Chapter 194
Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived, they saw a purple figure drifting past, Zuo Jingyao!

When Mo Qinghan arrived at Sikong Jingyan's courtyard, the guards standing outside the courtyard immediately blocked Mo Qinghan's way, "Stop! Princess Huainan is visiting the prince inside, and no one else is allowed to enter!"

Mo Qinghan turned her phoenix eyes, nodded and took a step back, "In this case, I will go back to the house first! If the prince asks the housekeeper to help Tong Bing, it will be fine!"

Before the butler opened his mouth to say anything, Mo Qinghan had already nodded and strode out of Prince Ming's Mansion.Princess Huainan and Princess Xinluo are here. Although it is not easy for Mo Qinghan to go in and run into someone, he can wait a while in another place. If the prince can't find his son, no one will change his medicine and blame him... Butler Thinking of Sikong Jingyan's temper, he couldn't help feeling chills from the soles of his feet, and hurriedly turned around and went in to report to Sikong Jingyan first.

"Stop! Princess Huainan is visiting the prince inside, no one else is allowed to enter!"

The butler was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that they would even dare to stop him, and he couldn't help feeling displeased. Even if the empress wanted to make Princess Naxinluo a concubine, the prince must agree to it!Besides, this is Prince Ming's Mansion, and he is the steward of Prince Ming's Mansion.

"This is Prince Ming's Mansion! I am the steward of the mansion, and I have something important to report to the lord!"

The guards guarding the gate looked at each other, hesitating, but the above ordered the idlers not to enter, if something was put in and disturbed the princess, their heads would be lost!

At this time, Wei Lian came out from the inside, frowning slightly, seeing the butler being blocked outside, a look of displeasure flashed across his face, and he quickly stepped forward, "The prince has come!" The butler saw that Wei hurriedly called Mo Qinghan over. Tell Wei Lian about it.

Wei Lian's eyes turned, if the prince knew about this matter, he might be angry with them, but if he didn't know, he might not be relieved even if they peeled off the skin!Glancing at the guard at the door, he turned around and walked around to the back of the yard, disappearing into the yard in a flash.

In the room, Sikong Jingyan was leaning on a beige pillow embroidered with cloud patterns, the dignified Princess Huainan was sitting on a brocade stool not far away, and Zuo Jingyao was standing beside Princess Huainan.

"Jing Yan! It's not my aunt talking about you. You're such an old man, yet you don't even know how to take care of yourself! How can you, a prince, go to suppress the bandits by yourself! When your mother finds out, she can't wait to come to the palace to see you!" Princess Huainan He looked at Sikong Jingyan reproachfully.

"Aunt Lao is worried!" Sikong Jingyan replied absent-mindedly. He sent a housekeeper to pick up Mo Qinghan. Why hasn't he arrived yet!
"Brother Yan, you should pay more attention in the future! You are a prince, if you have anything to do, you can just tell the people below to do it. You don't have to go by yourself, and you are injured, which makes people worry!" Zuo Jingyao looked worriedly. With Sikong Jingyan.

"Since the people of Nanfeng have something to do, as the king of Nanfeng Guoming, I should bear the brunt of it!" Sikong Jingyan rolled his eyes at Zuo Jingyao, turning a blind eye to Zuo Jingyao's eyes full of affection.

"Brother Yan is a responsible person! You should pay more attention to your own body!" Zuo Jingyao saw that Sikong Jingyan refuted her words, a gleam flashed in her eyes, and she was quickly covered up.

"Wei Lian!" Sikong Jingyan was already at this hour, even if two round trips from Huguohou's Mansion to Ming Wang's Mansion were enough, before the person picked him up, he couldn't help frowning and shouted for Wei Lian to come in.

"My lord!" Wei Lian quickly appeared, saluted Sikong Jingyan respectfully, and bowed his head.

"How is the task you were asked to do!" Sikong Jingyan asked in a deep voice.

"Go back to the lord! The matter has been blocked! This subordinate will solve it now!" Wei Lian knew that Mo Qinghan must be the one Sikong Jingyan asked, so he could only say that he was blocked!
"You can't handle even a little thing! What's the use of Ming Palace supporting you!" Sikong Jingyan thought that Mo Qinghan met Yin Li or something else on the way, hindering his schedule, but he didn't know that Mo Qinghan was blocked at the gate of his yard of.

"My lord, please forgive me! This subordinate will do it all over again!" Wei quickly knelt down and pleaded guilty to Sikong Jingyan. After waiting for a while, before Sikong Jingyan could speak, he returned in a low voice, "My lord! Doctor Xu is here to help you." You have been waiting outside for a long time for a follow-up visit!"

"Tell Imperial Physician Xu to come in!" Sikong Jingyan rolled his eyes, why did Imperial Physician Xu come again!Seeing that Wei Lian retreated respectfully, he turned to Huainan Princess and said, "Auntie! Doctor Xu is going to give me a diagnosis and treatment! After I recover, I will go to Huainan Palace to thank my aunt!"

"Okay, okay! Auntie won't bother you! Auntie will come to see you in a few days!" Sikong Jingyan's intention of chasing someone was so obvious that she couldn't stay any longer, so Princess Huainan left with Zuo Jingyao.

"Brother Yan take good care of yourself! Jingyao will come to see you in a few days!" Zuo Jingyao bowed to Sikong Jingyan, glanced at Sikong Jingyan, and followed Huainan Princess to leave.

As soon as the two of them left, Wei Lian told Sikong Jingyan what happened at the gate of the courtyard one by one. Seeing Sikong Jingyan's gloomy expression, Wei Lian took a step back consciously.

The housekeeper brought Dr. Xu into the door, and suddenly felt the air-conditioning in the room, and couldn't help shivering. He had no other choice, and he was afraid that the prince would pursue him, so he had to invite Dr. Xu to come.

"My lord! Doctor Xu is here!"

"In the future, without my king's permission, no one is allowed to enter the palace!" Sikong Jingyan was so angry that his peach eyes narrowed dangerously. The royal palace acted like this!Han'er was even angry!
"Yes! My lord!" The steward and Wei Lian replied in unison, the lord is the master of this palace!

"What was your expression when the prince left?" Sikong Jingyan looked at the housekeeper and asked.

"Your Majesty frowned, and then asked the old servant to help Tong Bing, then turned around and left!" The housekeeper carefully looked at Sikong Jingyan's expression, but found that Sikong Jingyan frowned and laughed.

Sikong Jingyan was thinking triumphantly that Han'er must be jealous and angry when she knew that Zuo Jingyao came to visit her!It was the same feeling as when I saw Yin Li approaching Han'er!

"Wei Lian invites the crown prince again! Just say that the king is furious and the wound is open!" Bitter tricks are more effective, and we must continue to implement them!

The corner of Wei Lian's mouth twitched, and hurriedly left.

When Mo Qinghan heard about Sikong Jingyan's anger, her phoenix eyes turned slightly, Sikong Jingyan would be furious!Could it be that someone said something about his male and female appearance again, and became lustful for him!
(End of this chapter)

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