Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 372 Confess to him!

Chapter 372 Confess to him! (3)
Mu Liunian knew that her thoughts were heavy, and she always knew that there was something hidden in her heart, and it was more than one!These secrets weighed her down a bit. Although she was the same age, she always gave people a sense of vicissitudes, which made him very unhappy!
Now, no matter whether she was stimulated or for whatever reason, at least she was willing to say it. Then, for him, this might be an opportunity!A chance for Qian Xia to vent wantonly and for her to be frank with herself.

"As you expected, the entanglement between me and Sangqiu Zirui is indeed very troublesome. Have you ever heard that more than a hundred years ago, there was a very courageous and decisive young man in Beimo? king?"

Mu Liunian looked sideways, then nodded lightly.Although it is not sure who she is talking about, but there are only a few who have really done something.

Qian Xia smiled wryly, "A generation of emperors can obviously become an emperor through the ages, but not long after he ascended the throne, he exclusively favored a concubine in the harem. The queen mother was furious and bestowed her death. And that emperor turned out to be a white man overnight. Hair, and then, it turns out that there is no trace."

Mu Liunian's heart skipped a beat, it was him?
He knew some records about that emperor.Although the later generations have different opinions on him, each has their praises and criticisms, but in his opinion, it is extremely difficult to achieve this step for the one he loves. Could it be that Sangqiu Zirui is the legendary Beibei? The reincarnation of Mo Huang?

As soon as the word reincarnation popped up, Mu Liunian frightened himself first!
What are you thinking?Isn't he an atheist?Why do you believe in the theory of reincarnation now?However, thinking about coming here again, it seems that nothing is impossible!In this world, perhaps there really is an extremely miraculous power, as for what it is, he has no way of knowing, of course, he does not have the mind and energy to explore these mysteries.

For him, it is enough to be able to walk hand in hand with Qianxia and never leave him for a lifetime.

In the afternoon of this day, the sun was a little weak, and the shadow was covered by dark clouds from time to time. Mu Liunian and Qian Xia were sitting in the room, one talking and the other listening.That weak and decadent voice seemed even more desolate in this winter day.

Regarding the entanglement between the three people more than a hundred years ago, Qian Xia did not hide the slightest thing, and told everything she knew.

From the nervousness and fear at the beginning, to the later narration becoming more and more stable, Qian Xia didn't feel so nervous anymore.

Some things, kept in the bottom of my heart for too long, will inevitably make people feel depressed and heavy.Now that I have said it, the state of the whole person is getting more and more relaxed.

It was as if she had always been carrying a heavy burden on her body, and now she took the initiative to throw out some of the things inside and share it with this man. The burden on her body was much lighter, and that person seemed to be like a cloud... Gao Yang's man's complexion became more and more complicated.

In the process of narrating the whole thing, Qian Xia dared not look into Mu Liunian's eyes, she was afraid that she would see something she had never wanted to see.

In the end, Qian Xia seemed to have suddenly changed into a light outfit and went into battle, and she smiled lightly.

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I thought I was not a good person. Whether it was five years ago or five years later, my heart was cruel, my methods were fierce, and I often didn't even leave a trace of retreat for the enemy. I know, I Such a person is actually not pleasing. Now, you know the whole story, and you should go back and think about it yourself. Think about how to deal with Sangqiu Zirui, how to get revenge on someone like me A man without a heart!"

As Qian Xia spoke, her tears couldn't stop falling. Although she saw the scene where she stabbed Bei Mo Huang with a dagger in the peach blossom forest, she didn't feel that she should be forgiven and forgiven!If it wasn't for him, Bei Mohuang would have been someone else, instead of ending up dead in a foreign land.

"If you want to hate, then do so. I just beg you not to hurt the members of the Yun family, they are all innocent." Qian Xia almost broke down in tears!

Mu Liunian, who was sitting next to her, was completely immersed in the story she just told.He didn't feel at all that the poor man in her story was himself!
Maybe it's because he didn't see what Qian Xia saw, or because he wasn't from this world, but a ghost from another world, so he didn't feel anything about it?
But after listening to Qian Xia's words, and looking at her current performance, if Mu Liunian said that she didn't react at all, it would be impossible.It's just that he felt that in the story she just told, the most pitiful person was not the dead prince, but the poor beauty.

That is what Qianxia wanted to express, the so-called life more than a hundred years ago.

A man who was deeply loved, carefully cultivated, given hope, but destroyed it with his own hands!Sangqiu Zirui, you are really ruthless!It seems that it's no surprise that you can attack Sangqiu Zihe in this life!It's obvious that you have a cold nature and treat feelings as nothing.

Mu Liunian shook his head, put his arms around her shoulders, "Cry, you will feel better when you cry. Cry out your grievances over the years, and cry out the fear in your heart. When you finish crying, everything will be fine."

Qian Xia turned to look at him, as if she couldn't believe that he could accept all this so calmly. Shouldn't he hate himself for deceiving his feelings?Shouldn't you slap yourself twice to relieve your anger?But why did he comfort himself so calmly?
Did he understand what he just said?
"Qianqian, I know what you're thinking. The man she loved sent her to another man's bed with her own hands. In addition to being humiliated, she also suffered a lot. Especially later, she was Moved by the prince's affection, but unable to break free from the trap set by that man. And the queen mother gave him poisoned wine, but married her. For her, death is probably happier than life. "

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!"

"Okay, stop thinking about it. No matter what you just said, it is our past life, or the illusion you saw yourself, Qianqian, what I want to say is that those are all things in the past. Even our So what about the previous life? Do you think I should hate you? Or do you think I should go to Sangqiu Zirui to settle accounts?"

Mu Liunian shook his head, smiling a little casually, "No need! Life is alive, as long as you live in the present. Why are you always obsessed with the past and cannot extricate yourself? You are a person who practices secret arts , I remember you once said that people who practice secret arts are somewhat cold-tempered. It is only because they can see more darkness and darkness in the world through learning or through some special channels. Dirty, that's why they become too calm and steady, unmoved by some worldly events. But you are not what you describe at all now."

(End of this chapter)

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