Rebirth of the Daughter as King

Chapter 127 Rebellion is a Technical Job

Chapter 127 Rebellion is a Technical Job (5)
"General! It's too late to pursue this matter now! General, you should retreat quickly! Keep the green hills here, so you don't have to worry about no firewood!" Hearing the voices outside, several people hurriedly set up Jiang Feng and climbed over the wall from one side. However, someone has already dismounted there.

Jiang Feng tightened the reins and looked sharply at the wide-open city gate and the flag on the tower that had been replaced with Yin characters. Knowing that Linxi had fallen, his eyes were scarlet and he started to retreat backwards.

Several soldiers covered Jiang Feng and rushed all the way, and went east after leaving the city gate.

"Where is Jiang Feng escaping!" Mo Qinghan rode out from the dark and led a few people to catch up quickly.Even if you don't kill Jiang Feng today, you can't let the news of Linxi's fall spread out, so that the enemy will be more vigilant, so that his next plan will not be necessary.

When Jiang Feng heard that it was Mo Qinghan's sharp eyes that shot straight at him, it was Mo Qinghan who exposed his plot in public, causing his daughter to be thrown into the cold palace, the Duke of Qi's mansion to be sealed, Shixiang was also insulted and profaned, and the world scolded him. His family was ruined, and he was forced to lead his troops to rebel in order to survive!Today he is going to kill him here!With a pull of Jiang Feng's rein, he turned around and swung his spear to fight Mo Qinghan.

"General!" Several soldiers stopped them, now is not the time to love to fight, the most important thing at the moment is to escape, if Li Yuanqing finds out and leads his troops to chase them, they really have no chance of surviving.

"You old thief Jiang Feng! Today is your death day!" Mo Qinghan stared at Jiang Feng coldly with murderous intent in her phoenix eyes.

"Let's see if it's you who dies today! Or me!" Jiang Feng clamped his legs around the horse's belly, and rushed forward with his horse.

Seeing Jiang Feng expressing his intent to kill Mo Qinghan, several soldiers picked up their weapons and fought against the people Mo Qinghan led.

Mo Qinghan was not good at riding, and he was not as smooth as Jiang Feng when fighting on horseback. After a few rounds, he lost momentum.Jiang Feng spotted Mo Qinghan's left spear and quickly shot it, pointing directly at Mo Qinghan's heart.

With a clang, Mo Qinghan turned his hand to block it with his sword, leaned up and kicked Jiang Feng on the belly of the horse.

The horse under Jiang Feng's seat neighed and swung its heels.Seeing that Mo Qinghan was about to attack his horse with his sword turned around, Jiang Feng flew up with his eyes and kicked Mo Qinghan.

Mo Qinghan dodged and put away the sword, Jiang Feng's horse's belly was scratched with a long wound, and blood gushed out.Feeling the murderous aura from Jiang Feng behind him, he turned around and got off his horse, jumped off a little bit, flew up and raised his sword to attack Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng landed steadily on Mo Qinghan's horse, grabbed the reins and wanted to escape.Mo Qinghan is very kung fu at such a young age, if he loves to fight again, he may have no chance of surviving when Li Yuanqing leads the troops to come.Mo Qinghan's horse is Yin Li's war horse, Heifeng. If he chooses a thousand-mile horse, his speed will be several times faster than the other horses. He must rush to Xuanyi as soon as possible.

Just waiting for Jiang Feng to tighten the reins, Heifeng hissed angrily, and jumped up frantically to shake Jiang Feng away.

Mo Qinghan sneered, this black wind usually doesn't let anyone get close except for Yin Li and her, Abao, Siqin was careful to say a good word when feeding, and then let Abao, Siqin get close.This Jiang Feng wants to steal the horse!Ask for a dead end!
Jiang Feng also noticed this problem. Just as he was about to abandon Heifeng, a white light flashed when he turned his head. Mo Qinghan's sword had already attacked rapidly, his pupils tightened, and he hurriedly turned over to hide.

Mo Qinghan seemed to know Jiang Feng's next move, and the sword pointed straight down.Jiang Feng saw that he couldn't escape, and Hei Feng resisted fiercely. He quickly let go of the rein, swung the spear, landed on the ground, rolled a few times and bounced quickly, pointing the spear at Mo Qinghan.

Mo Qinghan also gave up riding and went up with a sword.This Jiang Feng is insidious and cunning, and her kung fu is not low, but her kung fu is not as good as in her previous life, and her training time is still short, so she is invincible and can only be outsmarted.

Seeing that Mo Qinghan had also abandoned his horse, Jiang Feng knew that Mo Qinghan was good at kung fu on the ground, so he was more vigilant and careful.The two fought equally.

Over there, Ah Bao and Siqin led a few people and Jiang Feng's guards to fight hard. He was good at melee attack, so he used tricks to lure the opponent off the horse, and fought the opponent on the ground.

But Li Yuanqing captured Linxi, but did not find Jiang Feng's whereabouts, let alone Mo Qinghan's trace, so he suspected that Jiang Feng had fled, and Mo Qinghan must have brought someone to chase Jiang Feng, so he hurriedly ordered Lead people out of the city and come towards Xuanyi to the east.

There was a sound of horseshoes, and Jiang Feng murmured that it was not good, it was Li Yuanqing who led someone to chase him.

"General, run away!" The soldiers guarding Jiang Feng out of the city shouted loudly, but Ah Bao, who took the opportunity to attack, killed him with a sword.

Jiang Feng glanced around fiercely, swung the spear vigorously and flew away, Mo Qinghan saw the spear coming with a strong wind, and hurriedly backed away.

Jiang Feng was free, took the opportunity to fly on Heifeng, pulled out the dagger from his shoe and thrust it into Heifeng's butt.Heifeng was in pain, hissed—with a long hiss, he lifted his hooves and ran away.

Seeing this, Mo Qinghan's phoenix eyes were full of murderous intent, and he turned around and pulled a horse and chased it away.

When Li Yuanqing brought people over, Jiang Feng and Mo Qinghan were nowhere to be seen.Shen Sheng asked, "Where is Vice General Mo!"

Abao and Siqin pierced a stubborn guard with a sword, turned around and saw that Mo Qinghan had disappeared, and couldn't help being stunned, "No! The master is chasing Jiang Feng!" Xuanyi left.

Li Yuanqing asked the rest of the people to return to Linxi Shoucheng, and quickly led people to chase them away.

However, I thought that Mo Qinghan would chase Jiang Feng to Xuanyi, but Jiang Feng was riding the crazy black wind all the way, and he was no longer heading east.

Mo Qinghan kept chasing after her.

Mo Qinghan flicked the whip vigorously, but because the horse under his seat was inferior to Heifeng, and Heifeng was injured again, he was in a period of madness. From time to time, Mo Qinghan lost Jiang Feng's whereabouts.

Looking at the gray sky, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, it was impossible to search aimlessly.Li Yuanqing said that Heifeng was originally a wild horse in the northwest forest, and was discovered by Yin Li by accident.

After a long journey, the mountainous terrain was difficult, and it was even more difficult to walk in the jungle. Mo Qinghan could only move forward by instinct.Walking to a wide grassland, just about to pass through, suddenly, out of the corner of the eye, I saw the creases on the branches on the left. The branches were newly broken. At this time, no one would come in except Jiang Feng. There are also traces of breaking in the front, and some branches are still stained with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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