Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 390 Invite you for a meeting

Chapter 390 Invite you for a while (1)
At that time, she was a little surprised. What the master said was obviously flattering Yun Xiaoyue, and it didn't seem like a lie.

As soon as Madam Liu was so distracted, she heard footsteps outside, and Liu Qinghe came back.

So, naturally, Qian Xia and Yun Ruogu stayed and had lunch together.

Of course, because they felt that there were no outsiders, they used it together, and Yun Ruogu didn't drink much, just ate quietly.

After sending the two brothers and sisters away, Mrs. Liu sent Liu Wanting away, and started muttering with Liu Qinghe.

"Master, what do you think of Yun Ruogu?"

"Well, it's not bad. Earlier, I saw this child's test paper when he participated in the township examination. The writing is good and the article is good. If he participates in next year's Chunwei, I'm afraid the chances are very high."

"Master has a lot of praise for him."

Liu Qinghe nodded, "It's not that I'm praising him on purpose, it's because this kid is so smart. I've read his articles, and he's very insightful, and at the same time, he won't show his edge, he's so smart! Obviously, people who know how to put it away, and even more know when to take it back."

Seeing that he admired Yun Ruogu so much, Mrs. Liu couldn't help but asked directly, "Since you like him so much, why don't you betroth our Wanting to him?"

Liu Qinghe was startled, with a slight worry in his brows and eyes, before he said after a while, "I don't have any objections. But the problem is, our Wanting is eighteen now, and I'm worried that Yunfu won't agree!"

Mrs. Liu's heart skipped a beat. Sure enough, this Yun family has another secret?

It's just a family of imperial merchants, but the master is so afraid of them, and the words show admiration. Could it be that this Yun family can still be the queen of meritorious service?

Liu Qinghe saw the flicker in his wife's eyes, and knew that it was a matter of life for his daughter, and there were some things that he couldn't keep from her.

Liu Qinghe briefly talked about the matter of the Yun family, and at the end, he said with some emotion, "One, I was worried that the Yun family would not take a fancy to us Wanting, and the other is that in the past few decades, the Yun family had always chosen In order to hide from the world, but this time, Yun Ruogu was actually asked to participate in the provincial examination, I am worried, I am afraid that the Yun family's move will not be easy."

Madam Liu's heart skipped a beat, "Is the master worried that our daughter will be hurt?"

Liu Qinghe pursed his lips and paced back and forth in the room. Yun Ruogu was undoubtedly an excellent talent!But the question is, why did the Yun family let him become an official?Is it just because of his talent?

Thinking about what Qian Xia said carefully, Yun Cangli originally refused to agree, but then nodded, what does this mean?
"Let's discuss this matter again. The Yun family has now linked up with the Changping Palace. You should understand how low-key the Changping Palace has been in these years? Before that, who was that Mu Shizi? There was no rumor about it. What about now? She doesn’t show off the mountains and doesn’t show her water, and she just ordered the only daughter of the Yun family. We have to guard against it.”

Naturally, Qian Xia didn't know about Liu Qinghe's concerns.

After returning to the mansion, the first thing he did was to have someone send a message to the other courtyard outside the city. The situation in the capital is a bit chaotic.

"Second brother, tell uncle that he can come back. Tomorrow, we will announce that uncle has fully recovered."

Yun Ruogu was overjoyed, finally he didn't have to hide anymore.

At the same time, Yun Ruoqi brought back information about the big and small girls of the Mei family, there were more than thirty people!It can be seen that the descendants of the Mei family are flourishing.

Yun Ruoqi breathed a sigh of relief, "Huh, that's all, it's only limited to unmarried ladies who are under 20 years old. How easy is it for me to collect all these?"

Qian Xia smiled sweetly at him, "Thanks for your hard work, third brother."

Yun Ruoqi waved his hand, "Okay, okay. You should take a look at them one by one first, but I'm afraid it's hard to make a conclusion based on these alone."

"That fake Ren Yujiao has been able to pretend to be in the Ren Mansion for so many years, so she naturally has a set of outstanding disguise skills. There is no doubt about this. However, in order to avoid trouble, she will definitely find another one. For several reasons, let her appear in the public eye as little as possible. In this way, some of them can be screened out."

After a preliminary judgment, among the more than [-] people, there are still [-] people.

Qian Xia read all these one by one again, and then asked Yun Ruogu to copy the names of the seventeen people on the paper one by one.Then it was placed on the table, forming a circle, and the center was empty.

Qian Xia took out the pendulum, not long after, Qian Xia's eyes darkened, and the pendulum began to swing very evenly without the slightest external force.

It was Yun Ruoqi's first time seeing Qianxia's divination, and he did not expect her technique to be so proficient, and judging from the arc and speed of the pendulum's rotation, it should be more precise than the divination he had seen his father before. to some.

After half a stick of incense, the pendulum stopped turning, and Qian Xia's eyes seemed a little dry, after blinking vigorously, she let out a breath easily.

"How is it? But there is a result?" Yun Ruoqi was the first to ask impatiently.

Qian Xia nodded, and her white fingers landed on one of the papers, "Mei Yuning! This is also the one I doubt the most. Now it seems that it should be her."

"Mei Yuning? Who is this?" Yun Ruogu immediately began to search for those papers.

Yun Ruoqi's expression was a little dignified, and he put his arms around his chest, "If it's her, then there will be some trouble."

Qian Xia raised her brows slightly, but did not make a sound, while Yun Ruogu looked at Yun Ruoqi very curiously. Obviously, she also had a strong interest in this Mei Yuning.

Yun Ruoqi's expression was a little dignified, and after biting his lips lightly, he began to frown and think about how to speak.

The two of them were not in a hurry, they just waited quietly for him.

Suddenly, both Yun Ruoqi and Yun Ruogu's ears moved slightly, and then they attacked the window together.

Before Qian Xia had time to see clearly, there was another figure in the room, but that person's movements were too fast, Qian Xia couldn't see who it was at all!However, although Qian Xia couldn't see clearly, the all-too-familiar cold fragrance from that person still made her lips twitch slightly.

Soon, Yun Ruogu withdrew and stayed by Qian Xia's side, and the two of them stood on the porch at this moment, watching the two of them flirt with each other in the yard.

"The third brother's skills are really good, no wonder he has always been a little dissatisfied with Mu Shizi." Yun Ruogu smiled with a good temper.

(End of this chapter)

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