Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 398 Her Temptation!

Chapter 398 Her Temptation! (3)
Hearing what she said, Mu Liunian immediately looked her up and down, "So, you already have a suitable candidate?"

Qian Xia shook her head, "No! But, tell me, should the beauties you sent over be favored by the emperor, or should the beauties sent over by Sangqiu Zirui be favored?"

Mu Liunian smiled slightly, "Little girl, did you already know about my plan?"

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows, "What plan?"

Mu Liuqing coughed, and he didn't know why, but when he thought of using a beauty trap, he felt a little uncomfortable in front of Qian Xia.

However, Mu Liunian still honestly revealed all the plans. He knew that Qian Xia's ability was not just about knowing secret techniques. Qian Xia's rationality and calmness often became the key to the success of a plan.

"Since you're here, I won't let Yaoyue run away again. I saw Mei Qianluo today." Then, Qian Xia recounted all the conversations she had with Mei Qianluo. There is no concealment at all.

"I understand what you mean, you want me to use this time to test Mei Qianluo's details?"

Qian Xia squinted at him, "By the way, let's see if your Changping Palace is really as tight as an iron barrel? Also, Mei Qianluo's aunt is also Mei Qianluo's real aunt. Although he hates the Mei family, but Over the past few years, has he used his power to do anything for Concubine Mei and Mei Yuanyao?"

Mu Liunian's big hand gently stroked her soft hair. Under the sunlight, her black and beautiful hair reflected a dazzling light, and the gems on her head were also shining. .It's just that in Mu Liunian's view, at this moment, no matter how beautiful the gem is, it's just a little foil for Qian Xia.

"Qianqian, I don't want to hit you. In fact, I doubt whether he really hates the Mei family? Or, is he using this to get close to you on purpose? Also, if he just wanted to make sure you Where is your identity in the Yun Family?"

The more Mu Liunian said, the more solemn his face became, "Qianqian, I know you are always smart and don't do things you are not sure about, but have you thought about it? If Mei Qianluo just came to test you this time, then you The situation is really bad."

Qian Xia's eyes darkened slightly, "You mean, I am already attracting attention in Liangcheng?"

"It's more than that!" Mu Liunian said, sighing softly, "The He family in the capital city, which is Mrs. Mei's natal family, will organize a plum blossom feast in a few days, and I'm afraid I will invite you there."

"The He family?" Qian Xia's brows tightened. She still knew a little about the He family. After returning from the Mei Mansion last time, she asked Yun Ruoqi to inquire about the He family. news.

The He family is also a scholarly family, although they can't be regarded as a famous family, but in Liangcheng, they are still a person with a head and a face.Especially after the He family's son-in-law, Mei Yuanyao, became the prime minister, the status of the He family in Liangcheng has been rising day by day, and it is no longer the He family it used to be.

The current head of the He family is Mrs. Mei's elder brother, He Lei.It was He Lei's daughter, He Lanxiang, who spoke rudely last time.

The people of the He family acted rampantly in the capital, but they only treated some ordinary people.However, they never provoke any officials above the middle and high ranks who serve in the DPRK.

From this, it is not difficult to see that He Lei still has some heart in this aspect.As long as they don't offend the dignitaries, then the He family won't be in trouble, and the Mei family won't be implicated. In this way, their lives will be comfortable, and those real dignitaries will turn a blind eye to this , Close one eye.

"The He family is a literati. It is said that since they have been literati for several generations, they should be regarded as a noble family. Unexpectedly, even after climbing to the Mei family, they have become dirty." Qian Xia Yao Shaking his head, he said with a look of pity.

"Qianqian's words are a little thoughtless." Mu Liunian did not agree with her statement, "From another perspective, maybe it is because it has been expensive for too long, so when countless luxury desires strike, it is natural It is like a person who has been hungry for a long time and can only live on wild vegetables and bran. You suddenly give him a pheasant, is it possible that you still expect him to eat the pheasant? Was the pheasant released?"

Does this metaphor work?Really direct!
Qian Xia's lips twitched, "Well, what you said is indeed reasonable."

"Qianqian, the He family is not troublesome. If you use your current ability to deal with a He family, it is more than enough."

Qian Xia looked at him with raised eyebrows, "You should take care of yourself first! Don't really let the eldest son of the Mei family find out anything. However, when I saw him today, his face suddenly turned blue, as if Having heart disease, this does not seem to be fake. However, I am not a doctor after all, so it is not easy to make a decision. If you get the chance, you'd better find someone to test it out."

"Okay, I'll take it down."

After Mu Liunian left, Sanqi came in with a gift list that looked quite substantial.

The mouth is so grinning that it almost reaches the back of the ears!
"Miss, I really didn't expect that the Changping Prince's Mansion would be so generous? Guess what kind of good things the prince personally brought people to hire?"

Qian Xia didn't even look at her, and directly replied, "You have the gift list, why should I guess?"

The smile on Sanqi's face froze for a moment, and he said a little embarrassingly, "Miss is really boring! Can't you guess it? Just look at the gift list, how boring!"

"So, you read the gift list after guessing first?"

Sanqi couldn't laugh at all right now, how could it be?As soon as I heard that I was here to be hired, I hurriedly went to see the dowry. I was afraid that the lady would suffer a loss, but how could the lady run on others like this?Not like this!This is too bullying!

"Miss, this servant is also wholeheartedly for your own good."

"Well, you saw the gift list and picked it up, but now you want me to guess?" Qian Xia finally raised her eyelids, stretched out her jade hand, and Sanqi reluctantly presented the bright red gift list past.

After Qian Xia glanced at it roughly, she casually threw the gift list on the table.

"Miss, haven't you looked carefully? There are still a lot of famous people's calligraphy and paintings! This is the first time I have heard that this is the first time that this servant will use these famous people's calligraphy and paintings? I heard that these But they are all priceless treasures."

"Can it be worth more than your lady?"

"Uh." Sanqi was speechless, and then had an urge to run away!Miss Today, what's wrong?Talking is always so weird, it seems that I didn't offend Miss, right?

(End of this chapter)

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