Chapter 190
"I'm not feeling well, so I came back with the prince! As for the fourth brother...may have to wait for two days!"

"It's all a family! Why didn't you call Yang'er when you returned home! Yang'er wanted to go to the military camp for training because you were in the Xishan camp, and you left him there alone!" Hearing this made her angry, if it weren't for Mo Qinghan, Yang'er would not have thought about joining the army!
"Return to Mrs. Tai! Doctor Xu is here!" At this time, a little maid outside the door replied, saying that Doctor Xu is here.

"Han'er is not feeling well! No wonder his face is so pale!" Mrs. Tai rolled her eyes and asked Mo Qinghan worriedly.

"Maybe I caught a cold, it's nothing serious! Grandma won't worry and let Dr. Xu feel the pulse and she will know!" Mo Qinghan raised his voice to let Dr. Xu come in, and all the female relatives had to avoid it.

"I'm here to take the pulse of my son by the order of the lord!" Imperial doctor Xu came in and greeted him, and put down the medicine box to diagnose Mo Qinghan's pulse.

"It's just a cold, it's nothing serious!" Mo Qinghan knew it by looking at Doctor Xu's face, and reminded him aloud.

"Now that the weather is getting colder and my son is weak, it's better to pay more attention! The next official will prescribe a prescription, and give him some medicine to take, and he will be cured in a few days!" Xu Taiyi got up but did not prescribe a prescription, but asked The man went directly to get the medicine for Mo Qinghan.

Over there, Su'er and Ziyun came and saw that Dr. Xu was checking her master's pulse again, thinking that there was something to worry about. After listening to Dr. Xu's words, Su'er felt relieved. Go to send Dr. Xu, and get the medicine by the way.

Mrs. Tai asked about Mo Qinghan's physical condition, and seeing Mo Qinghan's tired face, she asked Mrs. Hou to send Mo Qinghan back to Shenglong Garden, and told Mo Qinghan to take medicine and take a good rest.

When Mo Qinghan returned to Shenglong Garden, Su'er had already brought the medicine, and there was a small blue porcelain bottle for Mo Qinghan one day.Mo Qinghan took it, and when he opened it, there was a faint fragrance, and when he smelled it carefully, there was a faint fragrance of jujube mixed in. Mo Qinghan ate one and went back to the inner room to rest.

After waking up, Mo Qinghan changed his clothes, washed up and went to Shou'an Hall to greet Mrs. Tai. Everyone had dinner and talked in Mrs. Tai's east room. When they heard that Mo Qinghan had come, Mama Su He personally opened the curtain to welcome Mo Qinghan in.

Mo Zhenghong was also present, and Mo Qinghan respectfully greeted the elders.Mrs. Tai asked Mo Qinghan if he was resting well, if he still felt unwell, did he feel better after taking the medicine?Mo Qinghan answered them all!

"Grandmother! Tomorrow, my son and grandson want to go see Eldest Sister, and take a look at Little Jin Si by the way! I don't know if he will talk anymore!" As soon as Mo Qinghan mentioned Xiao Jin Si, Madam Hou's expression became more gentle. There was warmth in his eyes.

"A ten-month-old child can't call people yet!"

"Uncle misses my little nephew! You should go and see! By the way, your second sister is also pregnant for a few months! You will be able to have another baby early next year!" Mrs. Tai laughed and said that Mo Qingfu was pregnant. Pregnancy also brings a bit of pride. Her daughter of the Huguohoufu was named a princess and she was able to conceive in the first year of her marriage to Beiman and have children for the Beiman king. This is also the glory of their Huguohoufu.

"That's not right! This princess became pregnant in the first year of her marriage. As a mother, I'm both happy and worried! I'm glad that my daughter can spread branches and leaves for the Northern Man King, and the future Northern Man King will be the son of his daughter! Worry about it." My daughter doesn't have a mother by her side, and it's the first child, and the journey is so far away that I can't visit her once or twice!" Madam Ping said proudly, saying she couldn't visit, she lowered her head and took a handkerchief to wipe her tears.

"Second Sister is quite popular with the King of the Northern Man. I believe that Second Sister will live well! Mother, don't worry!" Mo Qinghao comforted Mrs. Ping with a gentle smile, and rolled his eyes at Mo Qinghan with deep eyes.

"Second sister is also pregnant! What a joy to congratulate!" Mo Qinghan raised the corners of her mouth, hoping to keep it alive!

Mrs. Ping said a few words in a nonchalant manner. Seeing Mrs. Tai was tired, Mo Qinghan asked Mother Su to serve Mrs. Tai to rest. Everyone withdrew and went back to their yards to rest.

Early the next morning, Mo Qinghan went to the prime minister's mansion with Mrs. Hou prepared gifts, and Fang Yushan greeted him at the door.Madam Hou went directly to the inner courtyard to meet Mo Qinghua, Fang Yushan also brought Mo Qinghan to meet Fang Zixi, and led Mo Qinghan into their own courtyard.

Over there, Mrs. Hou was holding a chubby little Jinsi who was dressed in bright red clothes like a blessing baby. The little Jinsi refused to admit his birth, and giggled in Madam Hou's arms. It could be seen that Mrs. Hou often played with the little Jinsi.

Mo Qinghan came in and bowed to Mrs. Fang, and greeted each other with Mo Qinghua. Mo Qinghan pulled Mo Qinghan to look up, down, left, and right, and said that Mo Qinghan had lost weight, and he had to make up for it.

"Little Jinsi! Come and call uncle!" Mo Qinghua carried Xiao Jinsi to Mo Qinghan and let Mo Qinghan hug him.

Mo Qinghan looked at Xiao Jinsi's chubby Xiaoyuan's pink face, and took Xiao Jinsi with a slight smile, but his movements were a little stiff.When the soft body fell into Mo Qinghan's arms, Mo Qinghan regretted it. It wasn't because Xiao Jinsi refused to let Mo Qinghan hug him, but because Xiao Jinsi giggled excitedly as soon as he got into Mo Qinghan's arms Bounced wildly in Mo Qinghan's arms, Mo Qinghan almost couldn't hold her.

"It's less than eleven months old, and you'll be calling someone somewhere!" Mrs. Fang looked at her precious grandson dotingly.

"It's autumn again. When the spring festival opens next year, people will be able to speak and leave! You are always in a hurry, and you can't be in a hurry!" Madam Hou looked at Mo Qinghua with a worried expression and gave birth to comfort Mo Qinghua.

"Most people's children can talk and walk, but Jinsi can't even call!" Mo Qinghua sighed looking at Huanxi and his uncle who didn't know what to say.

Mo Qinghan took out a string of jade bells that he had prepared in advance for Xiao Jinsi to play with. A crisp voice came, and Xiao Jinsi jumped up happily, stretching out his chubby little hands to grab them. Mo Qinghan smiled and hid After refusing to give it a few times, Xiao Jinsi turned to look at Mo Qinghua, his pitiful expression made everyone in the room laugh.

"Sister, don't worry! Little Jinsi is smart!" Mo Qinghan looked at Mo Qinghua with a smile.

Mo Qinghua nodded with a smile, and ignored Xiao Jinsi's pitiful appearance.

Xiao Jinsi looked at Madam Hou pitifully again, Madam Hou also smiled and ignored, Xiao Jinsi turned his eyes to Madam Fang again, Fang Yushan shook his head, everyone said they would ignore Xiao Jinsi.Xiao Jinsi saw that the person who loved her usually ignored her for helping to snatch the jade bell from Mo Qinghan's hand, and turned her head to look at Mo Qinghan who was smiling slightly, with her mouth curled up and she was about to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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