and landed hard on the ground.

"Han'er!" Sikong Jingyan looked at Chen Shimei who reacted and looked at her with fear, kicked Chen Shimei directly on the head, turned and flew down, and cut the rope tied to Mo Qinghan with a flick of the dart. Stay with Mo Qinghan.

Mo Qinghan had tears in her eyes, and her phoenix eyes were full of fear and killing intent.The love potion that broke out in her body made her confused, her face was flushed, she heard a cry with infinite worry and even a hint of fear, and when she raised her eyes, she saw that face that was so powerful, her eyes were full of worry and eagerness. , distressed, angry and evil spirit.

"Sikong Jingyan!" He opened his mouth and shouted hoarsely, then went to pull his clothes.

Sikong Jingyan's eyes gathered murderous intent, staring at Jiang Shixiang who got up, as if he was about to cut him into pieces.He turned around and took off his coat to wrap Mo Qinghan around him, picked him up, and placed him next to a big tree, watching the whip get up and stare at Jiang Shixiang and the few northern barbarian assassins who had just arrived.

He originally thought that Mo Qinghan had martial arts and Yin Li, and the Duke of Qi would not dare to act rashly. Even if Mo Qinghan really fell into Jiang Shixiang's hands, he did not expect that Jiang Shixiang would collude with Chen Shimei. Take Mo Qinghan by force, and use such a low-handed method to retaliate.Seeing that such an elegant and indifferent person like Mo Qinghan actually had tears in his eyes, his phoenix eyes were full of murderous intent and fear, his clothes were messy, his heart ached!Messy memories flashed across his mind, and Sikong Jingyan narrowed his eyes dangerously.

(End of this chapter)

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