Rebirth of the Daughter as King

Chapter 143 The No. 5 Scholar Is Not So Good

Chapter 143 The No. 5 Scholar Is Not So Good ([-])
At this time, the second aunt remembered that she had passed the literary test and the martial arts test.Her son will definitely be able to pass the high school martial arts test. If he doesn't win the literary champion, he will get the martial arts champion no matter what!When the time comes, she'll see what those sluts and that bitch mother and son have to say!Give up the position of wife and eldest son as soon as possible, and she will consider letting them stay in the Huguohou Mansion!snort!
That night, Mo Qinghao didn't have dinner at the mansion, but was dragged out by some good friends to celebrate, and was dragged back after getting drunk.

Early the next morning, the Marquis of the Huguo's Mansion received an invitation from the champion of the new department. The one he wanted to meet was not Mo Qinghao from the same department, nor Mo Zhenghong who was the Marquis of the Huguo, but Mo Qinghan.

Holding the greeting card, Mo Qinghan couldn't help raising her eyebrows, this new top student didn't go to see her mentor or friends from the same department, but she wanted to meet herself!
"Why don't you go with the eldest brother, the second brother and the fourth brother! After all, this new champion is from the same discipline as the eldest brother, so you have something to talk about together!"

Mo Qinghao's eyes flickered slightly, but he still nodded in response, "Okay!"

When Brother Mo Qing'an heard this, he naturally wanted to go with him, and Mo Qinghan didn't care, and invited the two of them to go together.

On the first floor of the world, there was a lot of voices. Most of the literati and talents who passed the Zhongju were celebrating here. Mo Qinghan came early, and took the opportunity to go to the accountant first to see the operation of the past few days.

"Cousin! The income has doubled in the past few days! Especially the newly launched No. [-] Scholar Banquet is very popular!" Fang Liuyan walked into the accounting room with a smile, watching the business of the first floor in the world getting better and better, He was happier than Mo Qinghan!

"It's all due to my cousin's hard work!" Mo Qinghan looked up at Fang Liuyan. Today's income has doubled, and Fang Liuyan must have been busy in the restaurant.

"You know! Cousin's brain is not working!" Fang Liuyan smiled even wider.

"Master! The new champion is here!" Ah Bao whispered back outside the door.

Fang Liuyan was puzzled, the champion of the new division!Could it be that my cousin came to the restaurant to entertain the new champion!But with his status as a cousin, there is no need to win over a newcomer who has just started!
"I'll go up and have a look first!" Mo Qinghan nodded and greeted Fang Liuyan and went up to the private room on the third floor from behind.

The private room was opened, Song Xiaoyang raised his head and saw a young man of fourteen or fifteen years old, wearing a pure white brocade robe carved with silk and embroidered cloud patterns, with a belt of the same color around his waist, with a piece of white jade inlaid in the middle, his waist was not like that of other aristocratic families The son usually hangs jade pendants, jade rings, sachets, etc. to show his identity. There is only a piece of suet white jade with a purple net, and his black hair is tied on the top of his head with a white jade hairpin, which is clean and refreshing.

On her delicate and handsome face, she has long straight eyebrows, a pair of phoenix eyes, and the corners of her eyes are slightly raised, which seems to be charming.The most is that pair of eyes that are as clear as a pool, indifferent and detached, quiet and seductive, full of elegance and detached temperament, making people want to get close to this person but afraid of desecrating this person.

While Song Xiaoyang was looking at Mo Qinghan, Mo Qinghan was also looking at Song Xiaoyang. The big red tapestry with eight treasures and ten pieces of brocade was straight, with red lips and white teeth. There was a trace of provocation in his eyes.

"This is Shizi Mo! Song Xiaoyang, please be polite!"

"Mo Qinghan!" Mo Qinghan nodded and sat down, puzzled by this man's sudden invitation to him.

"I heard that your son is very talented and well-educated. He is recognized as a genius in the capital! I am here to ask for advice, and I hope you will not hide your clumsiness!" Song Xiaoyang raised the corners of his mouth and looked at Mo Qinghan. He had heard of Mo Qinghan's kung fu for a long time. He is extraordinary, and his talent is even more outstanding, especially last night when Mo Qinghao said that if Mo Qinghan participated in the scientific examination, no one would be able to win the champion this time.

Mo Qinghao had a gentle smile on his lips, but he couldn't figure out in his heart that he was so impatient and boasted that he was a talented Jiangnan scholar. He was very suspicious of where Song Xiaoyang's title of No. [-] scholar came from!

Mo Qinghan raised the corners of her lips, but it turned out that she was the one who was famous, and she was not convinced and came to her to compete, "You are welcome! It's just a false name!"

"Could it be that the son thinks that his skills are not strong enough, and the son is too lazy to do it!" Song Xiaoyang raised his eyebrows. He knew that the capital was full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, but his reputation was not in vain!
"Then the number one scholar will tell you how to compare?" Mo Qinghan looked at Song Xiaoyang with a slight smile.

"Just take the half of the couplets in the hall as the standard. Whoever makes the most pairs within a stick of incense will win!" Song Xiaoyang has already looked at the couplets in the lobby, and he believes that within the time of a stick of incense, He will definitely surpass Mo Qinghan.

Ah Bao, Siqin burst out laughing when he heard this.

Song Xiaoyang looked at the two servants behind Mo Qinghan strangely, not knowing why.

"Is there something wrong with that couplet! I feel that the person who can write this couplet is extraordinary, and must be highly educated. I'm afraid there are few people in Nanfeng Kingdom who can match it!" Song Xiaoyang thought that even he went back and thought hard For a few days, I have been worrying about the second couplet of that pair, and finally Huang Tian paid off and let him think of it. Although it is not as absolute as the first couplet, it is also an exquisite second couplet.

"It's absolute for a thousand years!" Mo Qinghao had seen the upper couplet, but even with his knowledge, he couldn't come up with a satisfactory second couplet.

Abao and Siqin looked at each other when Mo Qinghao said this, and couldn't hide the smile in their eyes.

"Let's change the analogy!" Mo Qinghan picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Why? The prince thinks this upper line is excellent, but I really can't think of a second line!" Song Xiaoyang couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and was said to be miraculous, so it turned out to be nothing more than that.

However, Mo Qinghao looked at Mo Qinghan's calm and confident look, and wondered in his heart, could it be that Mo Qinghan would be able to defeat Song Xiaoyang just like this!

But in Song Xiaoyang's eyes, Mo Qinghan flinched and became even more proud, and ordered to the servant behind him, "Bring the pen and ink!"

The young man respectfully offered his pen and ink, and placed it on the desk by the window.

"Your Majesty invites you first!" Song Xiaoyang thought he was generous and signaled Mo Qinghan to invite him first, but he couldn't hide the pride on his brows.

But at this moment someone knocked on the door, and Wei Lian said from outside, "Your Majesty! My lord, please go over and tell me!"

"In that case, I would like to ask the eldest brother and the second brother to entertain Zhuangyuanlang for me! I will leave first if I have something to do! As for the pair... wait for Zhuangyuanlang to think of another match in another day, I will definitely stay with you to the end!" Momo Qing Han said, got up and opened the door to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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