Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 445: Marriage Rebellion!

Chapter 445: Marriage Rebellion! (3)
"Xiaoxia has married into the Changping Palace, and I'm afraid there will be more places to deal with the palace in the future. She has learned the rules and etiquette well, thanks to the teaching of her sister-in-law." Yun said to Cheng, I am really grateful!

Not to mention the generous dowry prepared by the Yunfu for her, on weekdays, the Cheng family also tried their best to protect Qianxia, ​​especially in etiquette, but he didn't take much care.If she didn't really like this girl, how could she be so interested in this child?
Cheng smiled gratifiedly, and patted her hand, "Speaking of which, I was really happy when your elder brother said that she was going to change her surname to Yun. I thought it was going to be adopted under our name. But who knew, unexpectedly It's just letting her take your surname, but she refuses to change her name and call me mother. You don't even know that I'm jealous of you in my heart!"

After being told by her, Yun immediately laughed again and said, "Sister-in-law, thank you very much."

"One family speaks two different languages. If your eldest brother hears it, I'm afraid he will reprimand you a few words. Although Xiaoxia didn't change her words, I still regard her as my own daughter. Who made me feel unlucky, There are only three sons?"

While the two were talking, the team seeing off the bride stood up, seeing the bright red sedan chair trembling slightly, Yun's heart felt indescribable.Some sour, but also some joy.I felt that I just had a feeling that I had grown up with a girl in my family, but I didn't expect that I got married so soon.Now she can finally understand what the old lady was thinking when she got married.

Mu Liunian had expected that someone would obstruct their marriage.Last night, I received news that three groups of people were trying to sabotage their wedding in various ways.

One of the ways is to have someone carry another sedan chair that is exactly the same as the one that Qian Xia was riding today, and then want to take advantage of the chaos to replace the sedan chair.

However, after seeing Mu Liunian's methods today, this method obviously has no use at all.

Originally, Mu Liunian never thought of making his wedding so serious, but there was no way, why would some people refuse to give up?
Last night, Mu Liunian ordered someone to send his plan for today to Qian Xia.And Qian Xia only replied with four words, 'It's all right'.

That is to say, today is their big wedding, as long as everything goes well, there is no need to pull some pigtails and start today.If the joy of a big wedding is stained with blood, it is somewhat unlucky.

Such a reply made Mu Liunian excited for a long time!

Qian Xia has never been taboo about doing things, and she never believes such auspicious and ominous theories.But she deliberately reminded him of today's big wedding, which shows that she also has great expectations for this wedding.

In this way, in order to completely avoid troubles on the road, Mu Liunian thought over and over again, and after discussing with his father, he directly ordered to mobilize the soldiers of Changping Palace.In this way, today's wonders of three steps and one post, five steps and one post have been achieved!
Even the emperor's big wedding, I'm afraid this precaution is nothing more than that.

For Mu Liunian, marrying Qianxia smoothly is his main goal. For the rest, whether it is exposing his strengths or making his weaknesses public, it doesn't matter!

The most important thing is that he believes that although Qian Xia has no martial arts, she is definitely not a real weak woman who can be slaughtered by others!

Qian Xia's intelligence and intelligence are probably inferior to most men, not to mention, she also has a proud body of secret arts!

Mu Liunian never thought that he must be a strong man if he has all the martial arts in his body.

Throughout the ages, there have been many literati emperors. Although they have no martial arts or combat achievements, they can manage the entire country very well!Therefore, it is a bit too naive to judge strength by force alone.

Although he has never seen how Qianxia hypnotizes sober people, he believes that her ability is definitely beyond people's imagination!

In fact, Mu Liunian always thought that Qian Xia had always been very secretive about how to protect herself.But her true ability seems to have not really been revealed.This point made Mu Liunian quite satisfied. At least, he was superficial and knew how to truly protect himself.

Only those who know how to hide their strengths can better understand how to protect themselves and those they care about.Obviously, Qianxia is such a person.

Although Mu Liunian was tortured by a huge poison before, it doesn't mean that he has no contact with the power of the Changping Palace.

On the contrary, how old was he when he founded Ye Fury?

Furthermore, in King Changping's mind, the only heir to the Mu family that he recognized from beginning to end was Mu Liunian.Since childhood, the education and various trainings he has received are different from others.This point can also be seen from Mu Liunian's skill.

The other two sons of Changping Palace also know martial arts, but compared with Mu Liunian, their skills are not a bit worse.

Because Mu Liunian ordered all-out vigilance, those who intended to disrupt the marriage did not dare to do so.

Seeing that the groom and the bride were about to arrive at the gate of the Changping Prince's Mansion, in the tea house not far away, a white figure was looking at everything below with a rage.

The flamboyant and festive bright red, in his eyes at this moment, was extremely dazzling.

The hand tightened more and more, the blue veins became clearer and clearer, and finally, with a crisp sound, the snow-white porcelain cup in his hand shattered!

Changfeng followed behind him, his pupils shrank, and an extremely ominous premonition slowly grew from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay! Very good! Mu Liunian, don't think that I have nothing to do with you just because we're married. Now that Qianxia is married to you, it doesn't mean that I won't get her in the future. Since I can make you die forever, then Can make you die a second time."

Changfeng's heart went straight to his throat.

Now the two are in a cooperative relationship, which cannot be broken no matter what!
This is also an important reason why the young master ordered the termination of the plan after seeing such tight guards today.

Once the young master orders the attack, according to the Changping Palace's ability, sooner or later the Sanqiu family will be found out. If this happens, the relationship between the two families will inevitably deteriorate, which means that the young master pushed the Changping Palace away with his own hands. out.

The military power of 50 troops is not a small amount!

But at this time, Qian Xia, who was sitting in the sedan chair, quietly lowered her eyelids, and a touch of disdain and contempt flashed across her brows.

Mu Liunian, who was on a high horse, cast his eyes lightly to his side. The smile in his eyes was full of demonstrations and provocations, and at such a moment, Sangqiu Zirui on the second floor obviously realized something .

(End of this chapter)

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