Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 469 True Identity!

Chapter 469 True Identity! (1)
"Concubine Xu will give birth prematurely today. All of this is due to an agreement with the queen in advance. As you said, if someone like Concubine Xu lives, she will only bring us trouble. No matter whether she really betrayed us, Whether she was coerced and betrayed us, she can no longer live. Most importantly, she dared to plot against you repeatedly, which is beyond my bottom line."

"What happened to Concubine Xu, was the Empress doing it?"

Mu Liunian nodded, "After all, I'm from the Xu family in Huaiyang, do you think I'll do it myself?"

Qian Xia knew that he had always been meticulous and thoughtful in his work, and it was only today that he understood this and thoroughly deepened his impression.

"The empress will not allow concubine Xu to live any longer. She cannot allow any unstable factors to exist. What's more, concubine Xu's heart is already clearly biased towards the emperor. If she wins the favor of an heir in the future, it will be even more so. Not good."

After listening to Qian Xia, she was not in a hurry to do anything else, and let him gently help her remove her hair. After a while, she said thoughtfully, "I prepared that dress in the attic in advance. Well, it is exactly the same as the one in the dormitory before. It was cut from the same material and made by an embroiderer. How could it be different? But, I did not expect that the dowry beside me was actually It was so easy to be bought by Concubine Mei."

"This concubine Mei really lived too comfortably. If it wasn't because of your repeated warnings that she couldn't kill her for the time being, I really wanted to kill her with one blow."

Qian Xia bent her lips and said with a smile, "Why are you so anxious? If you say you hate her, I'm afraid the princess hates her more than you! But after all these years, hasn't the princess endured it?"

When the two of them finished bathing and were about to go to bed, Suzaku sent another secret letter.

After Mu Liunian finished reading it, he handed it over to Qian Xia, "You should take a look too."

After Qian Xia looked at it, her eyes darkened slightly, "Sure enough, a prince was born! Unexpectedly, Concubine Xu didn't even have time to look at him. Tell me, did the concubine get any news?"

Mu Liunian shook his head, "This is the eyeliner I put in the palace, and it came out quickly, and the official news may not be sent to the palace until tomorrow morning. At this time, the palace has already fallen. key."

Qian Xia watched Mu Liunian burn the letter paper to ashes, and felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, feeling depressed and panicked.

I don't know if it's for He Ning, for Concubine Xu who just died, or for concubine Mei who joined hands with the emperor to plot against her.

In fact, each of them seems to have their own difficulties and special missions. They seem to live a beautiful and prosperous life, but their lives are more miserable than ordinary people.Such a woman is really pitiful!
However, Qianxia will never forget that there is a saying that a poor person must have something to hate.

"Look, this drama has just begun. It is estimated that tomorrow, the news of the Yunzhou riots will reach the heavens. I want to see what the Mei family can come up with this time. The way to help the eldest prince get rid of the crime."

That night, the palace was lively, but Changping Palace was not peaceful.

After King Changping came out of the study, he walked slowly to the courtyard where Concubine Mei lived, stood outside the door for a long time, and finally entered with a frown.

When I got outside the door, I saw a figure who was doing needlework, reflected on the window pane.

The figure's hair is loose, and the eyebrows cannot be seen clearly, but it can give people a sense of elegance, and the thin figure makes people unconsciously feel pity.

But now, King Changping's brows were getting tighter and tighter, and he walked in slowly after rubbing his fingertips back and forth with the queens behind him.

The door of the room was open, it seemed that he was expected to come, but it was so late, and the door was not closed and the key was not released.

"Are you here?" Concubine Mei smiled very gently, with a pair of watery eyes, she did not look like a woman in her thirties, "Why are you standing at the door? Come in quickly."

For a moment, King Changping seemed to have returned to that young and vigorous age, as if he had returned to his teenage years, and the woman opposite was just a petite girl.

King Changping seemed to see the girl running back and forth on the green grass and releasing paper kites again, dressed in pink, which made people's hearts flutter.

"Why don't you sit down?" Concubine Mei looked at him with frowned eyes, but she was extremely happy. She looked at him with a smile, got up and took two steps forward, but the person opposite actually took a quick step back.

Such a simple action made the smile on Concubine Mei's face instantly stiff, and then it shattered inch by inch, turning into a bewitching face full of coldness and cruelty.

"What? Now you won't even let me take a step closer to you?"

King Changping didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did, but frowned and said, "You shouldn't have shot Qian Xia. She is Fleeting's wife and my daughter-in-law."

"Is it your daughter-in-law? Hehe, my lord, what you want to say is that she is the daughter-in-law of the princess, right? You just protect her like this? What did I do? But I accidentally wet her sleeves That's all, why did you come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime?"

King Changping glanced at her coldly, "Didn't you already know? Otherwise, it's so late and your door is open, who are you waiting for?"

Concubine Mei was taken aback, her eyes flickered a few times, she bit her lips, "How long has it been since you set foot in my yard? If I didn't do this, would you come? What am I in your heart? The concubine bullied me, the prince bullied me, and now even you bully me? Have you forgotten what you promised your sister?"

Hearing her mention the word "sister", King Changping's eyes seemed to flicker, as if a crystal suddenly glowed with brilliance under the sunlight.

"Don't do it again. Concubine Mei is dead. You should know better than me what kind of temperament the emperor is. His speed of liking the new and loathing the old will never be worse than any man. If it is not because of your sister, you think, Would he have loved Concubine Mei for so many years?"

Concubine Mei shook her body, and her face was a little ugly, "Why? Why are you doing this to me?"

King Changping's eyes were fixed on her feet, it seemed that the bricks and stones on the ground were prettier than her face.

"You should be thankful that you are her younger sister, otherwise, do you think you can still live to this day? Just because you have attacked my son over and over again, I can kill you! Murder the prince of the mansion, Even if you have ten more lives, it’s not enough to pay for it.”

Concubine Mei slightly raised her eyelids when she heard the words, and after a while, as if she heard some extremely funny joke, she started to chuckle continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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