Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 422 Sudden change overnight!

Chapter 422 Sudden Change Overnight! (3)
"It's not just that." Yun Cangli shook her head, "If it's just to test Qian Xia, there's no need to spend such a large sum of money. After all, even though Qian Xia is an ordinary person, I am a mystic known to the emperor. , since I am a mystic, then I don't necessarily have nothing to do with the blood curse."

As soon as Yun Cangli's words fell, she saw that Qian Xia's movements on the bed seemed to be a little bit bigger. She even waved her arm twice, and then was still caught by Mu Liunian, and she pressed it again with more force. back.

"Uncle, is she really all right?" Mu Liunian looked at Qian Xia's forehead with fine sweat stains. It was obvious that she must have worked very hard in that unknown situation.

"Qianxia knows about the blood curse. She has also practiced this secret technique, although she has not achieved great success, but since she has practiced it, she knows where the weakness of the blood curse is. She will not Let me down."

Yun Cangli's voice sounded calm and calm, and she was indeed not worried at all, but Mu Liunian was obviously not so calm.

Seeing more and more fine sweat on Qian Xia's forehead, and his face getting paler, Mu Liunian realized for the first time how helpless he was without knowing the secret arts!
"Uncle, is there no other way?"

Yun Cangli glanced at him silently, shook his head, and then turned his face to the outside, not allowing himself to look at Qian Xia's struggling and entangled appearance at this time.

At this moment, Mu Liunian is holding Qian Xia's hand, but at the same time, an urge to kill rises in his heart!

To toss his beloved treasure into such a state, it is best not to let him find out that so-called master, otherwise, he must let him taste what it means not to live, not to die!
"Father, what did you mean just now, but it's not a big deal for that person to tempt his sister, the most important thing is that he wants to use this to try to control our entire Eryun family through her?" Yun Ruogu was silent for a long time before finally out loud.

Yun Cangli glanced at him and nodded, "Once the blood curse succeeds, then Qian Xia will definitely obey the other party. In this way, he wants Qian Xia to kill everyone in our Yun family, but he will It's too easy. After all, Qian Xia is the baby of our Yun family, from old to young, everyone has protected and doted on her. Once she has a different heart, the Yun family may be in great trouble."

Mu Liunian's thoughts also moved, "Uncle, what is the biggest weakness of this blood curse?"

"It's the mind of the person being cast! As long as the mind is strong enough, then no matter how powerful the blood curse is, no matter how powerful the mystic is, it is useless. In fact, the person who casts the blood curse, generally speaking, will Choose people who are weak in thinking and will, or people with very strong desires. Such people are the easiest to get."

"Backlash? Uncle just said that if one is inappropriate, the person performing the spell will suffer backlash?"

"That's right! There are severe and mild cases of backlash. Generally speaking, the backlash caused by ordinary people to the caster is relatively small, while the backlash caused by the mystic to the caster is almost almost extinct." disaster."

Mu Liunian's expression darkened, as if he was thinking about something, and after a long time, he murmured, "If Qian Xia is fine, doesn't it mean that the expert will suffer extremely serious backlash? In this way, that Qian Xia Isn't the matter about it exposed at the same time?"

In a word, everyone in the room changed color!
If Qian Xia can't get out of the opponent's blood curse, it will definitely become a disaster for the Yun family, and the Yun family will never let her live in this world no matter what.If Qian Xia succeeds, she is not an ordinary occultist, her cultivation has already surpassed Yun Cangli, so what about that so-called expert?

"Come here!" After Mu Liunian finished speaking, a man in black quietly appeared in the room.

"Go to Baihu and pass on my words. At all costs, find me that expert in the palace, and then find a way to bring him out of the palace. If there is too much obstruction, he will be killed on the spot."

"Yes, son."

With Mu Liunian's order, Yun Cangli and the others knew what he was planning.

Once Qian Xia is out of the other party's control, as long as the other party is dead or taken away, the emperor will not know whether he has suffered backlash.But if Qian Xia really can't beat him, as long as Mu Liunian's people can kill that person, the blood curse will naturally be broken.

However, in this way, I am afraid that it will alarm the one in the palace.

Yun Ruogu pondered for a while, exchanged glances with Yun Ruoqi, and nodded at each other, Yun Ruoqi said in a deep voice, "Come here."

"Yes, third son."

"The sky is dry and the things are dry. The royal family's ancestral temple should also be repaired."

Yun Cangli's eyebrows twitched, but he just gave the two of them a solemn look, and didn't say anything after all.

"Yes, third son."

"Wait!" Mu Liunian stopped, "Since you have the intention, let Yongfu Palace be in chaos."

The dark guard remained silent, glanced at Yun Ruoqi, saw Yun Ruoqi nodded, and then disappeared into the night.

Yun Cangli sighed softly, after what happened tonight, I'm afraid that Liangcheng will never have a peaceful day again.The Yun family is bound to face even more difficult troubles.However, fortunately, this time, the Mu family and the Sanqiu family can help, otherwise?

Yun Cangli raised her head slightly, walked out of the room slowly, looked at the almost invisible crescent moon outside, but it was hard to calm down.

The hundreds of years of inheritance of Zi Ye's country, and the hundreds of years of loyalty of the Yun family to Zi Ye, is it really impossible to get a good death?

Even though so many people know that their Yun family is unusual, who knows how much the Yun family has lost for the prosperity of the Xiao family?

The Mu family?

Yun Cangli frowned slightly, and looked up at the not so clear night sky.No star is particularly dazzling, such a constellation is really puzzling.

The news came that the ancestral temple was flooded, and the emperor was resting at Concubine Mei's place, so he became sober in an instant.

After getting dressed, his eyes darkened, "Come on, hurry up and take a look at the imperial study."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The head steward is the emperor's confidant, so he naturally understood what the emperor meant, so he didn't care too much at the moment, so he trotted all the way to the imperial study.

Arriving at the imperial study panting, it was unavoidable to ask again. The guards outside were fine, and the palace people inside said nothing happened.Only then did the chief manager feel at ease, but soon, a string of Buddhist beads beside the pillar caught the chief manager's attention.

After he picked up the Buddha beads and looked at them carefully, his complexion changed drastically, and he went directly into the imperial study room. No one could see what mechanism he had touched. After entering a secret room, he found that the secret room had already been It's empty.

(End of this chapter)

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