Rebirth of the Daughter as King

Chapter 145 The Invisible Battle Begins

Chapter 145 The Invisible Battle Begins (2)
Looking at himself in Tanhualang's clothes again, Mo Qinghao felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.Everyone is congratulating Mo Qinghao. Not everyone can achieve civil and military skills, and envy and jealousy are naturally there!

Some people even asked Mo Qinghao for a competition, saying that Mo Qinghao won the Wu Tanhua because of his status as the Marquis of the Huguo and Mo Qinghan. Qinghan's elder brother was so partial that Mo Qinghao got Wu Tanhua.

There were examiners who thought that the Marquis of the Huguo was more lenient to Mo Qinghao than others, and there were also some princes who were respectable, but Yin Li absolutely didn't let anything go, making it difficult for Mo Qinghao to tell the difference.Mo Qinghan's staying behind closed doors increased the suspicion of others. Even the emperor asked about Mo Qinghao, why Mo Qinghan didn't come to watch the martial arts test.

After Mrs. Tai found out, she went to the Buddhist hall to thank the Bodhisattva for her protection, and the Mo family had a civil and martial artist!Although they are the Gongqing family inherited from generation to generation, it is good to have such an honor, so that those who always think that the Gongqing family can get rich and prosperous without hard work, and they will not let go of the Gongqing family. Look at all the officials in history, culture and military affairs, their family of ministers is not in vain!
The second aunt gave Madam Hou a resentful look. This time, she prepared all the things herself, and even took care of the food and clothes. Madam Hou didn't even ask, so what else could she blame Madam Hou for? !But when he saw Mo Qinghan, he immediately thought that Yin Li, the martial arts examiner, was Mo Qinghan's master, and said in an indifferent way, "This son of King Qin won't be greeted by others, so he deliberately played tricks!"

"Then why doesn't Auntie go say hello and ask Qin Wang Shizi to take care of elder brother more, and let elder brother win the championship!" Mo Qinghan curled the corners of his mouth, Yin Li is someone who can do things for you just by saying hello!Even if Sikong Jue treated Yin Li with a bit more respect, even if she really went to say hello to Yin Li, she wouldn't be able to do favoritism and cheat!
Mo Qinghan didn't know that although she didn't say hello, Yin Li had already done it!

The second aunt was choked by Mo Qinghan's words, so she could only roll her eyes at Mo Qinghan resentfully.

However, Mo Qingfu seemed a little impatient, her face was pale, and she seemed to have no energy. Except for the excitement at the beginning of Mo Qinghao's winning the glory of both civil and military talents, she didn't feel much afterward. Qingcheng's face, seductive and charming peach blossom eyes and that charming smile.These days she has been on a diet to lose weight, waiting for Sikong Jingyan to pick her up.

The second aunt has been worrying about Mo Qinghao's scientific examination recently and has no scruples about Mo Qingfu. Mo Qingdie rolled her eyes and looked pale. Looking at the delicious food in front of her, Mo Qingfu sneered in her heart. It's getting more and more lively!

The Huguohou's Mansion is getting more and more lively, people who come and go are congratulating Mo Qinghao for winning the Double Tan, and there are also those who take the opportunity to win over the Huguohou's Mansion.Mo Qinghao spent the whole day with this and that, and the money was spent like running water.On and off until the beginning of July, the flood river burst its embankment, flooding the people and crops in several cities.

For a while, the people were in dire straits and complained, and a large number of refugees rushed north into the capital, and the fleeing people could be seen everywhere on the roadside begging for food with their families.

Sikong Jue's face became more and more serious, and he ordered Yin Li to personally escort the relief money to the Honghe area for disaster relief.

"Your Majesty! The weather is hot now, and plagues often occur after floods. Mochen thinks that he can send a few imperial physicians with him, and collect herbs for common diseases, just in case!" Fang Zixi said with a serious expression.

"The prime minister's love for the people is so real! Accurate!" Si Kongjue waved his hand, looking at the civil and military officials of His Royal Highness, who usually impeach him for something, but kept silent when something happened!
"Your Majesty! At present, Nanfeng and Beiman are still at war, and we need military supplies at any time. Now the treasury is empty, and I really can't afford so much silver taels at once!" Cao Zhengzhong, the servant of the household department, looked embarrassed.

"Wei Chen is willing to offer 50 taels!" Fang Yuliang gasped as soon as he finished speaking.

"Weichen is willing to give 10 taels!"

"Weichen is willing to give 15 taels!"

"Weichen is willing to give 5 taels!"

With Fang Yuliang taking the lead, Fang Zixi also paid out the money, and the people below naturally endured the pain and took out the money. If they take the initiative to give out the money, they can get a good deal. If they wait for the higher-ups to collect it by force, they will be impeached if they make any mistakes in the future Bar!

"Hahaha... Good! With the support of all the love ministers, I, Nanfeng, will definitely be able to get through this disaster soon!" Sikong Jue was obviously very happy, and how many of the ministers under him were unrestrained, saying that none of them Progress!
Everyone discussed again how to resettle the refugees.At this time, Mo Qinghan had already led the people of the Beggar Gang to start giving porridge at the gates of several cities with money, and the refugee shelter built in the name of the emperor also quickly rose with the help of the Beggar Gang.

Sikong Jingze looked at Mo Qinghan and spent money to curry favor with the refugees without saying a word, laying a solid foundation in the hearts of the common people, and even currying favor with the emperor in the name of the emperor, his gloomy eyes were deep.

After the emperor found out, he praised Mo Qinghan greatly, and asked Mo Qinghan where he got the money from!
"Back to the emperor! My minister... I have exchanged some of the things that the emperor bestowed on me and some of the things in the palace of the Ming Dynasty for silver! When the country is in crisis, everyone is responsible! What I can do, I should do to the best of my ability. !" Mo Qinghan hesitated and changed the subject.

"Hahaha... What a national crisis, everyone is responsible! Why is it that you and Yan'er gave the money in my name!" Sikong Jue looked at Mo Qinghan with a smile. The grandson took Yan'er to open an unknown number of No. [-] Tianxia houses, and the money must be quite a lot, but he is still playing sloppy here.

"The emperor is the son of heaven! The whole world is the emperor's world! The people are also the emperor's subjects. The most difficult thing for the people to suffer is the emperor. The power of the humble minister is very small, but everything the emperor bestows on the humble minister , Use the emperor's things to save the refugees, of course in the name of the emperor!" Mo Qing said righteously, and did not think that he was flattering at all.

Everyone in the hall couldn't help but sigh with emotion that the son of the Marquis of Huguo was able to please the emperor, and he took the initiative to pay the money for a good deed, which was credited to the emperor, yet he even found such a beautiful excuse!They are beyond reach!

(End of this chapter)

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