Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 405 In calculation?

Chapter 405 In calculation? (3)
"Hehe, when you say it like this, I can understand a little bit. Maybe Miss Yun is practicing how to kowtow in front of the imperial court right now in the mansion."

"I heard that this Miss Yun has also entered the palace before, and she behaved very normally. It seems that there is no dishonesty? I heard that even after seeing the emperor, she has never been timid." A voice clearly expressing doubts interjected. came in.

It was only after He Lanxiang looked over that she noticed that it was a girl in a purple cloak embroidered with a plum blossom pattern. Beside her, there was another person standing, who was Liu Ruyu, the daughter of Left Prime Minister Liu Qingke.

Liu Ruyu smiled softly at He Lanxiang, "That's right, since we are here to participate in the He Mansion's Plum Blossom Appreciation Banquet, it's better not to talk about other people's rights and wrongs. As women, we should know that we also have the etiquette we should observe. Don't worry about it." If you spread it out, you will be laughed at by others.”

While Liu Ruyu was speaking, the faces of those who had previously mocked Yun Qianxia were a little embarrassed.

Those who are here now are all girls who have not left their boudoirs. If people spread the word that they have the nature of gossip women, they will be very easily influenced when they discuss marriage in the future.

Seeing Liu Ruyu messing up a situation he had carefully planned with a few words, He Lanxiang was naturally upset.But Liu Xiang's daughter is really not something she can afford to provoke.It was almost a bite of silver teeth that made He Lanxiang suppress the anger in his heart, otherwise, there would definitely be another dispute.

After that, no one dared to mention Yun Qianxia again!
It's not that people are afraid of Liu Ruyu, but what she said just now is too serious.

No girl would want to be given a notorious reputation as a gossip before she got married.

However, Liu Ruyu's words just now indirectly expressed her attitude to everyone. She seemed to protect Yun Qianxia intentionally.Since she is there, naturally no one will be allowed to speak disrespect to her.

With Liu Ruyu's accident, He Lanxiang's previous method naturally wouldn't work.

Originally, she thought simply, that since Yun Qianxia refused to come, then she would find a way to tarnish her reputation, at least to make her unable to hold her head up again in this aristocratic circle.Let her be despised everywhere, see if she can bear it?

But He Lanxiang didn't expect that Liu Ruyu would step in directly, making He Lanxiang's hatred for Yun Qianxia in his heart even stronger, it was almost a coincidence that made her feel a little inexplicable towards Liu Ruyu hate.

The corners of Mei Qianrong's lips curled up slightly, and she stood beside He Lanxiang, her voice was like an oriole, clear and pleasant, "Sister Lanxiang, it seems that this Miss Liu and Yun Qianxia have a good relationship. Today Yun Qianxia didn't come, but judging from how Miss Liu is protecting her, I believe that Miss Yun will know what happened today in a few days. At that time, you will be passive."

After hearing this, He Lanxiang's eyes flickered, and she asked almost subconsciously, "Then what should I do? If Yun Qianxia knows that today's incident was caused by me and that I intend to ruin her reputation, I'm afraid she won't let it go of."

Hastily expressing the anxiety in her heart, He Lanxiang didn't realize that she had been led away by the nose before she knew it.

"Yes, what should I do? Either let Ms. Liu shut up, or take advantage of Ms. Liu's shortcomings, otherwise, no one can help you."

Mei Qianrong's voice seemed to be tainted with a layer of magic power, which made He Lanxiang's mind move, yes, it seemed a bit difficult for her not to mention this matter.But if he has her weakness in his hand, it will be different naturally.

In almost an instant, He Lanxiang thought of the young scholar who had been found from other places.

After turning his head and whispering a few words to the girl next to him, he looked at Liu Ruyu with more hatred and pride in his eyes!
It was a feeling that a good show was about to be watched, and He Lanxiang could faintly see a trace of excitement in his eyes.It's the excitement of having a very clear prediction about something, and the feeling of letting out a sigh of relief from the resentment in my heart.

After drinking for three rounds, next, the ladies in twos and threes enjoyed the plum blossoms in this small courtyard.Looking closely, there are not many types of plum blossoms, at most there are three or five kinds. However, these plum blossoms are in full bloom at this time, and they are of different colors. It is delicate and fragrant.

Accompanied by the girl, Liu Ruyu walked a few steps before her body began to shake slightly.

"Miss, are you okay? But you used too much just now?"

Liu Ruyu also looked blank, but it's just a few cups of plum blossom wine, isn't it?

"Miss, this servant will help you to rest in the pavilion in front of you for a while."

Liu Ruyu nodded, one master and one servant, then walked forward slowly.Liu Ruyu's footsteps were obviously a bit staggering, and He Lanxiang in the distance raised his eyebrows, looked at the show, bowed his head and gave some instructions, then turned and left.

After she walked away, a figure flashed from behind the rockery, it was Mei Qianrong who was with her earlier.

Mei Qianrong first glanced in Liu Ruyu's direction, then looked in the direction where He Lanxiang disappeared, and let out a light snort. The disdainful smile on her lips made her look a bit despicable.Especially when there was a hint of malice in her eyes, it made people lose half of their affection for such a woman.

Yunfu, the inner house.

Qian Xia raised her eyelids helplessly, and rested her chin with her hand, "How long are you going to stay with me? Is it appropriate for you, a foreigner, to always run to the backyard of Yunfu?"

"Appropriate! It couldn't be more appropriate. Don't even think about it. We will get married soon. Let me see what my fiancée is not ready for. What's wrong with helping to prepare? Besides, I also have Responsibility came over and asked my fiancée what color she likes, what decoration, what brocade, etc. After that, don't you know how to arrange my Yixin Garden?"

It sounded like a rascal's words, but Qian Xia couldn't find a reason to refute.

The rhetoric that had no reason in the first place, as soon as it came out of Mu Liunian's mouth, immediately became very righteous and logical.

"Tell me, will that Mei Qianluo make a move today? If so, what method will he take to deal with that He Lanxiang?"

"You really want to know?" Mu Liunian lay down on the table, his eyes wide open, looking at Qian Xia.

(End of this chapter)

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