Fenghua husband and splendid wife

Chapter 496 Mei's plan!

Chapter 496 Mei's plan! (5)
"What?" Mu Liunian's face was still calm, but there was a movement in his hands, and he gently hugged her whole body, letting her sit comfortably in his arms.

Qian Xia moved her body slightly, feeling that the posture was almost ready, she said, "Her original intention is to take the initiative to ask the emperor for sin."


Mu Liunian suddenly thought of the letter they sent someone to intercept. The content of the letter was very simple, only four words, 'recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors'.

Mu Liunian and Qian Xia knew Mu Huanqing's identity, so they naturally understood the meaning of these four words, but they obviously didn't think that the emperor would recognize Mu Huanqing back at this time.

After all, he occupied the minister's wife and even gave birth to the prince.It is impossible for the current emperor to be willing to bear such a scandal.

"The emperor will not be willing to bear any scandals. This is the attitude and temperament of the emperor, so we believe that he will not agree. But in the early Yuan Dynasty, we ignored one person."

Mu Liunian raised his eyebrows, "You mean concubine Mei?"

"That's right! It's her. She can do anything for her son. Rather than underestimating her, it's better to say that she underestimated a mother. Now she herself has been demoted as a concubine, and the second son has become the entire capital city." These are not what she wants to see. She thinks her son is of noble birth, the prince envied by everyone, but now he has become the laughing stock of people. Tell me, how can she be reconciled?"

At the same time, Mei Yuanyao was already fully dressed, and using some means, he finally left the Mei residence.Holding a thick confession note in his hand, he went to the palace again to ask His Majesty to see him, but the result was that the Emperor was still unwilling to see him.

Mei Yuanyao knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times in front of the hall, and then took out another token, which was the token given to him by concubine Mei, and gave the chief manager some benefits, and finally presented the token in.

Mei Yuanyao was naturally uneasy after waiting for such a short time.

The amount of information he got today is really too big and impactful.

One of his younger sisters was once a noble concubine and gave birth to the eldest son of the emperor. Because of this, their Mei family has been proud of Liangcheng for nearly 20 years.Now that the imperial concubine is dead, and the eldest prince is also dead, the whole Mei family is in turmoil.

But he didn't expect that at this critical moment, his other sister, who was almost abandoned by him, told him that her son was also the prince, and he was secretly approved by the emperor.

In this way, Mei Yuanyao regained his composure.

No wonder the emperor has always supported Mu Huanqing's succession to the throne. It turns out that he is the emperor's seed.

In the future, if he seized the title, wouldn't it mean that the Changping Palace has already fallen into the hands of the emperor?Moreover, can he make his shady son a prince?
Only now did Mei Yuanyao feel that his cleverness and scheming, compared with the emperor, were not enough to look down upon.You know, when my sister married into Changping Palace, the emperor was just a prince.

Compared with the emperor's foresight, Mei Yuanyao is really ashamed of himself.

After speculating about the emperor's intentions, Mei Yuanyao finally realized that as long as the emperor can recognize Mu Huanqing, then there is still hope for the Mei family.

Although there is a possibility of being demoted or dismissed from office, at least the emperor will not wipe out the Mei family at this time.The emperor is strong and strong at the moment, how could he be willing to watch the second prince dominate alone?
How many days has Sanqiu's family returned to the capital?Could it be that Liangcheng is going to change the sky?
It has to be said that this time, Mei Yuanyao really grasped the emperor's mind accurately.That's why he used a lot of connections to let him enter the palace to meet him.

In the imperial study room, there was only the chief steward serving him. The emperor looked much older. I don't know if it was because of the loss of his beloved son, or because he was disappointed in this beloved son.

"The guilty minister pays respects to the emperor." Mei Yuanyao has been an official for many years and is also a close minister of the emperor. He has a good understanding of the emperor's temper. At this moment, when he opened his mouth, his voice became a little hoarse and choked up. In addition, although he was neatly dressed, his gray hair still made people look at him, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, the emperor moved his eyelids, seeing Mei Yuanyao's appearance, his mind softened a little, and he didn't speak.But the look in his eyes is no longer as cold as before.

"Tell me, you insist on asking to see me, what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, the Eldest Prince has passed away. The guilty minister is very sad. Now seeing those people with ulterior motives who are still so entangled and framed, the guilty minister is really powerless to explain. It is also because the guilty minister failed to protect the eldest son." The prince, let those thieves take advantage of the loophole. Your majesty, the guilty minister really deserves to die."

After saying this sentence, Mei Yuanyao began to cry.

The chief steward at the side looked on, and was a little moved, and thinking of the eldest prince's untimely death, he couldn't help but wipe away his tears.

The corners of the emperor's eyes also began to turn sour. He still has deep affection for this eldest son.

After all, it was cultivated by him for many years. Although he has no intention of letting him inherit the throne, he is the son who has been with him for the longest time. Now that he is gone, he will be gone. How could he not be sad?

"Okay, let's get up and talk first. I haven't seen you for a few days, but you are so old."

As soon as Mei Yuanyao heard this, he knew that the emperor's heart softened a little.

"Okay, let's talk about it, you are so persistent in wanting to see me, what's the matter?"

Mei Yuanyao hesitated for a moment, and cast a sidelong glance at the Chief Manager, which meant that it was obvious that he was worried that the secret would be leaked.

The emperor waved his hand, "It's okay. If there is something important, just talk about it."

Only then did Mei Yuanyao say yes respectfully, and then took out the things, presented them to the chief executive, and then handed them over to the emperor.

The emperor frowned slightly, and when he opened it, it turned out to be a blood book. After reading it carefully, tears welled up in his eyes.

"The concubine knows that she was born in a humble background and has no face to accompany the king. However, the concubine and her son are in great distress now. I only hope that the emperor will save me. I am deeply saddened by the news of the eldest prince's death. I only hope that the emperor will mourn and put the state affairs first. The concubine knows that she is in the palace and has been exposed and can no longer serve the king. It is really a concubine's blessing, and I am attaching a blood letter today, hoping that the king will make it happen."

This is the top brocade silk.

And then, there was the second one, which was also Mei Yuanyao's most concerned brocade.

"I know my crimes are serious, and I dare not ask the emperor to forgive me, but because I see the emperor grieving day and night, everyone in the Mei family is shocked. My sister can always be with the king, so she took him away shortly after he was born, and secretly exchanged it with the son of the minister's wife. Because the two children are the same age, and they are infants, how can we tell them apart? Besides, my sister At that time, the body was weak, so she couldn't be with the youngest son often, so the minister's wife bribed several palace servants, so that the emperor's heir was exchanged out of the palace and raised under her knees."

(End of this chapter)

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