Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 197: Shallow Summer's Shot

Chapter 197: Shallow Summer's Shot (2)
What Qian Xia said made Mu Liunian not know how to reply.After all, how many people can guess what the emperor is thinking?
"Qianqian, no matter what, your mother is safe now, that's enough. Besides, I believe that your brother can live to this day, the emperor must have received some news that Lin Yunchong does not have any special talent."

"What about the future? Will my mother be safe in the future?"

Mu Liunian looked at Qian Xia fixedly. Such Qian Xia made him feel distressed, but there was nothing he could do.Things in this world are like this.It's not that you are uncomfortable or suffering, so you don't have to face it.

"After giving birth to Lin Yunchong, your mother was told that she had no chance of getting pregnant again. Lin Shaokang also knew about it."

After hearing this, Qian Xia blinked, and after looking at Mu Liunian in disbelief, she sat on the seat, motionless.

For a long time, Qian Xia didn't say another word, until Yun Chang'an hurried over again, saw the tense faces of the two people in the room, and knew that the situation was not good.

Yun Changan's eyes glanced at the two of them separately, seeing that no one paid any attention to him, he simply copied the letters on the table and read them carefully, until he also read the so-called sacred letter, and he almost passed away. I can't stand still.

"This? How could this be?"

Mu Liunian shook his head at him, then glanced at Qian Xia again, Yun Chang'an understood, didn't make a sound, just found a chair, and sat quietly.

Finally, Qian Xia regained consciousness and glanced at the secret letters, "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, you can't touch these things. I don't want to involve your Changping Palace. This is what we have done tonight, but we don't want to tell you reason."

A flash of understanding flashed in Mu Liunian's eyes, but at the same time, he was a little disappointed.

"Okay, it's getting late, everyone will treat what happened tonight as if it never happened. The secret letters we saw tonight don't even exist."

Under Yun Changan's suspicion, he suddenly thought, "Then what are you going to do with these letters?"

"Brother, you don't have to ask. I have my own way."

This night, it is destined to be difficult to sleep.

Qian Xia was lying on the bed, but everything that happened to her mother and herself in her previous life flooded out uncontrollably in her mind!
Could it be that in the previous life, it was because of receiving the emperor's secret decree that her mother died, and what Yun Jingli and Song Jianing said to her later was also instructed by Lu Shaohua?

If this is the case, then Lu Shaohua must have obeyed the orders of someone above him. Could this person be the emperor?

The more Qian Xia thought about it, the more energetic she became. Thinking about it, she married Xu Zeyuan in her previous life, and later he took over the title and became Lord Marquis, and she herself became Mrs. Hou. It stands to reason that with such an identity, Lu Shaohua should be the father. I feel that I have a good face, how could I indulge their mother and daughter to harm myself and Xu Zeyuan?
Apart from being instigated by others, she really couldn't think of anything else!

And the person who can instigate Lu Shaohua, is it the Mei family or the emperor?
It shouldn't be the emperor, after all, in the eyes of the emperor, there is only Yun Xiaoyue who is really an eyesore!In her previous life, her death was like eliminating an obstacle to the emperor, but Xu Zeyuan, to the emperor, seemed to have nothing worthy of his special attention.

The only possibility is the Mei family!

Qian Xia's eyebrows tightened. In this life, Lu Shaohua took refuge in the Mei family, but in the previous life, it may not be the case!After all, in the previous life, Lu Shaohua did not lose all face because of the reconciliation. So, could it be possible that the previous life had something to do with the Sanqiu family?
Qian Xia only felt that her brain was aching!

The intricate relationship really made her a little confused!

Qian Xia and the others didn't sleep well that night, and in another house in Yunzhou City, there was also a person who didn't sleep well.

Huangfu Dingtao patted a tall wolfdog beside him, and looked at the front with a sleepy expression, but the gaze seemed to have no focus, and he didn't know where his thoughts were thrown!

"Little wolf, it seems that your master and I have encountered a hard problem! Tell me, who is fighting with the master tonight? Those two people's skills are not bad, but if someone is secretly helping them , Master wouldn’t let them slip away so quickly.”

Huangfu Dingtao gently stroked the big wolf dog's hair, stood for a while, maybe tired, walked back to the couch, sat up, with one hand resting on the back of his head, his face was obviously excited The color has not diminished in the slightest.

The big wolfdog seemed to be quite human, followed him to the couch, got up on the ground, opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, panting heavily.

The couch was originally a little short, but this big wolfhound was probably nearly twice the size of an ordinary dog, and now it was lying on the ground, its height was almost the same as that of the low couch.

Huangfu Dingtao stretched out his right hand, and gently stroked the big wolf dog's hair. His appearance was indescribably wanton, and the corners of his lips curled up. He, who was originally somewhat neutral and beautiful, looked more like a Feminine beauty!
"Little wolf, tell me, could it be that Mr. Fang's subordinate?"

The big wolf dog naturally wouldn't answer his question, but turned his head to look at his master, apparently not understanding.

"Forget it, it seems that I won't be able to sleep tonight! It's been a long time since I met someone who can sneak up on me in the dark! It really aroused my interest!"

After Huangfu Dingtao finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced out of the window, "Is there no news about the few people I asked you to investigate?"

"Young master, we have already found out that they are brothers and sisters of the Yun family." A cold and respectful voice came from outside the window, which made Huangfu Dingtao's expression much excited.

"Is it really them? Hehe, that piece of music is probably played by Yun Qianxia?" Huangfu Dingtao said, unconsciously, a pair of very pure eyes appeared in front of him!
"What should we do? Brother? I seem to be very interested in your Qianxia girl. Hehe, let's see who moves faster?"

The shadow outside the window seemed to tremble, as if it had heard something terrible, wishing it could disappear in place immediately.

Qian Xia didn't sleep much all night, until it was almost dawn, and finally fell asleep.

Because of Yun Changan's order, Sanqi didn't dare to wake her up, and let her sleep until almost noon.And this was because Mu Liunian was worried that she didn't eat breakfast, and if she didn't eat lunch again, it would affect her body, so she had to ask Sanqi to wake her up.

When Sanqi came out and saw Yun Changan looking tired, he knew that he must have not slept well last night.

(End of this chapter)

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