I'm the guy behind the scenes

Chapter 163 Iron Fist Invincible Li Feiyang

Chapter 163 Iron Fist Invincible Li Feiyang

As soon as the time turns, it will be six months later.

The whole world is still trembling under the calamity.

I don't know how long this horrible natural disaster will last. In such an environment, except for the creatures that already exist in the world, foreign things, unless they are taken out to benefit from calamities, basically hide tightly and dare not There is half of it.

After all, once you are infected with the calamity, you will enter the calamity.

Thinking about how many bosses died in the last measurement, and even the saints were trapped beyond their control, it can be seen that it is terrifying.

Measuring the calamity is a great cleansing of the world. After the calamity is measured, it will be the benefit of all races.

All the bigwigs in the Three Realms are waiting.

The buns are all in the cage, they can’t escape, don’t worry, they are only delicious when they are steamed.

As for the earth, the extinction of life is beyond imagination, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there is no one in a hundred.

Many places have been deserted for thousands of miles. The high-rise buildings and heavy traffic in the past have long since disappeared, replaced by emptiness and loneliness.

And in such an environment, you can occasionally see well-dressed, sneaky people.

These are wild hunters, people who survived the catastrophe but have no shelter. They are like mice, groping for the remaining materials in the cities where they could walk freely in the past, in order to survive.

This is very dangerous, because there are evil gods, and if they are discovered, they will all be wiped out. In addition, there are all kinds of weird and evil things, which are very terrifying things to strangers, and basically they are a close deal.

Only when the light shines and the sun appears, will the wild hunters dare to go out to find materials.

Jin County, now renamed Jincheng.

Not to mention other places, within a thousand miles, the only bright place.

In such a large area, only here is black and white, with bright sunshine during the day and starry sky at night.

In Jincheng, there are millions of people living, except for the hundreds of thousands of local residents, most of them have fled.

With millions of people gathered, even a small village can be called a city.

However, although it has accepted several times more people than the local people, Jincheng is not chaotic at all. It is managed by the local government in cooperation with the Taoist League and Zhenyang Temple.

The person in charge of the external affairs of Zhenyang Temple is named Li Feiyang.

A boy in his teens.

Although Li Feiyang is not very old, he is famous, and everyone in Jincheng knows him well.

He is known as the true disciple of the master of the Zhenyang Temple, and he has learned peerless martial arts and can slay demons.

No one has ever seen monster slaying or something, but Li Feiyang once suppressed a riot by himself, and knocked down more than a hundred people by himself, without using any weapons.

This day, as usual, the sky in other places is a dark sky, while the sky in Jincheng is a bright sky.

In a building in Jincheng, a large group of people are waiting in line here.

The building has a sign.

Zhenyang Commercial Market.

The object of the trade is the wild hunters, who venture to scavenge the material from the dangerous area, and then come here to trade what they need.

The human race is a race that can survive in any environment. It has adapted to this doomsday in just a few months, and began to actively use its own methods to change life and destiny.

On the top floor of the building, in a huge office, Li Feiyang was lifting weights.

This is a barbell of [-] kilograms, and it seems to have engraved runes on it, which looks quite mysterious. Li Feiyang lifts it with some difficulty, and is sweating profusely, but his naked upper body has well-proportioned muscles and eight small muscles in his abdomen.

"I said if you're okay, go out, why are you showing off your muscles here?" Behind a solid wooden desk not far away, a woman popped up and stared at Li Feiyang with dissatisfaction.

Li Feiyang put down the barbell and glanced at it: "Although you are my mother, you can't sit here without my support, so, as a secretary, you must have a secret... Don't stop, just kidding, Don't be angry." Seeing the woman standing up with frowning eyes, Li Feiyang immediately changed his face and begged for mercy.

The woman is Li Feiyang's mother, Meng Xue.

The world is in a catastrophe, and the real estate business can no longer continue. Even before this, her family invested crazily in a project in the provincial capital, and it went bankrupt in an instant.

But it's amazing, Meng Xue never expected that when she was desperate, she got help from her son, and later became a department manager in this huge safe area, responsible for a very important job. Big shot.Good fortune is miraculous, after this disaster, not only the identity has not changed, but some portals have also been vaguely promoted!
But what surprised Meng Xue the most was that the one who changed her family was actually the tutor, which was simply unbelievable.

But today, Meng Xue has already gotten used to it, and also knows that the tutor is now aloof, like a fairy god, and ordinary people are not qualified to meet.

"Tell me, what's the matter, hurry up and get out of here, don't make trouble for me here." Zhier Mo Ruomu, her son was uncharacteristically tossing around for a long time, how could Meng Xue not see anything unusual.

Li Feiyang laughed and said: "Mom, I heard that Aunt Zhou is about to give birth."

Meng Xue was taken aback for a moment, and then realized who this Aunt Zhou was.

Isn't it Zhou Yue'e, the mother of Bai Yang who is known as the Supreme Master? This is a figure like the Queen Mother of Jincheng. Although she is amiable and has no temper, she is well protected. She has a little friendship with Zhou Yue'e, and she is a sister in private, but she doesn't admit anything publicly. After decades of traveling in the business world, Meng Xue has long been a master of communication.

"It's about to give birth? It seems to be the same, but what does this have to do with you?" Meng Xue looked at Li Feiyang puzzled.

Li Feiyang said: "I heard that Aunt Zhou went to check it, and it's a daughter. I thought, our two families have such a good relationship, can we make a baby marriage? I definitely don't dislike child brides."

Meng Xue: "..."

"With such a brave idea, why don't you have the courage to act? I'm sorry, I can't do this. If you want to die, go by yourself." Meng Xue sat down angrily and continued to work.

"Mom, don't you think about your son? If this is done, one person will be able to ascend to heaven alone, and you may be able to live forever in the future."

"Bastard boy, you are the chicken and dog, do you believe it if I beat you to death?"

"Don't mind, I'm just describing, it's for your own good."

"Fuck off, you don't need it, just give up on it, your Aunt Zhou can say it, at most it's a veiled rejection, but your Uncle Bai heard it, and he promises to make as much money as you want. "Meng Xue sneered.

Li Feiyang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his face turned bitter. What he was most afraid of was Uncle Bai. The daughter was in charge. The daughter hadn't been born yet. He bought everything related to the little girl in the entire Jincheng. There are several factory warehouses.This kind of prodigal lord, that is, the superior, who can usually afford it!
"But you reminded me. When I was chatting with Sister Zhou once, I met her niece. She is about your age, and she is very beautiful. I heard that she is a filial child." Meng Xue muttered.

Li Feiyang's eyes lit up all of a sudden: "That's the only one, this must be my future wife, mother, let's go. Son's elixir... Ah no, happiness depends entirely on you."

 The wedding will be held on the [-]th. I've been so busy these days, I feel like I've become a marionette, tired.The update aspect is unstable, hope to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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