Rebirth of the Daughter as King

Chapter 122 That kind of person should be eunuched

Chapter 122 That kind of person should be eunuched (5)
Inside, Jiang Shixiang was cursing, roaring, and threatening to kill Sikong Jingyan, mixed with the wretched smiles of a few men... Slowly, his voice became hoarse, and only heavy breathing and hoarse roars could be heard.The bustard listened to Chen Shimei again, and Chen Shimei began to resist, and then gradually shouted in enjoyment, secretly cursing the bitch!Nodding and smiling, he went to the private room where Du Changsheng lived to give the task.

Naturally, Du Changsheng knew that the bustard didn't dare to have other ideas. Seeing the smiling and flattering expression on the bustard's face, he knew that the matter had been settled. An hour later, strip him naked and hang him to the top of the city tower, and when everyone knows about it, drag him back and continue!"

"Yes!" The guards naturally didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly responded respectfully.

Du Changsheng rolled his eyes at the bustard and turned to leave. He hadn't returned to the house to report that he was safe, so he wondered what happened to Yu'er's neck injury!
Du Wanyu's neck was already bandaged, and the bruises on her wrists were all medicated. Her eyes were red and swollen and she sat there listening to Mrs. Cheng's lecture, "You are a lady, and you even ran after a man! Even if that man is determined You can't do something immoral even if you are a relative! What's more, Mo Qinghan fell into Jiang Shixiang's hands because of this! You are also... If someone who cares finds out, what will they say about you! What will happen? Talk about Mo Qinghan! What will you think of us Chengguogong Mansion and Huguohou Mansion! Haven't you learned enough lessons!"

"Okay, okay! The matter is over! Now that Changsheng has returned, and the Mo family boy was rescued by Ming Wang, it is over! This matter is probably unknown to the Marquis of the Huguo, and the Mo family boy is afraid to follow Ming. The prince doesn’t want to worry about the Huguohou’s Mansion when he goes back, so don’t say anything about this matter! No one is allowed to say anything in the future!” Cheng Guogong glanced at the crowd sharply. Both Zhongyi Bo's Mansion and the Prime Minister's Mansion are not good, and it will make the emperor suspect that they are forming a party for personal gain. At that time, no matter how much the emperor loves them, they would rather kill them by mistake than let them go.

Everyone lowered their heads in a hurry, they are still clear about the seriousness of this matter, and naturally they will not disregard the interests of the overall situation!Because no matter what happens on weekdays, they are always part of the family!If something happens to Cheng Guogong's mansion, none of them can escape!

Du Wanyu lowered her head, no matter what others said, she just cried.Now she is only worried about whether Mo Qinghan is safe or not!
When Du Changsheng came back, he secretly talked with Cheng Guogong in the study, and after discussing for a long time, he came out.As soon as Du Changsheng came out, he went to Du Wanyu's courtyard in the inner courtyard, comforted Du Wanyu, and told Du Wanyu that Mo Qinghan had Hua Gong San, and he didn't want Mrs. Hou to know that he was worried, so he went back with Sikong Jingyan, and told her not to worry.After repeated confirmation, Du Wanyu cried and said that she would never hold back Mo Qinghan again.

Du Changsheng looked at Du Wanyu who seemed to be poisoned and shook his head. Fortunately, Yu'er and Mo Qinghan got married, so what if Mo Qinghan married someone else, Yu'er!
Du Changsheng didn't know that it was a mistake for Du Wanyu to fall in love with Mo Qinghan in the first place, and it was also a mistake to persistently pursue Mo Qinghan's footsteps.

But it was said that after Cheng Guogong had a conversation with Du Changsheng, he secretly went to Zhongyibo's mansion and stayed in Zhongyibo's mansion for a long time before coming out.

Fang Yuliang also left the mansion afterwards, not the Huguo Hou's mansion, but the Prime Minister's mansion.

The next morning, the emperor was furious!Immediately issued an order to urgently recruit Jiang Feng and Jiang Shiqi to return to the court!Anyone who violates it will be killed immediately!The Duke of Qi's mansion will be beheaded when Jiang Feng and Jiang Shiqi return to the mansion, women and children will be exiled in Ninggu Pagoda, and they will not be allowed to set foot in the capital forever!The pleading officials were also imprisoned!The court is in chaos, and people are panicking!

Mo Zhenghong cast a deep glance at Cheng Guogong, Fang Yuliang, Fang Zixi and others, and lowered his eyelids.

Sikong Jingze raised the corners of his mouth. He knew about Mo Qinghan's affairs. Jiang Feng colluded with the northern barbarians in an attempt to ambush and assassinate Mo Qinghan.It's just that Sikong Jingyan's methods are puzzling. Although Jiang Shixiang usually bullies girls from good families, he didn't expect Sikong Jingyan to send her into a small official building!And that Chen Shimei, Chen Zhiyuan cried and asked him to save Chen Shimei's life.

Sikong Jingze sneered, for the sake of a dog's life, at this juncture, it's up to you!He is not that stupid!Turning his eyes, he thought that the things in the secret room of his other courtyard had been stolen, and narrowed his eyes dangerously!Sikong Jingyan's whereabouts in the past few days are really suspicious!
Listening to Wei Lian's report, Mo Qinghan fell into deep thought.The emperor's approach is likely to force Jiang Feng and Jiang Shiqi to lead troops to rebel immediately.

"What? I'm afraid that Jiang Feng will lead his troops to rebel!" Sikong Jingyan raised his eyebrows and looked at Mo Qinghan. This question is probably because Jiang Feng had already made a careful plan on the day when Concubine Zhen was exposed.

"Jiang Feng's rebellion will happen sooner or later! I'm afraid that he will collude with the Beiman, and together with the Beiman, they will capture Nanfeng Beiguan. If the Beiguan is breached, all the way south will be the capital! If Dongli takes this opportunity to intervene If one foot bites the other, I'm afraid it will not be as simple as facing the enemy on both sides!" Mo Qinghan frowned, and I'm afraid that Miao Jiang would come to help me.

"Miaojiang is located in the east of Nanfeng, and there are many mountains there. It is not easy to attack Nanfeng. Besides, Sun Zheng, the history of the border closure, is not blind. He has been in Miaojiang for many years and is very familiar with Miaojiang. Xinjiang's terrain and climate, people are shrewd and changeable, and strategic means are endless. If Miao Jiang wants to cross the border, he will not be able to pass his level first. But your master, I am afraid that he will hang up the banner of exterminating the rebels and take you to the battlefield " Sikong Jingyan analyzed, and raised his eyes to see Mo Qinghan's face.

Mo Qinghan didn't have the passionate mood of a hot-blooded youth who heard that he was going to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. He didn't even have a different expression, and he was still indifferent and elegant. It seemed that what Sikong Jingyan said had nothing to do with him at all, so he was slightly relieved. Mo Qinghan only had the most common understanding of Yin Li. Although he worshiped his master, he didn't have the friendship between a master and an apprentice.Sikong Jingyan didn't know what he was worried about, what he was worried about, ignored the strange feeling in his heart, poured another cup of tea and took a sip.

Mo Qinghan didn't notice Sikong Jingyan's strangeness, but felt that what Sikong Jingyan said was reasonable, but if she was asked to follow Yin Li to destroy the rebels, she would be very happy.Even if she didn't have this order, she would ask herself to follow Yin Li. She didn't kill Jiang Shixiang, and she didn't watch him die with her own eyes. Jiang Feng is the most scheming, insidious, cunning, and vicious. To grandpa, why did their mother and son and grandpa's family end up here!She definitely wants Jiang Feng to die without a place to bury him!

(End of this chapter)

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