Rebirth of the Daughter as King

Chapter 187 The Prince's Difficult Love Journey

Chapter 187 The Prince's Difficult Love Journey (4)
"Revenge is avenged! The anger is gone! Let's go eat first!" Sikong Jingyan held his chin with one hand, his peachy eyes stuck to Mo Qinghan's face and lips, which had his mark on it!
"My lord really wants to have a good look at Imperial Physician Xu! It would be good to get in touch with more women!" Mo Qinghan took a sip of tea and cast his eyes at Sikong Jingyan.She didn't know how she felt when she said this, but she hadn't seen Sikong Jingyan for a long time after she left. She only knew that the empress and the king of Huainan wanted Sikong Jingyan to marry Zuo Jingyao as his concubine, and Zuo Jingyao also wanted to marry Sikong. Jing Yan is the target.

Sikong Jingyan thought that Mo Qinghan was jealous because of Zuo Jingyao, and was happy in his heart, and wanted to make Mo Qinghan's jealousy even stronger, but was afraid that Mo Qinghan would be really angry and ignore him.Mo Qinghan was pestered every day to discuss matters, until the end of the first month, when Yin Li took Mo Qinghan to the Xishan Camp, he wanted to go with him, but the transcripts recovered by Wei Lian had people falling in love with him. One of the methods is called Xiaobiesheng Newly Married.The occasional parting can make him miss him even more, so he wanted to make Mo Qinghan think about himself, when he was going to Xishan Daying to visit Mo Qinghan, Mo Qinghan was naturally moved, knowing that he liked him, he was willing to accept him !

Seeing Mo Qinghan's carriage drifting away without a trace, Sikong Jingyan felt a little regretful. Mo Qinghan went to the barracks, which was Yin Li's territory. If he forgot and fell in love with Yin Li instead, wouldn't he be sad!

"Master! The prince and the king of Qin are both cold-tempered people, they will do nothing!" Seeing that his master had begun to worry about gain and loss, Wei Lian couldn't help reminding Sikong Jingyan.He actually didn't want to hit Sikong Jingyan, from his point of view, the prince likes a woman, not his master!But he was afraid that the master would do anything to the son if he knew the news, and the master would be in a deeper trap, and the son would not be better off!I just hope that the son can really see his master's heart, and is willing to give up marriage for the sake of the master and accept the master!

If Sikong Jingyan knew Wei Lian's thoughts, he would catch up with Mo Qinghan immediately, and pester Mo Qinghan every day until Mo Qinghan fell in love with him!

Mo Qinghan and his party rushed towards the Xishan camp, but there were also people chasing after them. Abao lifted the curtain of the car and looked at Mo Qinghao who was chasing after him, and whispered to Mo Qinghan with his eyes closed.

"Master! The young master is here!"

Mo Qinghan opened his eyes, let the car stop, and got out of the carriage with a bow. Looking at Mo Qinghao who got off the horse, he raised his eyebrows.The speed is not slow, to be able to come back in such a short period of time!
"Fu'er's marriage was planned by you alone!" Mo Qinghao stared at Mo Qinghan with deep eyes. If Mo Qinghan didn't make a move, he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed!The woman named Qiu Ji was similar to Fu'er, and the day Tuobaqi entered the palace happened to be the day of the draft. They had different paths, so how could they meet in the palace!There was also the clothes of the northern barbarian woman, Mo Qinghan sent them to Fu'er in the name of Sikong Jingyan in order to let Tuobaqi ask the emperor to marry Fu'er!Now that Fu'er is married far away in the bitter cold of the northern barbarians, and has no relatives, she is afraid that she will have to swallow her anger for something!
"What do you want to say?" Mo Qinghan raised her eyebrows without denying it.

"Although Fu'er has a bad temper, she's still your sister!" Mo Qinghao's face was grim.

"If I remember correctly, my sister's boudoir name is Mo Qinghua, and she is now married to the Prime Minister's Mansion!" Since Mo Qinghan can find out everything, Mo Qinghan doesn't care about Mo Qinghao. They all know what the other party wants, and no one will believe those hypocritical words!
Mo Qinghao remained silent for a long time, staring at Mo Qinghan, he knew that it was impossible for him and Mo Qinghan to get along peacefully in this lifetime, because he wanted Mo Qinghan's position as the eldest son!And it's impossible for Mo Qinghan to give in!

Taking a deep look at Mo Qinghan, she turned and left, got on her horse, and rode away.

"Han'er!" Yin Li rode forward, seeing Mo Qinghao leaving with an unfriendly expression, a trace of worry flashed in his deep eyes.

"Let's go! Master!" Mo Qinghan smiled slightly, turned around and got into the carriage.Now Mo Qinghao doesn't dare to do anything!In this year's time, I believe Madam Ping will help Mo Qinghao find a suitable marriage!

Mo Qinghan's predictions were right, Mrs. Ping did not have the support of her natal family, so she wanted to let her daughter cling to the royal family, but Mo Qingfu was married to Beiman far away, and she couldn't quench her thirst from far away, so she wanted to find a well-matched in-law for Mo Qinghao as soon as possible Now, without Mo Qinghan messing around at home, she can do her best. If she falls in love with a young lady, she will not be afraid that she won't marry as long as she has the chance!Because she has many ways to marry people to her door!When the time comes, Mo Qinghao will have someone to support him, and the position of son will be at his fingertips!
Each had their own schemes. When Mo Qinghan and Yin Li arrived in the barracks, they were immediately greeted by all the soldiers, especially the soldiers who followed Mo Qinghan to attack Linxi City last time. Qing Han!
"Why didn't Li Yuanqing come?" Mo Qinghan went around to the barracks and found no sign of Li Yuanqing, so he asked the soldiers at the door.

"Vice General Li went back to his hometown to marry a wife!" The soldier guarding the gate laughed. He was also the soldier who followed Mo Qinghan to capture Linxi. Because of his meritorious service in suppressing the rebel army, the girl whose family had been asking for marriage years ago disagreed. Said that he would also go to exterminate the rebels, so he agreed to the marriage, and now the daughter-in-law is two months pregnant!
"Boss Li Yuanqing is not young, it's time to marry a wife!" Yin Li answered from the room.

Mo Qinghan thought of Li Yuanqing's money-greedy appearance, and raised the corners of his mouth. It was really a bright smile that deceived the general public.Thinking that Yin Li was 22 this year and not married yet, he opened his mouth and asked, "Master is not young, why is he not married!" Seeing Yin Li stunned for a moment, Mo Qinghan immediately regretted what he had asked.

"You don't know?" A strange light flashed in Yin Li's eyes, and he raised his eyebrows and asked back.

Mo Qinghan was taken aback!Unexpectedly, Yin Li asked back, twitching the corners of his mouth, and was about to speak when he heard Yin Li say.

"Father, mother, concubine and aunt have made a decision that if the aunt gives birth to another daughter, the two families will marry each other!" Yin Li also knew about this time from King Qin years ago, and looked at Mo Qinghan strangely with his deep eyes.

Mo Qinghan was taken aback again!Could it be that the aunt Yin Li was talking about was his mother!If the mother gives birth to a daughter, the two families will marry!The one who got married was herself who was supposed to be the third lady of the Huguohoufu!
(End of this chapter)

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