Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 409 Can't refuse?

Chapter 409 Can't refuse? (4)
"Well, I'm here. I'll always be with you, always."

Qianxia laughed lightly, a drop of eye slipped from the corner of her eye quickly, and a little thin hand gently stroked his eyebrows, one after another, the hard and cold eyebrows made her fingertips itch It felt like she fell in love with this feeling and enjoyed it so much that she repeated it over and over again. Even she herself didn't know how long this action lasted.

Mu Liunian didn't move, and let her caress his eyebrows like this, as if he was afraid that she would be unhappy, his body and head remained motionless, and he worked very hard to cooperate with her fingertips, as if this was the original The meaning of his existence here is general.

"Thank you, Yuan Chu." After Qian Xia finished speaking, her hand slowly stroked his cheek, gently like a gust of wind, without leaving a trace, but it made Mu Liunian's heart speed up again and again. jumping.

Qian Xia put her hand on his left shoulder, and stopped moving. Then, she pursed her lips into a smile, lowered her head slightly, and then leaned quietly on his chest, and spit out two words gently. Word, "Fool!"

Fool?Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows, did he mean himself?
However, Mu Liunian's mood was extremely good, so good that it was difficult to describe it in any words!

As long as it can make her happy and let her stay with me for the rest of her life, a fool is a fool!He admitted it!There is a saying, in front of the one you love, everyone is mentally handicapped!
But now, he is willing to be this fool for Qian Xia, only her fool!
The two cuddled each other quietly, and neither of them spoke again. Such a time was rare in the five years of getting along between the two of them!And such a warm and affectionate atmosphere, for Mu Liunian, was simply unthinkable before!I always thought that at least I would have to wait until I get along for a long time after marriage before I would be treated like this, but I didn't expect that his shallowness turned out to be enlightened in advance!

The relationship between the two is rising rapidly. A seemingly inadvertent sentence or action can make the two of them lust for a long time, and the memories are endless.

On this day, Qian Xia wanted to go out to see Mei Qianluo again, but when she didn't want to, Mu Liunian's carriage stopped at the door.

It seems that the time has been calculated, and it came just a little bit.

Mu Liunian looked at Qian Xia with a smile, the meaning was obvious, if you won't let me go with you, then don't go either!
Reluctantly, Qian Xia shook her head, and finally got into the carriage with Mu Liunian's support.The two of them rode in the same car, this time, they were aboveboard and no longer shy away from it.

Qian Xia thought simply, as Mu Liunian said, the two families are already discussing their marriage anyway, as for what outsiders think, how can she stop it?

This time, Mei Qianluo was waiting for her instead!

Seeing that Mu Liunian also appeared here, Mei Qianluo did not show the slightest surprise. This made Qian Xia confirm that he really knew something about the Changping Palace, but it only involved Mu Liunian. of things, little is known.However, he obviously knew too much about Concubine Mei.

"I don't like to go round and round, Mr. Mei, tell me why you chose me despite such a powerful force as the Liu family not cooperating?"

Mei Qianluo glanced at Mu Liunian, then at Qian Xia, and said with a smile, "Miss Yun thinks I've taken a fancy to your fiancé, Mu Shizi's influence?"

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows, "Isn't it?"

"If I say no, will Miss Yun believe it?" Mei Qianluo asked without answering.

Qian Xia frowned slightly, she really didn't know how to answer such a question.I haven't had much contact with him, so I really don't have much trust at all.

Seeing Qianxia's expression, Mei Qianluo shook her head with a smile, "It seems that I really don't have much credibility with Miss Yun. However, since Shizi Mu and Miss Yun came together, then I have nothing to do with you." It’s easy to hide it. Is Miss Yun satisfied with my previous attack?”

Qian Xia nodded, "Young Master Mei did a great job, beyond my expectation."

"Miss Yun is referring to Mei Qianrong?"

Qian Xia raised her eyebrows and said nothing, obviously acquiescing.

Mei Qianluo laughed dryly, "Actually, the rumors outside are not completely inconsistent. You didn't go to the plum feast that day, so everything that He Lanxiang had prepared to deal with you was going to be suspended. It's just that Later, Mei Qianrong's few words deliberately provoked the jealousy in her heart, and she lost control of her mind for a while, so she decided to deal with Liu Ruyu instead."

Qian Xia was slightly taken aback, she really didn't understand the truth, she didn't remember how she had offended this Miss Mei Qianrong, and it seemed that Liu Ruyu had never done anything to make people hate thing?How could this Mei Qianrong be so cruel?
"Mei Qianrong is jealous. She will provoke He Lanxiang to deal with Liu Ruyu. On the one hand, it is because the two families have a slight disagreement. On the other hand, it is because Liu Ruyu spoke for you, so, she That's why I hate Liu Ruyu."

Qian Xia nodded, "Young Master Mei has done this very simply and beautifully, and I am very satisfied. So, I agree to the conditions you mentioned earlier."

Mei Qianluo took one more look at her, and then turned to look at Mu Liunian, "In this case, I would like to thank you in advance! As long as I can leave this place safely, I will definitely not set foot on this place again for the rest of my life. One step from Liangcheng. But, before that, I have one more thing to do."


"I want to take away my mother's ashes."

Mu Liunian raised his eyes and gave him a meaningful look, his eyes dimmed, but he didn't say anything.

"My mother loved the wrong person back then. If this is the case, then I will take her away and find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers. Feng'er and I will accompany her. In the future, we will be able to bury her in a hundred years. By her side, when I am alive, I have no chance to be filial to her, but I hope that after death, when I go underground, I can beat her back and serve tea to repay her life's kindness."

Seeing the silence of the two, Mei Qianluo continued, "I can complete this matter without the help of the two of you. I don't know if Miss Yun has a plan in her mind. How can Feng'er and I escape from Liangcheng?"

Qian Xia looked around the room for a week, "Naturally, there is a solution, but before that, I need to confirm Sanqiu Feng's attitude towards this matter. After all, from the beginning to the end, you alone told me how you are. Love each other, after all, is a matter between two people, this request is not too much, right?"

"Naturally! To say something that you two are not afraid of laughing at, if there is a chance, I wonder if I can let you meet Feng'er?"

Qian Xia and Mu Liunian looked at each other, "It's not difficult. How about it, later, I will send someone to come here, and Mr. Mei will just wait for the good news."

(End of this chapter)

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