Rebirth of the Daughter as King

Chapter 227 The fault of not raising the godfather

Chapter 227 The fault of not raising the godfather (2)
Fang Yuliang and Mo Qinghan led the people from the Uncle Zhongyi's family to walk in front, and the people behind followed behind, shouting to be the master of the Uncle Zhongyi's mansion and asking for the dowry back!Please the emperor call the shots!He went to the palace in a mighty way.

Looking at the situation, Mo Zhenghong secretly thought something was wrong, his eyes flickered with gloom, and he ordered people to inform the family immediately, report to the Jianning Hou Mansion, and took Mo Qinghao and the others to the palace.

Everyone was united and the momentum was great. Sikong Jue frowned uncontrollably when he heard the news, and ordered Fang Yuliang, Mo Qinghan, Mo Zhenghong and others to be called to Chengde Hall.

In Chengde Hall, Sikong Jue was sitting high on the dragon chair, Fang Yuliang, Mo Qinghan and others were kneeling in the main hall, hearing the ins and outs of the matter, Sikong Jue couldn't help frowning slightly, Mo Qinghan obviously made trouble on purpose, If the partiality is too obvious, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public!The prince will definitely not agree.

Speaking of the prince, Sikong Jingze and Sikong Jingyan begged to see him together, came to the main hall, saluted Sikong Jue and stood aside.

Sikong Jingze's eyes were dark, with an unknown light flickering.The corners of the mouth curled up slightly, but it wasn't a smile.

However, Sikong Jingyan cast his eyes at Master Yinliang of Shuntian Mansion without any trace, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.This dog official accepted bribes, misjudged the case, and even dared to attack his Han'er!If this person is not punished, it will be difficult to vent his hatred!If you keep it, I'm afraid you will hate Han'er even more. He will be a disaster in the future, and he has to find a way to get rid of him!Shuntian Mansion is in charge of all the big and small events in the capital, it is not their own people and they cannot be Sikong Jingze's people!

"I've heard you say things very clearly! Uncle Zhongyi's mansion wanted Fang Yurou's dowry, but Marquis Huguo's mansion insisted on refusing to give it. This angered Uncle Zhongyi's mansion to bring people to Marquis Huguo's mansion to make trouble. He even beat him up! Is it from the House of Uncle Zhongyi?" Sikong Jue looked at the people on Mo Zhenghong's side with a look of joy, and cast his eyes at Mo Qinghan, who was so calm and indifferent.

"Your Majesty! Since Uncle Zhongyi led people to make trouble, spread rumors to attack and annihilate the Marquis of Huguo, and beat people in the Marquis of Huguo's mansion, he should receive the due punishment!" Shi Zhendong, the Marquis of Jianning hurried forward to salute, and said .

"Then Marquis Jianning, tell me how I should punish him!" Sikong Jue looked at Marquis Jianning with a dim light in his eyes.

"Those who attack and beat imperial court officials or their family members according to the law shall be punished with [-] boards, and serve for three years!" Shi Zhendong rolled his eyes at Mo Qinghan. The stain of erasure, in the case that there is an eldest son in the Marquis of the Huguo, Mo Qinghan's position as the eldest son will be deposed, and Mo Qinghao will be the one who inherits the title, and it will only be better for the Marquis of Jianning and the prince !

"Your Majesty! It's the fault of my humble servants to gather crowds to make trouble and beat people! My humble servants are willing to bear it all! Regardless of other people's affairs! How the emperor decides how to punish him is entirely up to the emperor!" For the crime, please let Si Kongjue let Fang Chaolun and Fang Yushan go, and the family servants and nursing home, and separate from them.

"Dare to be brave! I beat the man, so I admit it! Cousin doesn't have to bear the burden for me!" Fang Liuyan puffed up his chest, as if he wanted to share weal and woe with Mo Qinghan.

Fang Yuliang and Fang Chaolun nodded slightly in relief. They had been watching Fang Liuyan for being too cowardly, but they didn't want to be arrogant, and they were indeed the blood of their Fang family!
"How can I, Fang Yushan, be the one who is greedy for life and afraid of death! I will take responsibility for everything I have done!" Fang Yushan also tried his best to take his own responsibility.

Mo Qinghan caught a glimpse of the jealousy in Mo Qinghao's eyes, snorted coldly, and said to Sikong Jue again, "Your Majesty! One hero and three gangs! The matter is led by the humble minister, and they are all working for the humble minister. I implore the emperor Let them go! I am willing to plead guilty!"

"One hero and three gangs! That being the case, for the sake of your brotherhood, I will spare them! However, you took the lead in making a big fuss in the Huguohou's Mansion and beat someone. Everyone saw this with their own eyes. There is no excuse for the crime!" Sikong Jue nodded, agreeing to let Fang Yushan and others go.

"The emperor asked the humble minister to plead guilty and the humble minister did not dare to speak lies! It is really not the humble minister who spread rumors to attack and destroy the Huguohou's mansion, and the humble minister does not have the ability to control what others say! Fairness is at ease!" Mo Qing Han thanked Sikong Jue for letting Fang Chaolun and the others go, and looked up at Sikong Jue unwillingly. Although she ordered that matter, who knew that she was behind it!If the emperor could peep at such a great strength, I'm afraid he will be jealous of himself, and then he, his mother, and grandpa's family will be in danger!

"Your Majesty! If I have the ability to make everyone say something, the daughter of the Ivy Minister will not complain and stay in the family temple for ten years! But the Huguo Hou Mansion started to say that we are spreading rumors. Could it be that we started to say those things? My daughter murdered her concubine and grandson, drugged her daughter-in-law, and even said that Han'er was not a direct bloodline of the Marquis of the Huguo, doubting Han'er's origin, could it be that those rumors were spread by the Marquis of the Huguo!" Fang Yuliang Staring at Mo Zhenghong, Mo Qinghao.

"Even if the person who spread the rumors wasn't your Uncle Zhongyi's Mansion, if Mo Qinghan led people to riot in the Marquis Huguo's Mansion, he should be punished if he beat someone!" Zhen Guohou Cai Botao said in a deep voice. They didn't believe that Uncle Zhongyi's mansion had such a With such a great ability, he actually changed everyone's opinions overnight and caused rumors to fly everywhere!If you have this ability, I'm afraid that the Zhongyi uncle's mansion will not stay for long!

"Since Mo Qinghan has pleaded guilty, I will make an order..." Sikong Jue nodded in agreement.

"Your majesty! I implore the emperor to be the master of my mother. I do all this to get justice for my mother. At least I can't be deceived so much that I don't even want to return my dowry! Please be the emperor. !" Mo Qinghan kowtowed again to Sikong Jue sadly, "Please the emperor be the master!" Fang Yuliang, Fang Chaolun and the others also knelt down and kowtowed to the emperor, imploring the emperor.

"It's wrong for the Huguohou's Mansion to do this! Since you owe someone's dowry, Mo Aiqing and you are a second-rank title, so you can't lose my face! In my opinion, only three Pay off Fang Yurou's dowry within one day, there must be no mistakes!" Sikong Jue instructed Mo Zhenghong in a deep voice.

Both Mo Zhenghong and Mo Qinghao were taken aback!The emperor judged Mo Qinghan guilty, but still asked them to pay Fang Yurou's dowry. Isn't it saying that what they said before was wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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