Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 448 The Empress Dowager Passes Away!

Chapter 448 The Empress Dowager Passes Away! (1)
As the hijab was lifted, Qian Xia's eyes brightened slightly.

Looking at the red candles flickering around the room, and subconsciously tilting his head to avoid someone's eyes, he saw the sky outside, and it was already night.

Although the wedding was held at dusk, Qian Xia was tormented by all kinds of things from the morning. She had to take a bath first, and then she was called to listen to her grandmother's admonition and so on.

After a whole day, she really didn't eat much.Seeing that she was really hungry, Sanqi secretly let her eat two small pieces of cakes and drink two sips of tea in Yunfu.Right now, I'm so hungry that my chest sticks to my back.

Although Mu Liunian was also tired, he really felt at ease when he saw Qian Xia's beautiful moon-like face appearing in front of him.After so many arrangements, although it seems to outsiders that nothing happened, only he knows how difficult this marriage is.

"Come on, I know you must be hungry too, so I'll put some snacks on the bed first, and I'll have someone bring warm milk to you in a while. You can drink some more. There is a clean room behind here, so you don't have to worry about conforming to the rules. This is Yixin Garden, and no one dares to break in without my order. Even my father, the king, cannot easily come in."

Qian Xia blinked, did she tell her that she is the biggest here?
Mu Liu smiled young, "That's what you thought of! Here, you are the biggest. No one can embarrass you and make you feel wronged. The concubine mother also said that our palace does not do such things as morning and evening. You just need to find time to talk to her every day."

Qian Xia was a little surprised by Wang Hao's good temper.No matter how good-tempered a mother-in-law is, she can't just come in with a new daughter-in-law, can she just express this attitude?She is not worried that her authority in the palace will be provoked?
"Anyway, we finally got married today. Qianqian, do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?"

Qian Xia blushed, stretched out her hand and pushed him, "You should go outside to toast."

Don't want to, his hand was held by him, and then leaned over, "Qianqian, you are so beautiful, I can't bear to leave. Or, I won't leave, right?"

As he spoke, he lifted her chin with one hand and sealed it directly.

A light and shallow kiss almost made Mu Liunian lose control.

Looking at Qian Xia who was blushing and snickering a little annoyed, Mu Liunian almost gritted his teeth and said to Aunt Qing who was waiting outside, "Got it, Aunt Qing is going to report first, just say I'll be there soon."

"Yes, son."

At the end of the sentence, seeing Qian Xia's smile seemed to be a little more joyful, and he couldn't help his eyes burning, "Don't be complacent, and see how I deal with you when I come back at night."

Qian Xia's face became a little more crimson, and Mu Liunian couldn't move his eyes away from looking at her, but the voice of Aunt Qing urging him to toast outside sounded again, Mu Liunian could only look at her a few more times reluctantly. Eyes, and then slowly moved to the outside room.

"Aunt Qing, as I said just now, there is no need for the Crown Princess to stick to those meaningless rules. After a while, watch her use up the milk. Then let someone serve her to change the phoenix crown on her head and the wedding dress. She has also been tired all day, if she is exhausted, wouldn't it be uneconomical for this son to marry this wife?"

When Sanqi and the others came in, they naturally heard his words.

Aunt Qing had a slight smile on her face, "Yes, this servant has made a note. Your son, go ahead and have a look. Don't wait a while for the prince to get drunk by them because of your delay, and the princess will have to say something later. You."

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows, looked back at the blushing Qian Xia, smiled, and blinked at her before striding out of Chu Yunxuan.

Not long after the talent left Chu Yunxuan, a guard came over and whispered something in his ear. It was the guard who had picked up the chief executive's edict outside the main gate.

"Hmph, it really is trying to ruin my marriage with Qian Xia, and even the good and bad omens of the Qin Tianjian have come out, it is simply all-inclusive."

"Your Majesty, after the chief executive was stopped by us, he found out that there was nothing he could do about it. He actually changed another imperial decree. Does this mean that the emperor has nothing to do with it?"

Mu Liuqing let out a sigh of relief and did not speak.

A figure quickly flew in front of Mu Liunian, his aura was cold and dignified, the previous guard immediately bowed and retreated when he saw him coming.

"My lord, news from the palace."

Mu Liunian reached out to take the note he handed over, but after a few glances, his face became gloomy and ugly.

"Have you found out who did it?" Mu Liunian's voice was somewhat sinister.

"Returning to the eldest son, there is no news yet. However, this subordinate thinks that today is the wedding between you and the imperial concubine. If this matter gets out, then you and the imperial concubine may not be able to have sex in a short period of time."

When the man mentioned the word intercourse, his face was still slightly embarrassed, and he subconsciously took a few glances at his master, for fear that the master would be unhappy and cut him off directly.

"Hmm. You are right. It is true that this matter cannot be reported now. First, go to someone to clarify the general situation of the matter, and then send someone to do everything possible to temporarily prevent the matter from leaking. Especially the emperor cannot And the queen knows."

"Yes, son."

"Besides, I'll go outside for a while now, and you'll let my substitute come out immediately. Go to the front yard to toast for me."

"Yes, my son." After Mu Hua finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong. Why did you let Mr. Jin come out when the master got married?Besides, if he was asked to help the eldest son stop the wine, I guess I might not be able to call that master too!

When he was about to speak out to express some trouble, the master had already disappeared.There was no other way, Mu Hua shook his head, and went to look for Mr. Jin with a bitter expression on his face.

In Chu Yunxuan, Qian Xia lowered her brows and eyes with some anxiety. I heard Cheng mentioned before that this Aunt Qing was mentioned by the big maid next to the princess. She has been with the princess for many years. He Shizi has always been loyal.

She also heard what Mu Liunian said to her just now.Although I am happy from the bottom of my heart, these words are still a bit inappropriate. If Aunt Qing thinks that she has just played a small temper in front of him, or has other ideas, wouldn't it be equal to giving herself an opportunity in Changping? In the palace, has he planted a trouble for himself?
"This is Miss Sanqi, right? I often hear the crown prince say that the crown prince has a maid who is capable of both literature and martial arts. When I saw her today, the lady is so handsome."

(End of this chapter)

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