Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 454 There is a purpose!

Chapter 454 There is a purpose! (3)
Mu Liunian knew that Qian Xia also had the hazy feelings of ordinary little girls, so he gave her a ring with his name engraved on it.But this doesn't mean that Qian Xia can commit her whole life to him from this.

Qian Xia is a person who has her own opinions and is very decisive in situations, and even, sometimes, she is cold and indifferent. He knew this a long time ago.That's why Mu Liunian worked so hard to pester her for five years!

Otherwise, how could he embrace the beauty?

But there is one thing, he is sure, just like what Sangqiu Zirui said when he woke up Qian Xia, now that he owns Qian Xia, it doesn't mean he can have her forever!

Therefore, for his own goals, he has to work hard to make himself stronger so that he can better protect her and the people they care about. At the same time, he also needs to make Qian Xia feel his love for her day by day I care about and feel that there are many things in this world other than conspiracy and calculation, which are very beautiful and splendid.In this way, they can be like the long stream of water in the mountain stream, which will never dry up until they die.

When the carriage stopped, Mu Liunian gently shook her hand, "Don't be afraid! Just do everything according to your heart. You can do whatever you want. Don't forget, you are my wife now. I can be fair and honest. protecting you, who can say anything?"

After Qian Xia was slightly stunned, she smiled back at him, and there was a touch of sweetness on the corners of her slightly raised lips. When Mu Liunian raised her eyebrows, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and just pecked lightly on her lips. Take a sip.

Qian Xia's original smile froze on her face like this, until she saw his smug smile, she gave him a shy look, "Deng Tuzi, why are you so Meng Lang!"

Mu Liunian didn't mind how she described herself at all, and said with a smile, "I only treat you, Meng Lang, let's go, don't make them wait any longer."

Because of Mu Liunian's status, even if he returned home, the Yun family would welcome him at the door.

Mu Liunian got out of the carriage first, and sure enough, he saw all the men from the Yun family standing outside the station.

After giving them a faint smile, he picked up the curtain with one hand, stretched it over with the other, and helped Qian Xia down with his own hands.

After Yun Cangli was stunned for a moment, he wanted to salute, but Mu Liunian stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"Since it's returning home, it's better to be a family courtesy." After speaking, he bowed to Yun Cangli, "I met uncle in the fleeting time."

Yun Cangli nodded in satisfaction, "Go ahead and sit down, your grandmother has been waiting for a long time."

Yun Changan raised his eyebrows with some complacency, and then whispered to Yun Ruogu, "This kid will also salute us later. Tell me, should we make things difficult for him?"

Yun Ruoqi glanced at him helplessly, "Brother, are you sure you're embarrassing him? Are you really not afraid that he will embarrass our sister again in the future?"

Yun Ruogu smiled lightly, and looked at the two people in front of him thoughtfully, "He won't!"

Yun Chang'an also laughed, "That's right! Ruogu knows Mu Liunian well. Why does he spoil his sister so much? He can't bear to embarrass our sister because he can't leave us every day."

Yun Ruoqi knew a little about Mu Liunian's love for Qian Xia, but he disagreed, "He spoiled my sister before, or now, but it doesn't mean that he will always spoil her in the future. Don't forget , They are the Changping Palace. Didn’t the emperor intentionally put people around him before they got married? He can refuse once or twice, but can he refuse the emperor forever? Wouldn’t that make the emperor even more worried?”

In a word, Yun Changan's complacent face slowly began to stiffen again, while Yun Ruogu didn't speak, just shook his head with a smile, and followed quickly.

Entering the main hall, Qian Xia and Mu Liunian naturally knelt down to greet Mrs. Yun first. Of course, Mrs. Yun also wanted to give them gifts. As for Mu Liunian, he was able to kneel down to her after entering the door. , Mrs. Yun is still very happy.After all, Mu Liunian's identity is here, even the prince, he can meet without kneeling, but now, he is doing such a big gift to her old woman, which shows that this young man values ​​his granddaughter.

After finishing the salute, he got up and handed over the things Mrs. Yun gave to San Qi to receive, and the two turned around, and saluted to Yun Cangli and Cheng Shi again.

After the two of them got up, Yun Cangli ordered that the Pu Tuan be withdrawn, indicating that the two of them did not need to salute, so Mu Liunian just made a salute, and Qian Xia just made an ordinary junior salute.

Mrs. Cheng handed things over to the two of them, while Yun Cangli looked at them with a serious face, "You are married now, that is to say, you are adults. Qian Xia, you must be more careful in your actions in the future, Chang Ping You know exactly where the palace is and how many people are staring outside, and you must not bring disaster to the Mu and Yun palaces just because of your own carelessness. Have you ever written it down?"

"Yes, Uncle. Xiaoxia will remember Uncle's teachings and never dare to be careless and reckless."

Only then did Yun Cangli nod, "You have always acted prudently, and I went down the mountain with your brother to practice medicine before, so I feel more at ease about you. You are good at everything else, you child, but you are too thoughtful! You know, You are only 16 years old, so you really shouldn't think too much. If you have anything to do, you have to discuss it with Fleeting Nian in the future, and don't make up your own mind."

"Yes, uncle."

Mu Liunian smiled and said, "Uncle, she is my daughter-in-law now, you can't always admonish her. She was already very careful at home, if you admonish her like this a few more times, I'm afraid Lian Chu Yunxuan dare not leave the door."

"Chu Yunxuan?" Cheng was taken aback, "The name is elegant, and why does it sound familiar?"

Yun Changan curled his lips, and said somewhat reluctantly, "Mother, Mu Shizi's character is called Yuanchu, and sister, isn't her surname Yun?"

Cheng's eyes lit up, he suddenly realized, and nodded with a smile, "Mu Shizi really has a heart."

"This is what it should be. It was originally for the place where we live together. Naturally, I want to fulfill my wish and make Qianqian happy."

Mrs. Cheng saw Yun's eyes from time to time, and said narrowly, "Okay, the master has said a lot today, shouldn't it be time for Qian Xia to salute her younger sister and brother-in-law?"

When Cheng said this, his eyes were on Qian Xia.

Since Qian Xia returned to the capital, her attitude towards Lin Shaokang has been lukewarm. Even before she got married, the Lin family had prepared an extremely generous dowry for her, but in Qian Xia's view, it was nothing more than just Glancing over it, he didn't say anything.

Cheng was actually a little worried. After all, this was her stepfather. If he behaved too badly, he might cause people to gossip again.

(End of this chapter)

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