Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 376 Violent Counterattack!

Chapter 376 Violent Counterattack! (3)
Qian Xia's bright eyes turned slightly, and the corners of her lips curled up, "Ancestral precept? How long ago was that the rule set by the ancestors? I don't believe it. In order to stick to an ancestral precept, I just watched uncle and Brothers have accidents one after another!"


Seeing the terrifying aura suddenly erupting from Qian Xia's body, Mu Liunian felt a little distressed, she was obviously a girl like a flower, but now she was forced to go down a road for the sake of her family and relatives. How could he not be distressed by the bumpy road full of thorns?
"Our Yun family, in order to protect ourselves, does not hesitate to become a hermit family, does not hesitate to withdraw all members of the clan from the court, and does not hesitate to become a low-end merchant that everyone looks down upon. What else does the emperor want? Kill them all?"

Mu Liunian's eyebrows moved slightly, and his lips were pursed tightly again, as if he was touched by her words and thought of himself again.The Yun family is like this, so why not their Mu family?

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, how did Concubine Mei frame my brother?" Qian Xia's eyes turned cold, the emperor couldn't hear the news, but Concubine Mei still had a chance to do something, right?

Moreover, Qian Xia had a vague premonition that her brother's entry into the palace, even his being framed, was just an introduction. The real purpose was to introduce her uncle to the palace, and then the emperor would summon her in person.

Or, the emperor wanted to test his uncle, and wanted to reach some kind of consensus with him?For example, the candidate for the crown prince?
"Mei Guifei said that it was Yun Changan who molested her personal maid in her palace, and that Yu Guifei's reputation was damaged. She also said that it was contempt for her and unreasonable for the royal family. He was drugged."

"By the time the queen passed by, my brother was already miserable?"

"Mei Guifei is such a shrewd person, how could she let the queen see this scene, her original intention was to let someone make Yun Chang'an disheveled, and then let her own maid be the one who suffers, but she didn't expect it, it was arranged in advance The court lady was immediately silenced, and she couldn't even find her. Concubine Mei was helpless, but the queen used this as an excuse to say that the court lady deliberately framed her. Maybe it’s just hiding and not daring to see people.”

Qian Xia took a deep breath, "Yuan Chu, you know, I don't know medicine, and what I care about is my brother's body?"

"He's fine. Haven't you noticed that your second and third brothers are not here? Both of them went to the palace gate to wait. Your second brother is skilled in medicine and has seen it for them directly. There is no big problem. Your third brother was sent out by uncle, and I don't know exactly what to do."

"Then what about my second brother?" Qian Xia remembered that she and her aunt were in a hurry and hadn't seen her second and third brothers. Now after hearing what he said, she remembered that the two of them last night, They went to guard the gate of the palace, but when they returned to the mansion today, neither of them came back.

"Your second brother went to Cheng's house."

Qian Xia's eyes narrowed slowly, the second brother went to Cheng's house?The Cheng family is also in the capital, what's the matter, they went there for a whole day?Could it be that someone attacked my aunt's family?
"Don't think too much, the Cheng family is fine at the moment, the reason why he went to the Cheng family was also confessed by his uncle. As for what to do, because it is the matter of Yunfu, so I didn't let people watch too closely."

What Mu Liunian meant was that because he knew it was the matter of the Yun family, he told his subordinates not to follow too closely, so as not to make Qian Xia mistakenly think that he was spying on her family, but now, he regrets that he was at that time ordered.

The room fell into silence, Qian Xia didn't say a word, Mu Liunian felt the change in her breath, so he didn't dare to say more, just watched her quietly.

I don't know how long it took, Qian Xia finally curled the corners of her lips, and the cold smile on her brows and eyes made people feel panicked.

"Mei Guifei? Your Majesty? Alright, since you dare to torture my elder brother, you should be ready for my revenge! People who bullied me still want to sit back and relax? It's just a dream!"

"What do you want?"

Qian Xia lowered her eyelids slightly, "At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, you don't need to intervene in this matter for the time being. It's my Yun family's grievances with the Mei family's, and I will ask for some interest first."

Mu Liunian's heart skipped a beat, there was always a very bad premonition, Qian Xia hadn't had such an expression and momentum for a long time.

In fact, in Mu Liunian's eyes, Qian Xia is not weak at all, but Qian Xia has been obsessed with her lack of martial arts, and she always feels that most of the time, she is a burden!
But in fact, not only Mu Liunian, but even the Yun family brothers, their younger sister is only strong but not weak!

Among other things, the unfathomable illusion alone is enough to make them worship!
After Mu Liunian left, Qian Xia finally called out the secret guard who had been with her all the time. Of course, before that, she did not forget to send Yaoyue away first. It was related to the survival of the Yun family, so she had to be extra careful .

This is the first time Qianxia has really confessed to these confidants of hers.

"Before we went down the mountain, I told you to choose some smart, young girls. Now, are they all ready?"

"Miss Hui, everything is ready. Just wait for Kai Chun'er in the palace to replenish the palace people, and then they can be sent to the palace."

Qian Xia smiled sarcastically, "No! If we wait for spring next year, wouldn't it be a few months? It's too long, I can't wait that long."

The leader of the hidden guards was stunned, "But miss, if there are no palace people in this palace, we can't send people in."

"Why is there no way? I heard that the ladies in this palace love to tend flowers and plants very much."

"What do you mean, miss?"

"An Yi, among us, there may be more than one person who is good at taking care of flowers and plants?"

An Yi quickly understood what Miss meant. This was to send in a group of people first, for example, those who specialize in taking care of flowers and plants. Generally speaking, such palace people are relatively stable and relatively safe.They seldom show up in front of their masters, and at the same time, they are indispensable figures in every palace.No matter which palace they are in, the news is very well-informed, because of their duties, compared with ordinary palace ladies, they are relatively freer!

"Yes, my subordinates will make arrangements immediately, and I will definitely not disappoint the young lady."

The hidden guards naturally knew what kind of ancestral precepts the Yun family had, but over the years, they watched with cold eyes. How many times did the Yun family back down?But in exchange, what is it?They couldn't bear it for a long time, but they had no choice but to obey the Patriarch's orders.

(End of this chapter)

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