Rebirth of the Daughter as King

Chapter 160 I really like a man

Chapter 160 I really like a man (2)
"Grandmother! You may not have been out of the house for a long time, take advantage of this opportunity and go outside! You can't go out rashly when the weather is cold in a few days!" Mo Qinghan sat beside Mrs. Tai and suggested with a smile Mrs. Tai also went together.

"Mother! You are not in good health, or wait a few days for my daughter-in-law to accompany you to the Temple of the Medicine King." Madam Hou hesitated, fearing that something would happen if Madam Tai was too old to toss back and forth.

Mrs. Tai was a little moved by Mo Qinghan's proposal, there are many things to do this year, or she might as well take this opportunity to go out and have a look.

"If grandma goes together, let's choose a quieter temple and have a fast meal after worshiping the Buddha!" ​​Mo Qinghan knew Mrs. Tai's thoughts, so she took Mrs. Tai's arm and looked at the pale Mo Qingfu. It was just fat and excess, but now it has really caught up with obesity.

After everyone discussed it, it was decided that Mrs. Hou would take a few female relatives to escort Mrs. Tai to Ciyuan Temple to offer incense. She said that Mrs. Tai did not ask Mo Qingfu to accompany her.

The second aunt looked at the matter of going to pray for Mrs. Tai, and she wouldn't let her go, and she wouldn't let Fu'er go. She was afraid that someone would gossip again in front of Mrs. Tai, so she went to pinch Mo Qingfu.

Mo Qingfu came to her senses, and hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Mrs. Tai's arm coquettishly, "Grandmother! How can you go to incense without your granddaughter to accompany you! Granddaughter also wants to chant scriptures and pray for grandma!"

"Then let's go together!" Many people prayed for Mrs. Tai, but Mrs. Tai obviously didn't refuse, she just didn't want Second Aunt to follow, after all the family was fine, only Second Aunt was infected with the plague.

The day was set on the eighteenth day of the ninth lunar month. After the Double Ninth Festival, there were fewer people going out to walk around, and it would not be crowded.Escorted by Mrs. Mo Qinghan, Mrs. Hou and her party went to Ciyuan Temple.

The abbot of Ciyuan Temple received the letter and greeted him personally at the gate of the temple. After the assassination of the son of the Marquis of the Huguo last time in the temple, the incense in Ciyuan Temple was not as strong as before. The female relatives of Huguohou's Mansion are more or less good for the temple's reputation, besides, he received the letter in advance, and today he has to help a young lady look.

"Thank you, abbot, to welcome you in person!" Mrs. Tai was helped out of the carriage by Mo Qinghan, and she spoke politely with abbot Wu Yuan, but she was very satisfied with Wu Yuan's behavior in her heart.

"Senior Brother Wuchen is in seclusion, so the old monk will receive the benefactor!" Wu Yuan was short and fat, very kind and kind.When looking at Mo Qinghan, his eyes lit up.

There were still very few people in the temple, and everyone followed Mrs. Tai and Abbot Wu Yuan to worship and offer incense in various temples. Mo Qingfu also offered incense devoutly, praying that she would lose weight quickly so that the prince could take her into the mansion as soon as possible.

Abbot Wuyuan took Mrs. Tai and his wife to rest in the Buddhist monastery when he saw that everyone had finished paying homage to the Buddha.

"This is the eldest son of the family!" Looking at Mo Qinghan, he asked.

"This is the grandson of the old man!" Mrs. Tai couldn't help but narrow her eyes with a smile when she saw Wu Yuanwen and Mo Qinghan.My grandson has an excellent temperament and naturally attracts people's attention.

"The son's temperament is elegant and refined, with auspicious clouds surrounding him, he is a man of great wealth!" Wu Yuan's words were true, and Wu Yuan was not the only one who said that Mo Qinghan was a man of great wealth.

"Abbot, keep the auspicious words!" Mo Qinghan nodded respectfully in return.

Wu Yuan smiled and nodded, and turned his eyes to see Mo Qingfu behind Mrs. Tai, "Miss has a rich and noble appearance! The life of a nobleman!"

Mrs. Tai was surprised to see Mo Qingfu when she turned her head, and she changed her mind. The daughters in the family were all outstanding, and Mo Qingfu should not be bad, but she was too fat.

As soon as Mo Qingfu heard what Abbot Wu Yuan said, her eyes lit up immediately, counting this abbot as having foresight!As long as she loses all her body, she will be able to marry into the palace, so she will naturally be a wealthy person!

"It's just..." Wu Yuan hesitated. Although his friends greeted him, it was the truth that Mo Qingfu was rich and honored.
"What's wrong?" Mrs. Tai hurriedly asked when she heard that Mo Qingfu was rich and might bring benefits to the Marquis of the Huguo.

"This young lady is indeed born with a rich and noble appearance, but it is buried in the dust. If you don't pay attention, you really can't see this rich and noble appearance!" Wu Yuan felt a little regretful.

Mrs. Tai was meditating, buried in the dust!Could it be Fuer's body!
Mo Qingfu also looked at Wu Yuan eagerly, she didn't understand Buddhism, but why was she buried in the dust!
"Master, can you tell me one or two!" Mo Qingfu stepped forward to salute Abbot Wuyuan. Usually, the person who can see Abbot Wuyuan's physiognomy is also the one who is destined. If she catches up with him today, she will naturally have to ask.

But Abbot Wuyuan shook his head with a smile, said a word of Buddhism, and sent Mrs. Tai into the gate of the monastery, saying that he still had to do homework and left.

"Mother! People like us are noble people. To us, noble people are..." Mrs. Hou paused and looked at Mrs. Tai's face.

Mrs. Tai rolled her eyes at Mo Qingfu, who was a little excited. Yu Huguohou's mansion is still a nobleman, and the royal family over there is the order of the princess!Does this granddaughter really have the life of a princess!
The maids and women below were also whispering. Abbot Wuyuan said that the second lady is a noble person, which means that the second lady will climb the high branch!
After eating the vegetarian meal, everyone went to the main hall to donate sesame oil money after a short rest, and prepared to go back home.

Everyone didn't see it, but Abbot Wu Yuan saw Mo Qinghan directly cast 3000 taels of silver bills in.

Back at Huguohou's Mansion, Mo Qingfu told Second Aunt the words of Abbot Wu Yuan intact, and Second Aunt was delighted when she heard it. Even Master Wu Yuan said that her daughter was a nobleman's destiny. She is going to be a princess soon.After changing into festive clothes, he went to show off to the second lady first, and then went to pay his respects to Mrs. Tai. Seeing Mrs. Hou's mouth curled up, she was full of pride in her conversation.

"Tomorrow, please invite an imperial physician to see if he can get rid of the dust on this body!" Mrs. Tai frowned as she looked at Mo Qingfu's full body.

"Grandmother!" Mo Qingfu's eyes lit up, and she blushed again. She asked the imperial doctor to show her how to lose weight. If others found out, what would she say about her!But the abbot Wuyuan also said that she was rich and honored but was buried by the floating dust. The floating dust is probably just the flesh of this body. Lord Ming also said that as long as she loses weight and becomes thinner, she will take him into the house. It seems that this is what she said True.

(End of this chapter)

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