Chapter 99
Jiang Shixiang rushed forward to stop Mo Qinghan, and several servants of Duke Qi's mansion also held sticks and stared at Mo Qinghan with fire-breathing eyes.

"Jiang Shixiang, you want to be disrespectful to the holy things bestowed by the emperor!" Mo Qinghan swung his stick and pointed it at Youhe's stomach, pointing back at Jiang Shixiang, and questioned.

"Ah——" You He fell to the ground clutching her stomach, her face was pale, her forehead was sweating profusely, her whole body twitched, and a lot of blood gushed out from her lower body.

Seeing this, Jiang Shixiang exclaimed in his heart, the child is gone!Immediately staring at Mo Qinghan with scarlet eyes, "Mo Qinghan, you are a bully! Kill the concubine Zhen's close maid, and beat this young master!" He ordered viciously, last time he wanted to beat Mo Qinghan hard. Dayton, but there is always no chance.This time, Mo Qinghan must have a bloody head before giving up!
"Hmph! A group of dog slaves! Come one and I'll fight one! Come a pair and I'll fight a pair!" Mo Qinghan looked coldly at the people who came up.

"Master!" Ah Bao and Siqin are not only worried, even beating a court lady, but now there are more than a dozen people facing the master. Although the master is strong in martial arts, his ankle is injured. If someone uses secret tricks, it is inevitable that the master will will not be harmed.

"Take care of Youhe!" Mo Qinghan turned her head and gave a quick command, but Jiang Shixiang didn't realize it for a while, if Youhe was taken away by the people of the Duke of Qi's mansion, then they would make a dead person, and there would be no proof, wouldn't it be a waste of her hard work.

"Bring back Youhe!" Concubine Zhen naturally thought of it, and hurriedly ordered Jiang Shixiang to bring back Youhe.Youhe can't fall into Mo Qinghan's hands, otherwise she will die!
Jiang Shixiang's eyes turned, and he hurriedly flew to grab Youhe on the ground.

Mo Qinghan was entangled by more than a dozen servants and couldn't get away. Abao and Siqin quickly fought against Jiang Shixiang.

But Mo Qinghan didn't bring a guard with him when he went out, Ah Bao, his Siqin skills were not as good as Jiang Shixiang's practice since he was a child, Jiang Shixiang's shots were vicious and vicious, and he was slapped away by Jiang Shixiang's palm in a moment.

Seeing this, Mo Qinghan hurriedly turned around, and quickly waved the dog-beating stick in his hand, and the servant of Duke Qi's mansion who came forward to attack fell to the ground.He flew towards Jiang Shixiang.

Just as Jiang Shixiang's hand touched Youhe's clothes, a violent shock came from behind him, and Bang quickly turned around and slapped him.

"Mo Qinghan, stop!" There was an angry voice from the crowd, Mo Qinghan was stunned, Mo Zhenghong!
"As the son of the Hou family, walking in front of the imperial court, he actually caused trouble in the street! I had a conflict with the concubine Zhen's people, and I didn't know how to repent and started fighting! Apologize to me immediately!" Mo Zhenghong flew over, his eyes were sharp and deep Staring at Mo Qinghan.He knew that Mo Qinghan wanted to bring down the Duke of Qi's mansion, but with the Duke of Qi's mansion around, he had someone to contend with and restrict Mo Qinghan and Uncle Zhongyi's mansion.This is also beneficial and harmless to his plan, now is not the time to overthrow Duke Qi's mansion!
Mo Qinghan's attack was blocked by Mo Zhenghong, seeing Jiang Shixiang hastily took You He away, cast a deep glance at Mo Zhenghong, and hurriedly flew to chase.

Jiang Shixiang turned around and stretched out his palm, but Mo Qinghan quickly dodged it, and continued to throw the dog-beating stick in his hand, heading straight for Jiang Shixiang's left eye.

Jiang Shixiang was startled, the dog-beating stick was right in front of him, if it hit him, his left eye would be destroyed!He hurriedly pulled You He who was in front of him sideways to block him.

"Hmm—" You He was already close to a coma, and Mo Qinghan hit her right ear with a stick, and passed out with a muffled sound.

"Hmm—" At the same time, Mo Qinghan also mumbled, but it was Mo Zhenghong who grabbed her by the shoulder with such force that it could be described as deep.If it weren't for her internal strength to protect her body, this shoulder might be useless!

Mo Qinghan shook it vigorously, turned around and knelt on the ground with one knee, leaning against the ground with the dog-beating stick, and let out a crisp sound.

A red shadow flashed in front of her eyes, and Mo Qinghan was pulled into an embrace, and when she looked up, she saw a taut and handsome face, which was overwhelming.The charming Tao Hua eyes stared at Mo Zhenghong with uncontrollable anger.

"I don't know that the Marquis of the Protecting Kingdom is so cruel and ruthless, and he will kill his parents and children next time! No wonder Han'er has been forbearing for 13 years and insists on fighting for one day to rise!" Sikong Jingyan stared at Mo Zhenghong with cold eyes He always knew that Mo Zhenghong was not a good person, but he never thought that he would do such a heavy hand to his parents and children.He was called to speak by his mother, but when he left the palace, Mo Qinghan's carriage had disappeared.If he hadn't come in a hurry, I don't know what will happen next!
What Sikong Jingyan said made everyone sigh, no wonder they had never heard of the condition of the son of the Huguohou's Mansion before, and they only vaguely knew that the son of the Huguohou's Mansion was born with a deficiency disease, his body was extremely weak, and he had never seen it in the mansion. People, but it turns out there is something else hidden in it.

"What are you talking about, my lord! I just saw that Han'er offended Concubine Zhen and hurt people in the street. I was afraid that Han'er would cause a catastrophe. I was anxious and acted harder! I would rather my son get hurt than let him deliberately hurt you!" Man, it will be a big deal if you lose your life after causing a catastrophe!" Mo Zhenghong saluted Sikong Jingyan respectfully, speaking in a dignified manner.

"Stop him!" Mo Qinghan sneered in his heart, seeing Jiang Shixiang taking the opportunity to take You He away, he hurriedly yelled.

Wei Lian watched from the side, when Mo Qinghan's words fell, he grabbed Jiang Shixiang, took You He back with a few tricks, and brought him back to Mo Qinghan.

"Are you dead?" Mo Qinghan frowned, if Youhe died, it would be difficult to solve this matter.

Wei Lian put his hand between You He's neck and shook his head, "I'm not dead, but I'm going to die if I don't give treatment!"

"It's too late for the next official!" Doctor Xu rushed forward while listening, ready to treat You He.

"Wait! You He is the maid of honor of my palace. She was seriously injured by the crown prince because of a quarrel. I don't want to say anything about the crown prince, but it's really insulting my royal style to diagnose and treat You He on the street. I'd better hurry up." Take You He to Duke Qi's Mansion for treatment!" Concubine Zhen slowly got out of the sedan chair and walked towards Sikong Jingyan and the others, with tears in her eyes, she was filled with infinite grievances, it was Mo Qinghan who harmed her, she was the victim.

"Concubine Zhen is scared! Concubine Zhen is pregnant with a maid in her body, I'm afraid this matter can't be covered up!" Mo Qinghan looked at Concubine Zhen coldly.It's not that easy to take the opportunity to run away!

Doctor Xu over there heard the whole story on the way. Hearing what Mo Qinghan said, his hand was already on Youhe's pulse, his eyes flickered, and he withdrew his hand. No wonder Concubine Zhen didn't let her go to the doctor Even the pulse diagnosis is blocked by layers of sandman.

(End of this chapter)

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