Rebirth of the Daughter as King

Chapter 165 Helping You Become a Wife

Chapter 165 Helping You Become a Wife (2)
Mrs. Hou is not depressed, but she is holding back a smile to see how restless the family is because of the position of equal wife.Han'er also said that she won't stay in this Huguohou's mansion for the rest of her life, so she doesn't have to stay here. Naturally, she will follow her son wherever he goes!She has never cared about this family and that man!
Thinking of Mo Zhenghong, Mrs. Hou was standing in front of a cluster of chrysanthemums. If her father hadn't been afraid of getting involved in disputes, if she hadn't retreated by herself, if she hadn't been framed by someone, she would be that man's wife now, not in this Hou's mansion. Suffering all kinds of bullying, let her daughter also suffer all kinds of hardships!

"Mother!" Mo Qinghan looked at Mrs. Hou's loss of consciousness, the corners of her eyes seemed to have slipped, and she couldn't help but whispered worriedly. Could it be that Mother is still depressed about this matter!Didn't she and her mother agree with each other!Seeing his mother's appearance, he has no feelings for Mo Zhenghong. Mo Zhenghong has never slept with his mother since his mother came out of the family temple. Why is he sad here today!

Madam Hou came back to her senses, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes in a hurry, raised the corner of her mouth and looked at Mo Qinghan, "Han'er!" After all these years, that person is long gone, yet she still misses him!
"If mother doesn't want to, let's use another method!" Mo Qinghan stepped forward to support Madam Hou's arm, and looked at Madam Hou worriedly.

"Mother is not unwilling! I just think of something, think of you and your eldest sister, and feel ashamed of you!" Mrs. Hou patted Mo Qinghan's head lovingly. Now Mo Qinghan has caught up with her height.

"Mother! Eldest sister is living a very good life in the prime minister's mansion now! There are parents-in-law who love elder sister, and husband-in-law who dotes on elder sister. As long as eldest sister gives birth safely, it will be consummated! I am living a very good life now, as long as I can be with mother!" Qing Han comforted Mrs. Hou, and helped Mrs. Hou go to Fu'an Hall.

The little maid who was hiding in the dark quickly ran to Shou'an Hall to report the news.Mrs. Tai was slightly relieved when she heard that Mo Qinghan went to persuade Mrs. Hou. Han'er still listened to her to some extent, so she said a few words for the sake of the Hou family and their future, so Mo Qinghan agreed to persuade Mrs. Hou.

Mo Qinghan and his wife were talking thoughtful words in Fu'an Hall. At noon, Mrs. Tai sent Miaozhen to deliver a message, saying that there was no need to serve Mrs. Tai for dinner, and everyone could eat in their own yards.

Madam Hou was relieved, and Mo Qinghan and his wife ate happily. After the lunch break, Madam Hou went to do some chores as usual, and then returned to Fu'an Hall to continue making small clothes and swaddling clothes for Mo Qinghua's unborn child.

The second aunt waited anxiously, seeing Mo Qinghan go to persuade her, but Mrs. Hou cursed in her yard without moving, so what if the little bitch stopped her!Now Lord Hou and Mrs. Tai are on her side, even her son of a bitch thinks he feels a little guilty for robbing Haoer's marriage and does not object to promoting her as an aunt. How much trouble can that bitch make by himself!snort!

However, Mo Qinghao remembered that Mrs. Hou refused to be in charge of the house, and Mo Qinghan proposed to let the third aunt take over. Afterwards, the third aunt and the aunt had a big fight, and it was only because of Mrs. Hou's dowry shop and Zhuangzi that it was resolved. this matter.I'm afraid Mo Qinghan is playing tricks again this time!He had a bad feeling.But he couldn't resist the temptation of being a legitimate son and daughter, thinking that he and his aunt could resolve it that time, and this time it will definitely work!As long as it belonged to him, he would not hesitate to snatch it back!

When it was time for dinner, everyone sat around and had dinner together. Mo Qingyang never had the chance to go to the Xishan Camp. Seeing Mo Qinghan sitting and drinking tea by himself, the second wife and the second aunt were flirting with each other, not knowing what to do Regardless of what he was doing, he went to Mo Qinghan.The second wife has been holding him back, not allowing him to befriend Mo Qinghan, but to befriend the elder brother, but he just likes to play with Mo Qinghan!

Everyone talked for a while, Mrs. Tai was waiting for Mrs. Hou to say that she agreed with the Second Aunt's promotion of his wife, but Mrs. Hou didn't say a word until everyone was about to rest. Mrs. Tai was about to wait another day, and Mrs. Hou got up Salute to Mrs. Tai, "Mother! My daughter-in-law is really tired these days, so I won't be here to serve you! In the future, the second wife will serve you, and the daughter-in-law will also be able to reduce the burden! Tomorrow, the daughter-in-law will go to Uncle Zhongyi's mansion, daughter-in-law Let's go back now!" When Mrs. Hou said the second lady, she looked at the second wife, and the second lady was obviously not the second lady, but the second wife.

Madam Tai's eyes lit up, Madam Hou finally let go, she nodded with a smile in response, and asked Mo Qinghan to send Madam Hou back to Fu'an Hall to rest, and ordered the servants below to take care of her carefully.She knew that it would not be easy for Mrs. Hou to let go. After all, which woman is willing to accept a concubine for her husband-in-law, and even raise her status as a concubine to be on an equal footing with herself!
The second aunt saw that Madam Hou had left, and Madam Tai was smiling, so the second wife was also at a loss.

"Finally let go! You will go with me tomorrow! After all, we did something wrong!" Mrs. Tai told Mo Zhenghong that if Mo Zhenghong didn't come forward about this matter, Fang Yu's conscience might harbor resentment. Do not agree.

The second aunt understood now, Mrs. Hou just said that the second lady was talking about her!Immediately ecstatic, seeing Mo Zhenghong's faint nod, he hastily suppressed the excitement in his heart, solemnly bowed to Mrs. Tai, and wanted to wait for Mrs. Tai to rest, but Mrs. Tai refused because she was not used to it!

Although Mrs. Tai's attitude towards her is still the same as before, it doesn't affect the good mood of Second Auntie, she looks at everyone excitedly, hum!When she is promoted to a flat wife and her daughter becomes an imperial concubine, at that time, this Marquis Mansion will be her world!Mrs. Hou, that bitch mother and son will drive them out of Hou's mansion sooner or later!

The next morning Mrs. Hou packed up her things and went to Uncle Zhongyi's Mansion together with Mo Zhenghong, and told about her plan to promote her second aunt to be his wife. Fang Yuliang was furious after hearing this, and angrily scolded Mo Zhenghong for his morality and righteousness!Resolutely disagree with promoting the second aunt to a flat wife!Mrs. Fang also said that even if Fang Chaolun was there, she would not agree to let Second Concubine, a concubine with children and daughters, be promoted to be an equal wife and sit on an equal footing with Mrs. Hou!

Mo Zhenghong was helpless, and he didn't want to listen to Fang Yuliang's constant teachings in the Zhongyi uncle's mansion, so he left and went back to the Huguohou mansion, leaving Mrs. Hou to talk to Mrs. Hou and Mrs. Fang's sister-in-law.

Seeing Mo Zhenghong with an unfriendly expression, everyone knew that it must be the Uncle Zhongyi's house who did not agree to promote Second Concubine as a wife, and Second Concubine was so angry that she wished she could strangle that bitch's mother and child to death!Throw things in your own yard and beat people off!
(End of this chapter)

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