Rebirth of the Daughter as King

Chapter 147 The Invisible Battle Begins

Chapter 147 The Invisible Battle Begins (4)
The stubborn old man frowned and stared at Mo Qinghan.

Mo Qinghan frowned slightly, took a deep look at the stubborn old man, turned around and left the room, leaving Abao and Siqin in the room to wipe the stubborn old man's body with spirits.

The two elders who followed the stubborn old man came out after frying the medicine and saw Mo Qinghan standing outside, saluted respectfully, opened the door and went in.

Bowl after bowl of medicine was fried, jar after jar of spirits was used, and after several hours of busy work, the high fever on the stubborn old man was finally subsided, and the sky gradually brightened.

Doctor Xu was carrying the medicine box and medicine, and was about to go out when he was stopped by Siqin, who dragged Doctor Xu to the dilapidated house where the stubborn old man lived.

Seeing that Mo Qinghan was also there, Imperial Physician Xu hurriedly took the pulse of the stubborn old man on the bed without saying a word.

"It's a miracle! I didn't expect the high fever to subside! The most important thing about this plague is that the high fever doesn't subside. If the high fever can be subsided and it doesn't come back again, then you just need to take medicine on time, and you will be cured in a short time!" Doctor Xu said excitedly.

"Wiping with spirits alone is not the way! Not to mention the feasibility of this method, even so much alcohol is not so good!" Mo Qinghan frowned. The plague has occurred for two months, and the medicine developed is only The spread of the plague was suppressed, but it could not solve the root cause.

"Your Majesty stayed here all night, please let me take your pulse!" Imperial Physician Xu looked at Mo Qinghan's reddish complexion, and couldn't help worrying.

"I'm fine..." Before Mo Qinghan finished speaking, he heard someone calling for help outside.

"Go and see what's going on!" He hurriedly told Abao to go out and have a look.

"It was a woman with two children, and one of them passed out at the door!" Siqin had already returned before Ah Bao went out.

"Excuse me, Doctor Xu, go and have a look!" Mo Qinghan looked at Doctor Xu, she has martial arts protection, so nothing will happen.

Doctor Xu had no choice but to take the medicine box and go out.Mo Qinghan indicated that he would follow Imperial Physician Xu diligently, which helped Labashou.

"You damn girl! You must pull the old man back from the gate of hell! You are still not satisfied after squeezing the old man for so long, and you will continue to squeeze the old man!" The stubborn old man glared at Mo Qinghan. After tossing and turning over and over again, he wiped the wine, and now he felt that there was a smell of wine in his bones!
Suddenly, Mo Qinghan rushed up to the stubborn old man and pointed a dagger at the stubborn old man, "What do you want to do?! The old man saved your life, yet you still want to kill him!" The stubborn old man's eyes widened.

"It was Sikong Jue who you went to assassinate!" Mo Qinghan stared at the stubborn old man.The only thing that could discover her identity was that she had been poisoned by Qihong. That night, someone tapped her Sleeping Point and detoxified her.That is to say, the person who allowed Imperial Physician Xu to risk his life to secretly use Ye Meilian to treat Sikong Jingyan's dart poisoning, and even the person who assassinated Sikong Jue!
"Sikong Jue! Hmph! The old man will kill him if he has the chance!" The stubborn old man snorted coldly, his eyes shot out a murderous look.

"You saved my life, and I saved yours too! We are even! In the future, if you want to kill Sikong Jue again, you will be killed instead. I will ask someone to prepare a straw mat for you!" Mo Qinghan Staring at the stubborn old man, the emperor of a country could have assassinated as soon as he said it!
"You ungrateful, dead girl! If the old man hadn't gone to assassinate him, how could you have saved someone and won a reward!" The stubborn old man rolled his eyes indifferently. He knew that Mo Qinghan wanted to tell him that he had assassinated the emperor. It's not easy, and life is in danger at any time.He is a person who has died several times, how can he be the one who is afraid of death!Sikong Jue must kill him!

"Don't forget that the injury was also caused by you! You knew that I gave me a sword, but you didn't see you take the antidote to save people when I was poisoned!" Mo Qinghan raised an eyebrow.

The stubborn old man choked, the sword was indeed stabbed by him, he had nothing to say, but he asked Mo Qinghan to send the antidote.

"The Ming Palace is heavily guarded, and the old man has been poisoned again, how can he just go!"

"You are also suffering from the plague now, so stay well and don't run around, I will send someone to take care of you!" Mo Qinghan let go of the stubborn old man, put away the dagger, turned and left the house.

The corner of the stubborn old man's mouth twitched, I'm afraid this care is not just a simple care!It's just that when he saw the refugees suffering from the plague, he felt uncomfortable and wanted to help them as much as he could!

"The refugees are taken care of! You guys are responsible for taking care of the old man inside!" Mo Qinghan told the outsiders a few words and took A Bao back to the Huguohou Mansion.She didn't return all night, I'm afraid that mother will be worried to death!
Mo Qinghan hadn't reached the door of the Huguohou's Mansion when he saw a red figure and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Could something have happened? Sikong Jingyan is here to find someone right now!

"I don't know that at this time you still have leisure time to visit brothels!" Sikong Jingyan raised his eyebrows and looked at Mo Qinghan, who didn't return all night!He even lost his people!

"There is a sister in the kiln who has the plague and wants to see me for the last time, why? The prince is jealous!" Mo Qinghan raised the corners of his lips and walked towards Sikong Jingyan.

"I don't know when you had a confidante..." Sikong Jingyan looked at Mo Qinghan's reddish cheeks, the sky was just getting brighter, and in the early morning, Mo Qinghan's unparalleled handsome face was smiling slightly, Her complexion was reddish, and her phoenix eyes were as clear as water, which only made people feel that the beauty had stepped out of her eyes.Suddenly, he saw Mo Qinghan swaying a few times, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask, "What's wrong with you?"

"Maybe I'm tired after not sleeping all night!" Mo Qinghan only felt a little hot, and passed out as soon as his eyes darkened.

"Han'er!" Sikong Jingyan hurriedly reached out to catch Mo Qinghan.

"Master!" Ah Bao hurried forward.

"Where did he go all night?" Sikong Jingyan stared at Abao.

Abao was taken aback!He knew the relationship between the master and Lord Ming, but regarding the beggar gang, the master said that no one could disclose a word, "Master met someone who got the plague!" He still had reservations.

"Quickly call Doctor Xu! Go to Ming Palace!" Sikong Jingyan gave an order, picked up Mo Qinghan and flew to Ming Palace.

When Imperial Physician Xu arrived at Ming Palace, he concluded that Mo Qinghan must have contracted the plague. After confirming, Imperial Physician Xu was silent, "Is it the plague!" Sikong Jingyan stared at Mo Qinghan's face and asked Imperial Physician Xu.

(End of this chapter)

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