Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 440 Oral Instructions for Marriage!

Chapter 440 Oral Instructions for Marriage! (2)
Princess Changping's face darkened slightly, because Mu Liunian got into the carriage, so the accompanying mother went directly to the carriage behind, so it was more convenient for the mother and son to talk, and there was nothing to be taboo about.

"Son, concubine mother knows that you have been wronged all these years. However, concubine mother wants to understand, this time, the incident of flooding in Yongfu palace has something to do with you?"

Mu Liunian blinked, and said innocently, "Concubine Mother, although my cousin is a no-brainer, it doesn't mean that my son is like her! Anyway, she is from the Xu family, as long as she doesn't overdo it. , I won't touch her for the time being. This time, my son is at most just a cold-eyed bystander. The queen is not stupid. Although she can guess what Concubine Xu is thinking, she is thinking about it for the sake of our Mu family. It's also impossible to really do anything to her. Otherwise, Concubine Xu would have died long ago."

Princess Changping looked a little worried, "Your cousin, I don't know what she thinks? In this palace, how can there be any forever friends? Once interests are involved, who is not in a hurry to get rid of others first?" Push it out as a scapegoat. If you hadn't thought of a way to save the fetus in her womb, how could it have survived until now? Unexpectedly, for her own self-interest, she turned her idea on that girl Qianxia. "

"Forget it, she still can't see what kind of person the emperor is, so let her continue to be confused. In the palace, does she really think that she can sit back and relax with the emperor's favor? At the beginning, since I If there is a way for her to keep this child, there will naturally be a way for her to lose her foothold in the palace. Concubine Mu, it is up to you to enter the palace today. If you can persuade her, it is naturally the best. If you don't move, don't be angry. Just think of it as helping a stranger a few years ago."

The mother and son were talking, the time passed quickly, before they felt rushed, they arrived at the gate of the palace.

The queen sent someone over to pick them up early, and the two entered the palace gate, changed into soft sedan chairs, and were directly led to Kunning Palace.

It was only halfway there, when the emperor's oral order came, saying that he invited Mu Shizi to meet him in the imperial study.

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows at Princess Changping, signaling her to rest assured, and followed the little eunuch to the imperial study.

When Mu Liunian arrived at the Imperial Study Room, he saw Master Fang Qiaosheng, Daxing Taichung Shuling, also there, "See Your Majesty, long live my emperor!"

"Let's get back on your feet. It's been a while. I originally wanted to announce that your father entered the palace together, but I heard that your father has been unwell recently. Forget it, let him take a good rest."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compassion."

The emperor waved his hand with a warm smile on his face, "Come here, please take a seat."

As soon as Mu Liunian took his seat, he met Fang Qiaosheng face to face.

"You haven't been out of the house for a long time, so you probably don't recognize him. This is Daxing Taichung Shuling, Fang Qiaosheng. In terms of seniority, you should call him Uncle Fang."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Little nephew Mu Liunian, please greet Uncle Fang."

"Your Majesty, hurry up and excuse me, but this old man can't afford it." Fang Qiaosheng got up quickly, avoiding his ceremony.

The emperor smiled happily, "Sit down. You don't have to be polite with Fang Aiqing. You are an elder, and it is only natural for you to be honored by him. Speaking of which, this child is also a poor one. , Now I can come out and walk around with great difficulty, but I have been tied down for life because of a blind elixir. Fleeting time, I know that your Changping Palace values ​​credibility. But Yun Qianxia's background is really inappropriate. "

Fang Qiaosheng's face was indifferent, his eyes were slightly dark, the emperor's words were just for those outsiders who didn't know the depth of this, but today he said these in front of his own face, why?
What kind of identity is the Yun family, but how many of the masters of the big aristocratic families don't know?Not everyone can afford to provoke the Yun family in the capital!Even the royal family, if they really want to move the Yun family, they have to weigh their own weight carefully!

Now, he actually said such a thing in front of his own face, which made it clear that he disapproved of Mu Liunian marrying that girl.Specifically why, after turning my head a little bit, I will understand.

The Changping Palace holds the power of 50 soldiers and horses. If they marry the daughter of the Yun family who is invincibly wealthy, what will happen in the future?
What's more, who is Yun Cangli?In the early years, maybe people looked down upon him a bit, but since Yun Cangli used divination for Zi Ye ten years ago and helped Zi Ye avoid a catastrophe, who would dare to underestimate him?

Yun Cangli's secret skills may not be as good as his father's, but in Ziye, he can still be regarded as an extremely profound figure.Once there is something involved with him, then, some things will inevitably arouse the emperor's suspicion.

Although the current emperor has been suspicious of the Changping Palace for so many years, and there is no substantive evidence to prove that the Mu family has disobedience, but as a superior, the more power he has, the more he is afraid of losing it of despair and helplessness.

"I thank the emperor for your concern. It's just that I fell in love with Miss Yun at first sight. I'm not afraid of the emperor and Uncle Fang making jokes. At the beginning, I was a little better, but when I heard about my marriage, I made an appointment in such a muddle. , I still had a bit of complaints towards my concubine at first. After all, the prescriptions prescribed by the genius doctor Yu Ion may not be absolutely effective. If the minister tried the elixir but failed, wouldn't it be a drag on Miss Yun instead? Suo Xingchen's body is getting stronger day by day, which makes him feel less uneasy, but at that time, he was also a little curious about Miss Yun, whom he had never met before."

"This is the first time I came to the door. After seeing Miss Yun, I fell in love with Miss Yun. If you say the word "fate", it is really wonderful. If it is not because of the snow ganoderma, I am afraid that I am not so good now. It's a marriage."

The emperor's eyes darkened, and his face was a little serious, "Liu Nian, I know you are an honest child. I can understand that you can't bear to hurt Miss Yun. After all, your body is also thanks to that Weixue Ganoderma got better. It's just that marriage is a big deal, how can it be a joke? It's because your father, queen, mother and concubine didn't think carefully about it. You are going to become a prince in the future. With such an identity, how can Yun Qianxia worthy?"

As the emperor said, he still looked at Fang Qiaosheng. It was obvious that he wanted him to say a few words for him.

Although Fang Qiaosheng felt that something was wrong, he could only bite the bullet and say, "Mu Shizi, the emperor is also doing it for your own good. After all, your status is noble, and the efforts of several generations of the Mu family have led to the Changping Palace today. .As the heir of the Changping Palace, it is natural for you to be a lady in the future as the future princess."

The emperor nodded in great agreement, "That's right! Fleeting Years, in this way, since you have fallen in love with that Miss Yun, I won't embarrass you, just give her the status of side concubine. According to her status, this name It doesn't count as humiliating her."

(End of this chapter)

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