Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 490 Master of Layout?

Chapter 490 Master of Layout? (3)
Sangqiu Zirui neither denied nor admitted this.In the face of everyone's explicit hints, they just laughed it off.And his attitude naturally made his clansmen admire him extraordinarily.

Sangqiu Zirui was alone in his yard, meditating cross-legged, and not far from him was a peach tree with luxuriant branches and leaves.

That's right, it is a peach tree, still a peach tree that does not bloom, but only grows leaves.

Changfeng saw his master like this, so naturally he wouldn't go forward to make noise, but he just saw that somewhat obtrusive peach tree, he really couldn't understand why his master had to travel thousands of miles, expending so much manpower and material resources, to get it Moved to the capital?
Even if this is the capital, it doesn't mean that the water and soil in the capital must be good, right?It doesn't mean that everything in the capital can be raised, okay?
But who can guess what the master is thinking?
He said to move this peach tree to the capital, who would dare to say no more?

Now the master deliberately chooses to meditate here, just to guard his peach tree that doesn't bloom?

The breeze was blowing, and it took a while for Sangqiu Zirui to open his eyes. He glanced at the peach tree lightly, "Changfeng, go check it out."

"Yes, master."

Without too much explanation, Changfeng naturally knew what the master wanted him to investigate.

The eldest prince's matter clearly has nothing to do with his son, so who exactly revealed his hand?Now almost everyone thinks it is the young master's trick, so it is hard to guarantee that the emperor will not think so.

Fortunately, the master had the foresight to send the beauty to the emperor early. If there was no pillow breeze from the beauty, the son would have become a thorn in the emperor's eyes by now.

However, what Changfeng was more curious about was why the young master didn't explain clearly to them?Why didn't you directly deny this statement?Could it be that the young master has already guessed who is planning all this behind the scenes?
Sangqiu Zirui looked at the emerald green leaves, dancing with the wind, and there were occasional rustling sounds. At this moment, he really wanted to know what he had to do to make Qianxia forgive him.

Looking down, he caught a glimpse of his snow-like long hair, and there was a self-deprecating smile on the corner of his lips, so what if the scenery is beautiful?So what if the world is unparalleled?In the end, what I want is just that kind of heart, but God just refuses to let him get what he wants.

I just want to see her smile sweetly in front of me, is it really that difficult?
Regarding the death of the eldest prince, why did the body appear on the Zhuangzi of the Mei family?Also, why are there traces of the eldest prince living there for many days?

Looking at the furnishings there and the clothes worn by the First Prince, it was obvious that there must have been people who were very familiar with the First Prince's hobbies and served there.

But why waited until the eldest prince died for many days, but never saw him?

All of the above seem to have become insoluble mysteries.

What Mei Xiang was originally worried about, that someone would use this to attack the Mei family, seems to have never happened.

In this way, the fear in Mei Xiang's heart became even worse.

If they took action, then they might still have a chance to fight back. At least they could use the emperor's suspicion to clear their charges and protect the Mei family.

But now the other party has not moved for a long time, just doing it like this, it seems that they don't know these doubts at all.But Dali Temple Minister quickly handed in all kinds of doubtful points and investigation evidence. He is the emperor's man, so what he said is naturally fair.

At least in the eyes of the emperor and the courtiers, it was just.

Based on the emperor's subtle emotional changes over the past few days, Mei Xiang quickly noticed something was wrong.

At the same time, he finally knew why the other party hadn't taken any action.

They were just waiting, waiting for the emperor to connect these doubts together, and for the emperor to think that he had figured out some of the doubts, thus making him more sure that his judgment would not be wrong.

People are always like this, and there is a common problem of self-righteousness.

What other people say, they will always only believe half of it, but the suspicious emperor probably won't believe even half of it.

But if the emperor thought of it himself, as long as he believed it, then this matter must be true.Whether there is evidence or not, no matter how many people would believe such a result.

By the time Mei Xiang figured this out, it was already too late.

In other words, Mei Xiang himself was too self-righteous.

He thought that the second prince's people would not let go of this excellent opportunity. In this way, it would be much smoother for him to take the position.But apparently he forgot that beside the second prince, there was another Sangqiu Zirui.

With him around, how could he allow the person he wants to protect to make such a low-level mistake?

Everything was investigated by the emperor's people, and the second prince's people never intervened.Moreover, the second prince has always been very sad. During the days and nights of vigil, he never took a step away.

In the entire funeral of the eldest prince, without him, all the ministers and princes would almost have lost their backbone.

Because the emperor is too sad, and at this time, naturally no one is willing to always trouble the emperor with some small things about the funeral. Once the emperor is unhappy, he will face the danger of being beheaded.

Mei Xiang knelt in front of the imperial study for a day and a night, but to no avail.

In the next few days, he failed to see the emperor once.Of course, at that time, he was not as flustered as he is now.Because not only did the emperor not meet him, he also refused to meet almost all the ministers.I only saw Dali Siqing.

Things seem to be heading for the worst.

After the eldest prince was buried, the emperor lost a lot of weight.

It is impossible for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person without feeling uncomfortable.

Finally, the Eldest Prince had something to do, and the court resumed the early court.

The next day, the emperor suddenly issued a secret decree. That day, the guards who had been besieging the Mei family's manor house without moving at all suddenly took action.

Dali Temple personally sits in the town to monitor, and the rest of the people are not allowed to approach.

The emperor's decree almost slapped Mei Yuanyao into hell.

Although he didn't have other thoughts, but in the Mei family's property, there were naturally some necessary things to serve the First Prince.For example, some gold and silver, such as some necessary weapons, such as some unscrupulous filial piety to help the First Prince manage the subordinates.

If these things were kept in normal times, at most the emperor would reprimand them a few words and would not take them to heart.After all, the emperor has always understood the truth that when the water is clear, there will be no fish. Moreover, he himself has passed from the position of the prince to the prince, and directly became the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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